The 127-year-old birthday star in Hunan passed away, and no one of its 13 children survived the age of 18. The "way of longevity" has sparked heated discussions

prefaceA hundred years of life is an unattainable dream for most people.But for Tian Longyu, this is just a part of her long life


A hundred years of life is an unattainable dream for most people.

But for Tian Longyu, this is just a part of her long life. She was born in 1893,It has gone through historical events such as the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the Anti Japanese War, the Liberation War, and the social transformation after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Until her death in September 2020 at the age of 127, she was hailed as the "No.1 Longevity Star in Hunan" and one of the top ten longevity stars in China.

However, Tian Longyu's life was not happy. She had a total of 13 children, but none of them had grown up. The eldest child only lived to the age of 18.

Her husband passed away in 1973,Afterwards, she lived with her adopted daughter and went through countless hardships and hardships throughout her life, but she always maintained an optimistic and strong spirit.

Children die young one after another

Tian Longyu, an elderly person of the Tujia ethnic group, was born in the Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan Province.

Her parents are farmers, and their biggest concern every day is whether they can have enough to eat. When she first started remembering, she helped her parents at home without going to school or being illiterate.

In 1911, Tian Longyu married a young man from the same village at the age of 18.

They loved each other and worked together, giving birth to 13 children. However, due to poor medical conditions, numerous illnesses, malnutrition, and other reasons at that time, none of these children lived beyond the age of 18.

Some children die prematurely at birth, some die while growing teeth, and some die while growing their bodies.

Tian Longyu loses one child at a time,She was heartbroken, but she did not give up hope of childbirth, hoping to have a child who could grow up healthy.

However, the heavens did not seem to have mercy on Tian Longyu, who had her last child born in 1958 and unfortunately passed away prematurely.

At that time, Tian Longyu was already 65 years old, and she never became pregnant again.

Tian Longyu lost all his biological children,She adopted a daughter, Zhang Guiying, who was the niece of Tian Longyu, but was helpless due to her parents' early death.

Tian Longyu, an elderly person, cherishes and educates Zhang Guiying as if she were her own daughter. Zhang Guiying is also filial and respectful of Tian Longyu, treating her as if she were her biological mother.

Destiny in turbulent times

The life of Tian Longyu coincides with the turbulent period of modern Chinese history.

She witnessed the decline of the Qing Dynasty, the establishment of the Republic of China, Japan's invasion, the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the birth of New China, the construction of socialism, the process of reform and opening up, and so on.She has also experienced countless wars, disasters, famines, migrations, and so on.

Tian Longyu said that her most unforgettable experience was during the Anti Japanese War, when the Japanese army often came to their villages to rob and kill.

She and her husband hid in the mountains with their children, eating wild vegetables, tree bark, and grass roots.

Once, they were discovered by Japanese soldiers, and she and her husband ran desperately, throwing the child to the ground.

Fortunately, the Japanese soldiers did not find the children and only stripped them of their clothes and shoes. After Tian Longyu returned, he found the child still alive and picked it up and cried.

The Secret of Long Life

Although Tian Longyu has experienced countless hardships and hardships, he always maintains an optimistic and strong spirit.

She said, "I don't have any secrets, just a good mindset

She doesn't care about past misfortunes and grievances, doesn't complain about current difficulties and dissatisfaction, and doesn't worry about future changes and uncertainties.

Just cherish the current life and happiness, and be grateful to the family and friends around you.

Tian Longyu also has his own lifestyle and dietary preferences.She only eats two meals a day, breakfast around 9am and dinner around 4pm.

She is not picky about food, and everything she eats is delicious. Tian Longyu also has her own way of exercising and entertainment.

After waking up every morning, walk around the house and do simple stretching exercises.

Tian Longyu also has a special hobby, which is growing flowers.

She grows many flowers in her family, such as roses, peonies, chrysanthemums, and roses. Every day, she waters, fertilizes, weeds, and prunes the flowers.


Tian Longyu is a remarkable woman who has used her life to interpret what strength and optimism are.

Although she has no education, she has rich life experience and wisdom.

Although they have not left their own children, they have selfless love and filial piety. Even if they have not enjoyed wealth and prosperity, they have simple happiness and satisfaction.

She told us that no matter what difficulties and setbacks we encounter, we should maintain a positive attitude, cherish the current opportunities, and be grateful to the people around us.

No matter how ordinary and difficult life may be,Everyone should have their own habits and hobbies to maintain physical and mental health and vitality.

Tian Longyu has left us, but her spirit and influence will always remain in our hearts. Let's pay tribute to this Hunan's first birthday star and wish her a peaceful rest in heaven.

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