This time it's true! The scientific basis for 'putting goji berries in a thermos cup' is here!

Many netizens have heard this saying: "When people reach middle age, they must soak goji berries in a thermos.With the improvement of people's concept of health and wellness, both young and elderly people like to soak some goji berry water for health and wellness

Many netizens have heard this saying: "When people reach middle age, they must soak goji berries in a thermos.

With the improvement of people's concept of health and wellness, both young and elderly people like to soak some goji berry water for health and wellness.


Drinking goji berry water

Can you strengthen your muscles and bones?

Drinking goji berry water

Answer: Yes. Lycium barbarum is a traditional Chinese medicine in China, which has been listed as a "top grade" since ancient times and has been approved by the Ministry of Health as a "dual use food", that is, "medicine and food are of the same origin". According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, goji berries "strengthen muscles and bones after prolonged consumption, and remain light and not old".


What are the benefits of goji berries to the human body?

01 Nourishing the Liver and Brightening the Eyes

Red goji berries have the good name of "Mingyanzi", and the "Compendium of Materia Medica" states that they "are not effective in treating the eyes, but can strengthen the mind and nourish the body. Therefore, red goji berries are commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat symptoms such as unclear vision and blurred vision caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency.

02 Generating Essence and Supplementing Marrow

Red goji berries can also be used to alleviate symptoms such as waist and knee soreness, dizziness, and forgetfulness caused by insufficient kidney yin in men.


Soak goji berries like this

Double the health benefits


Goji berries+red dates

Method: Take an appropriate amount of red dates and goji berries, put cold water in the pot, boil, turn to low heat for 5 minutes, add rock sugar, and drink.

Effect: Make the complexion rosy, replenish qi and blood, and beautify and nourish the complexion. This tea is suitable for people with insomnia, frequent urination, physical weakness, and frequent staying up late.


Goji berries+Ophiopogon japonicus

Method: Rinse Ophiopogon japonicus, goji berries, and longan with clean water, put them into a thermos, and rinse with freshly boiled water.

Efficacy: It can nourish yin and blood, improve essence and eyesight, and is suitable for people who are often thirsty or have diabetes.


Goji berries+chrysanthemums

Method: Place goji berries and white chrysanthemums simultaneously in a large covered cup, brew with boiling water, cover and simmer for 15 minutes before starting to drink.

Effect: Chrysanthemum clears the liver and brightens the eyes. This tea is particularly suitable for those who have been using computers for a long time and has the function of brightening the eyes.


Goji berries+vitamin C tablets

The most convenient and simple way to eat goji berries is to soak them in water and drink them. Soaking goji berries in hot water not only allows them to boil in a short period of time, but also has a certain bactericidal effect. However, the disadvantage is that it can easily discolor goji berries. The simplest method is to put a tablet of vitamin C in water, which can regulate acidity and prevent oxidation.


Three Secrets of Goji berries

You must know

People with yin deficiency are prone to getting angry when eating goji berries

People with yin deficiency constitution should pay attention to the dosage of goji berries, as goji berries are sweet and mild in nature, and excessive dosage can cause excessive heat. Especially when eating raw, the dosage should be reduced.

2. There are many problems with excessive consumption

Lycium barbarum contains ingredients such as betaine, amino acids, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. It is beneficial for human health, but the dosage should be noted. The daily consumption of goji berries is generally not more than 12 grams. Lycium barbarum can be eaten by making tea, boiling soup, cooking Congee, steaming eggs, and dry chewing. Note that the amount of dry chewing should not be too large, and it should be about 6g. Excessive consumption of goji berries can lead to fever, nosebleeds, and even discomfort in the eyes.

3. Eating goji berries has taboos

Due to the strong warming effect of goji berries on the body, it is best not to eat them for those who are suffering from colds, fever, inflammation, diarrhea, or irritability.

(People's Daily Science Popularization)

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