Rub three parts of your feet before going to bed, and you will sleep soundly, your kidneys will be full of energy, and your complexion will also improve! Recommended by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners

Pressing and kneading the Sanyinjiao acupoint: sleeping soundly and looking goodThe Sanyinjiao acupoint is located at the intersection of the three Yin meridians of Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian, Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian, and Foot Jueyin Liver Meridian. Among them, the spleen transforms into qi and blood, regulates blood, the liver stores blood, and kidney essence generates qi and blood

Pressing and kneading the Sanyinjiao acupoint: sleeping soundly and looking good

The Sanyinjiao acupoint is located at the intersection of the three Yin meridians of Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian, Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian, and Foot Jueyin Liver Meridian. Among them, the spleen transforms into qi and blood, regulates blood, the liver stores blood, and kidney essence generates qi and blood. Therefore, by gently massaging the Sanyinjiao acupoint before bedtime, the Qi and blood of the three meridians can be coordinated, resulting in a vigorous innate essence, sufficient acquired Qi and blood, smooth circulation of the meridians, nourishment of the mind, and peaceful sleep.

Image Source/Yitu Network

In addition, modern people face high pressure in their daily life and work, often experiencing insomnia due to emotions such as tension, anxiety, and depression. Pressing and kneading San Yin Jiao can soothe the liver, relieve depression, relax the mood, and calm the mind and aid sleep. Moreover, the Sanyinjiao acupoint is closely related to women's health. San Yin Jiao acupoint, also known as "Nv San Li". In clinical practice, for gynecological diseases such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, insomnia, premenstrual syndrome, menopausal syndrome, etc., the Sanyinjiao acupoint is an indispensable treatment point. Women with dysmenorrhea can persist in massaging the Sanyinjiao when their menstrual cycle is approaching or when dysmenorrhea occurs, which has a significant effect on improving dysmenorrhea. Positioning: On the inner side of the calf, 3 inches above the tip of the inner ankle, at the posterior edge of the medial tibia.

Image source/self-made by family doctor

Method: Press the thumb on the Sanyinjiao acupoint, place the other four fingers on the outer side of the lower leg next to the tibia, and massage the thumb in a circular pattern, accompanied by point pressing. Bilateral synchronous operation, approximately 5 minutes per acupoint.

Pressing and kneading Taichong acupoint: soothing the liver and regulating qi

Taichong is the original acupoint of the liver meridian, which means the origin and driving force. It can be said that Taichong acupoint is one of the important acupoints on the liver meridian of the foot jue yin in the human body. Clinical studies have also found that the soothing effect of Taichong point is particularly significant.

Image Source/Yitu Network

Regularly massaging the Taichong acupoint can have the effect of soothing the liver and regulating qi, calming the liver and suppressing wind, and is also beneficial for relieving negative emotions and relieving chest and chest tightness that accompanies poor mood. In addition, Taichong acupoint can also calm the liver and extinguish wind, and alleviate common symptoms such as dizziness, headache, irritability, and irritability in hypertension with hyperactivity of liver yang.

Location: Touch along the first and second toes towards the back of the foot to find a concave area (approximately two fingers wide).

Image source/self-made by family doctor

Operation method: Sit cross legged and use your left and right thumbs to simultaneously massage the Taichong acupoints of your left and right feet, with a force that can feel a sense of soreness or pain; Each time lasts for 3-5 minutes, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Pressing and kneading the Yongquan acupoint, which replenishes the kidney qi located on the foot, has the meaning of "the qi of the kidney meridian is like the water of the Yongquan acupoint", and is therefore considered the first acupoint of the kidney meridian. Regularly pressing and kneading this acupoint can play a role in tonifying kidney yang, consolidating kidney qi, boosting energy, enhancing physical fitness, and improving sleep.

Image Source/Yitu Network

Like the foot baths commonly used by modern people to soak their feet, the vast majority have "gears" for massaging their feet. When everyone is soaking their feet, it's best to massage the Yongquan acupoint by the way. Acupuncture extraction: At the bottom of the foot, when rolling the foot, the anterior part of the foot is sunken.

Image source/self-made by family doctor

Method: First, use one thumb to press the Yongquan acupoint on the other side; Each time for 3 minutes, press until the foot center heats up before switching to the other foot for operation. The strength should be based on one's own comfort.

(Daily health promotion)

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