My prescription is not confidential, Helicobacter pylori. Can one help - metabolism-boosting dietary supplements

Hello everyone, I am Wang Jianping, Director of Shanghai Public Third Class Hospital. I have been working in clinical practice for over 30 years and have seen too many patients who are troubled by Helicobacter pylori positivity

Hello everyone, I am Wang Jianping, Director of Shanghai Public Third Class Hospital. I have been working in clinical practice for over 30 years and have seen too many patients who are troubled by Helicobacter pylori positivity. Most of them have gastrointestinal diseases, even peptic ulcers, gastric erosion, and other problems. Today, I will tell you how traditional Chinese medicine treats Helicobacter pylori. Let me first make it clear to everyone that Helicobacter pylori is not incurable!

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Most people infected with Helicobacter pylori do not feel anything, and at most they have uncomfortable feelings such as nausea and vomiting. Therefore, many patients are carriers of bacteria without their knowledge.

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When the evil gathers, its qi will be deficient. When the evil gathers, its qi will be deficient. Patients infected with Helicobacter pylori not only suffer from external evil invasion, but also lack their own healthy qi. Especially friends with weak spleen and stomach, evil qi will invade the human body!

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Helicobacter pylori exists in the stomach for a long time, and there is always evil energy in the stomach, which can lead to spleen and stomach dysfunction, forming phlegm dampness, qi stagnation, and blood stasis, thereby leading to spleen and stomach dysfunction. It will form a mixture of deficiency and reality. Among them, the spleen stomach dampness heat syndrome is caused by Helicobacter pylori. Common symptoms of bacteria.

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The fundamental principle for treating spleen and stomach disorders caused by Helicobacter pylori is to clear heat, promote dampness, and soothe the liver and strengthen the spleen.

Common basic methods:Dangshen, Baizhu, Yinchen, Zhishi, Houpu, Huanglian, Yanhusuo, Dandelion, White Flower Snake Tongcao, Chicken Inner Gold, Cuttlebone, Neem, Licorice

There are about 30 types of traditional Chinese medicine that can treat Helicobacter pylori, such as Huanglian, Dahuang, Yuanhu, Houpu, Wumei, etc., but these drugs need to be combined reasonably based on syndrome differentiation. Improve the foundation of gastritis and gastric ulcer, as well as eliminate Helicobacter pylori.

During the treatment process, the main focus is on soothing the liver and relieving depression. Because peptic ulcer caused by gastric mucosa is actually a typical physical and mental illness, the common symptoms in my clinical practice are liver qi stagnation and stomach irritation. At this time, I often use Houpu to soothe the liver and regulate qi.

Promoting blood circulation, resolving blood stasis, and promoting new growth are also key. By regulating in this way, it can promote the repair and regeneration of ulcer damaged tissues. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that if long-term blood stasis enters the meridians and tendons, it is difficult to regenerate new blood and tendons without removing the decaying blood stasis. Therefore, in my clinical practice, I generally use Danshen to improve microcirculation, promote ulcer healing, and better protect the gastric mucosa.

#Helicobacter pylori#

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