Many diseases are caused by blockage of the triple energizer system! Teach you 1 move to clear the triple energizer, stay away from nodules, phlegm dampness, insomnia, and fever

Many diseases are caused by the obstruction of the triple energizer system! Hello everyone, I am Dr. Jia

Many diseases are caused by the obstruction of the triple energizer system! Hello everyone, I am Dr. Jia.

Why is it said that many diseases are actually caused by the obstruction of the triple energizer? Our Sanjiao is a large organ located between the five organs and six organs, just like the skeleton of a house. The connections between each layer rely on the Sanjiao pathway, so if the Sanjiao pathway is blocked, the function of our organs will be affected.

For example, if the upper focus is blocking our heart and lungs, the most common manifestation is excessive heat, such as sore throat, oral ulcers, headaches, irritability, insomnia, and so on. These are all manifestations of excessive heat in the heart; The middle energizer inhabits our spleen and stomach, which are the source of qi and blood biochemistry. Therefore, if the middle energizer is obstructed, people are prone to deficiency of both qi and blood, lack of energy, fatigue, and a poor appetite. They often feel nauseous and vomit when they move, and digestive tract diseases are often related to this; Finally, there is the lower energizer, which mainly refers to our kidneys and bladder. The kidneys regulate yin and yang, and can also vaporize water. Therefore, if the lower energizer is obstructed, the water will not be able to vaporize properly, which can breed phlegm and dampness in the body and inhibit the rise of yang qi, leading to yang deficiency. Urine will also grow as clear as water, and there will be more waking up at night.

In addition, due to the blockage of the triple energizer system, various toxins produced by the body's metabolism cannot be eliminated. Over time, they can accumulate in the body, forming nodules, masses, cysts, and so on.

How can we keep the triple focus unobstructed? The key lies in these three steps: clearing stagnation heat, eliminating accumulation, and regulating qi circulation.

First of all, to clear the heat caused by stagnation, there is a traditional Chinese medicine that can relieve the fire of the Three Jiao system. It is gardenia. Gardenia jasminoides can induce heat to descend and be excreted from the urine, and its biggest difference from ordinary laxatives is that it does not cause qi stagnation due to excessive bitterness and cold.

The second step is to eliminate the accumulation inside the body. This accumulation includes various lumps and nodules formed by phlegm dampness and blood stasis, which requires the use of dandelions. In addition to helping gardenia dissipate heat and stagnation, dandelion also has the effect of breaking through accumulated stagnation, so it can be used to dissipate swelling and nodules, dissolve turbidity and carbuncle.

The last step is to sort out the gas machine. Qi has a driving effect, and to maintain the smoothness of the triple focus, the most fundamental thing is to keep the Qi machine smooth, which requires the use of bergamot. Buddha's hand can soothe the liver and regulate qi, unblock the stagnant qi in the body, and it will not damage the vital energy. In addition, it also has the function of drying dampness and resolving phlegm, which can clear the pathogenic factors of phlegm and dampness in the organs.

When these three herbs are combined, they can not only clear depression and fire, but also eliminate accumulation, and keep the qi flow unobstructed. However, due to the fact that these three herbs are relatively cold, they are not suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold.

It is recommended that everyone refer to and use it under the guidance of a professional doctor, and do not use it indiscriminately. See you next time!

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