Post holiday sleep disorders and mental anxiety? Teach you 5 ways to relieve discomfort

The National Day holiday has passed, and post holiday syndrome has become a concern for everyone.Wang Xiangsheng, the chief physician of Jining Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Shandong Province, introduced that during long holidays, many people may stay up late, overeat, and other situations, resulting in disrupted sleep and dietary patterns, leading to some gastrointestinal symptoms, sleep disorders, mental anxiety and other post-holiday syndrome symptoms

The National Day holiday has passed, and post holiday syndrome has become a concern for everyone.

Wang Xiangsheng, the chief physician of Jining Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Shandong Province, introduced that during long holidays, many people may stay up late, overeat, and other situations, resulting in disrupted sleep and dietary patterns, leading to some gastrointestinal symptoms, sleep disorders, mental anxiety and other post-holiday syndrome symptoms.

How should we make scientific adjustments?

During the National Day holiday, the previously regular biological clock may be severely disrupted, causing excessive fatigue or relaxation.

After returning to work, coupled with the accumulation of work during holidays, many people sit at their desks unable to lift their spirits, feeling dizzy and agitated.

The best solution to this problem is to adjust your schedule, go to bed and wake up early, and quickly restore your previous routine to ensure sufficient sleep time.

If it is difficult to fall asleep at night, taking a hot bath or soaking your feet in hot water can help you sleep; Drinking a cup of hot milk before going to bed and listening to a soothing piece of music can calm the mind and help you fall asleep; Take a walk after dinner and gently press your head before going to bed to relieve discomfort.

Taking a hot bath before going to work can eliminate metabolic waste on the body surface, dilate capillaries, and effectively eliminate fatigue.

During holidays, it is inevitable to gather with friends and eat too much fat and protein, which can cause gastrointestinal discomfort such as constipation or diarrhea when the stomach cannot withstand the "heavy pressure".

In response to this issue, we should pay attention to adjusting our dietary structure, regularly eating, drinking more tea, eating more fruits, eating more fresh green leafy vegetables and other "fire clearing" foods. We can also eat some food that can reduce accumulation, such as hawthorn slices, to accelerate gastrointestinal metabolism and reduce the burden of fat, sweetness, and thickness on the gastrointestinal tract.

In terms of regulating the intestines and stomach, one can try rubbing the abdomen for health care, that is, taking a supine position, flexing both knees, folding the palms on the upper abdomen and applying certain pressure, and doing a circular massage with the navel as the center. The movements should be slow and even, and it is advisable to have a warm and comfortable feeling inside the abdomen.

What should I do if I can't lift my spirits and have no appetite after the holiday?

For sedentary office workers, moderate exercise not only helps alleviate fatigue and tension, but also provides more new energy.

Therefore, it is advisable to do favorite sports such as jogging, swimming, dancing, play badminton, etc. after work when conditions permit, so as to make people happy, enhance immunity, restore physical strength, promote metabolism, etc., but pay attention to rest after exercise, and exercise time should not be too close to sleep.

In addition to paying attention to physical adjustments such as sleep, diet, and exercise, psychological adjustment is also important.

It is not advisable to schedule work with excessive intensity in a short period of time after the holiday. Instead, one should gradually complete the necessary work and not put too much pressure on oneself.

At the same time, you can make some psychological suggestions and tell yourself that the vacation has ended. Meditate on your future work arrangements and adjust your mindset to a normal working state.

During the day, you can drink some tea and coffee to refresh yourself, and you can also take slow and deep breaths during work breaks to express your past and absorb new ideas, soothing your body and mind.

During the long holiday, many people experience gastrointestinal symptoms and physical exhaustion such as lower back and leg pain, fatigue, etc. due to poor diet, sleep disorders, or travel fatigue.

You can use the following three Tonic Diet to help the gastrointestinal function recover.

Chicken Congee with golden and white radish:10 grams of chicken inner gold, 50 grams of white radish, and 100 grams of japonica rice.

Method: Stir fry the chicken inner gold over low heat until golden brown, grind into fine powder and set aside. Then put the rice into the pot and cook Congee. When the rice is rotten, add the chicken inner gold powder and cook for another 10 minutes. The golden essence of chicken has a smooth and sweet taste, which can eliminate accumulated stagnation and strengthen the spleen and stomach; White radish can dissipate accumulation and transform food, and both are effective in treating dietary stagnation.

Image and text: China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Author: Wang Bihui, Jining Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Shandong Province)

Transcription editor: Lin Xinyi

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