Eating one piece every day will sweep away all the cold in your body! My belly is gone, I feel relaxed all over!

Summer is the peak time for yang energy and high temperature, making it easy to expel moisture and cold energy from the body. If the cold and moisture inside the body are removed, the body will be very relaxed

Summer is the peak time for yang energy and high temperature, making it easy to expel moisture and cold energy from the body. If the cold and moisture inside the body are removed, the body will be very relaxed.

So how do we distinguish between our own body's moisture and cold? In fact, there are still very obvious symptoms, such as feeling weak all over, feeling heavy when walking, easily fatigued, hair, face, prone to oil production, body obesity, uterine cold and dysmenorrhea, irregular stools, fear of cold, and fear of heat.

Nowadays, technology is very advanced, and many friends also pay attention to health preservation methods. During the dog days, they will choose many methods to remove dampness and cold. For example, some friends choose to use mugwort soaking, electromagnetic therapy for sweating, sweat steaming, and other methods to eliminate dampness and cold in the body. However, many friends with underlying diseases are not suitable for this method, such as induction cookers, sweat steaming, and soaking baths, which may cause dizziness or suffocation midway.

However, on dog days, we can choose to use dietary supplements to alleviate the cold in our bodies. As the saying goes: Eat carrots in winter and ginger in summer. Traditional Chinese medicine once said that although the external temperature of our body is very high in summer, our body is in a cold state. In summer, people also love to eat some cold foods, resulting in a very heavy cold and moisture in our body. This is to say: the old ancestors left behind the principle of eating carrots in winter and ginger in summer.

Ginger is spicy and many friends don't like it. Today, we can change the way we eat it and make a ginger candy to make everyone like it.

Ginger can be consumed in summer to promote sweating, dispel cold, dispel dampness, nourish the stomach and warm the lungs, stop vomiting, and lower stomach qi. It has a relieving effect on menstrual irregularities and cold uterus in female friends. Regular consumption of ginger can also lower blood sugar, regulate endocrine disorders, promote cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, and ginger also has some antioxidant components that can prevent the occurrence of some cancers. So eating ginger regularly is really a great way to get along.

Recommended eating method (ginger candy)

Here, everyone first prepares a pound of ginger, cleans it thoroughly, and then peels it off. Ginger peel should not be thrown away. The peeled ginger peel can be dried in the sun and added with a fishy smell when stewing meat. After peeling the ginger, clean it again, and then cut it into slices of about one to 1.5 millimeters.

The thickness should be around 1.5 millimeters. After cutting everything, set it aside for later use. Then pour half a bowl of water into the pot and add 250 grams of white sugar.

You can also use rock sugar, add ginger slices, and bring to a boil over high heat. Stir continuously with a shovel to prevent the pan from becoming sticky. Boiling ginger slices this way will bring out their nutritional value, making them more nutritious to eat.

Stir fry the syrup until it becomes thick and transparent, the syrup becomes very transparent, and the ginger slices turn into a bright color. Stir fry until the syrup becomes thicker, and then turn off the heat.

After turning off the heat, continue to stir fry continuously until the ginger slices have completely cooled down, and icing will appear. At this point, patience is needed. After turning off the heat, constantly stir fry until the ginger slices are wrapped in a layer of white sugar, and there is a rustling sound when shaking. Take a piece and take a closer look, and it is wrapped in a layer of white sugar frost.

The taste is sweet and spicy with ginger, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat. It's also very enjoyable to eat. At this time, prepare a waterless and oil-free bottle and seal it for storage.

Eating one to three tablets every morning can dispel dampness and dispel cold, nourish the stomach, or soak it in water to drink. For example, if your stomach suddenly feels comfortable, you can take two tablets, and if you have diarrhea, you can take two tablets. It is very good to take a few tablets every day on dog days. The method is also simple. If you like it, give it a try.

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