As people age, it's not about exercising or drinking water. Please pay attention to these three longevity guidelines!

The Era of Literary/Pen CultivationImage/Originating from network infringement, please contact for deletion-When we have a rich material life, our attitude towards health will become increasingly important.Looking back on our youth, whether it was for living or indulging in unrestrained enjoyment, we were all squandering our health

The Era of Literary/Pen Cultivation

Image/Originating from network infringement, please contact for deletion


When we have a rich material life, our attitude towards health will become increasingly important.

Looking back on our youth, whether it was for living or indulging in unrestrained enjoyment, we were all squandering our health. It is only when we grow old that we understand that health is not something that money can compensate for.

So, after retirement, many people begin to attach importance to health preservation, eat a reasonable diet, maintain moderate exercise, and even adjust their daily routines for this purpose.

Although all of these can affect physical health, for elderly people, just doing these thingsThings are far awayNot enough. External cultivation should be combined with internal cultivation, which is the way to longevity.

As people age, true health does not lie in exercising or drinking water, but in valuing these three principles of longevity.

01: Control your mouth and speak less

Too much talk leads to loss, and speaking too much can easily cause unnecessary trouble to oneself due to omissions in speech.

In real life, there are always people with broken mouths and endless words to say.

When feeling proud, flaunting one's achievements and constantly praising one's abilities; In times of low ebb, complaining about one's misfortune with sighs and sighs; When there are many people, he likes to talk and showcase his superiority; When there were few people, he talked about right and wrong, revealing his low emotional intelligence without concealing his words.

How can you have the energy to calm down and listen to what others are saying when your mouth is constantly talking and trying to gain their attention?

The louder the noise, the more restless the mindset, and the less able it is to settle down when doing things.

If you want to do things quietly in the impetuous world, first of all, you should talk less, listen to others' comments more, and take the essence to get rid of the dross. Pay more attention to your true thoughts and take every step steadily.

Don't sensationalize, speak with strength.

02: Clearing the Heart and Reducing Desire

Thinking too much harms the body, wanting too much harms the mind, and learning to reduce unnecessary desires.

It should be noted that people with high greed will be controlled by their desires. If the burden on the heart is too much, the body will suffer from it, leading to excessive internal friction and affecting health.

So clearing the mind and reducing desires is also a form of cultivation and a method of health preservation.

Human desires are endless, indulging in them is like gluttony. One day that is never fulfilled will eventually be consumed by desires.

In "The Name of the People", Zhao Dehan claimed to be the son of a farmer. When he was young, he was poor and afraid, and he was frugal everywhere. After becoming the project director of a national ministry, he was controlled by the desire for money and embezzled a huge amount of money in just a few years. Finally, he regretted it for life in prison.

In this life, life does not bring, death does not bring, and only by reducing desires can one live more easily. Without being controlled by desires, one can have a calm heart and a healthy body, and life will also be more free and casual.

03: Calm and nurturing

People have seven emotions and six desires, worry can hurt the mind, and anger can hurt the body. Therefore, we should learn to release pressure, but do not overly vent our emotions. Don't be impatient and act irrationally.

Be aware that anger not only torments oneself, but also brings irreparable harm to others.

Recently, there was a news report online about a pregnant woman cutting a wedding dress:

The bride is unable to wear due to pregnancyBookedGo to the wedding dress store to refund the deposit for renting the wedding dress. The wedding dress clerk paid a depositNon refundableThe reason was that there was an argument with the bride, and in a fit of anger, the bride used scissors to cut through the wedding dress.

In the end, the shop assistant reported to the police, and after negotiation, the bride still had to compensate for the price of the wedding dress. The shop assistant was also dismissed due to improper language.

Both hot tempered individuals did not achieve good results.

Being angry about small things and people who are not worth it is itself an unwise behavior, which not only harms the body but also loses money.

In ancient times, health preservation advocated the way of nature and the cultivation of the natural body. In order to be healthy in life, one must attach importance to self-cultivation and self-cultivation.

When encountering difficulties, don't complain or worry. After sleeping and waking up, it's a new day and you need to start anew; When encountering difficult people or things, don't easily get angry, think twice before acting, and always find the best solution.

To maintain good physical health, in addition to living a healthy life, one should also attach importance to mental health, enrich one's spiritual world, and live a fulfilling life, naturally leading to a long and worry free life.


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