The older you get, the more you need to eat meat? That's right! Two types of meat should be eaten more, or closer to longevity

When it comes to health preservation for the elderly, many people think of a common saying - 'Money makes it difficult to buy old age and thin'.Therefore, many people interpret this sentence as saying that if you want to live a long life, you must pay extra attention to your diet

When it comes to health preservation for the elderly, many people think of a common saying - 'Money makes it difficult to buy old age and thin'.

Therefore, many people interpret this sentence as saying that if you want to live a long life, you must pay extra attention to your diet. Eat more vegetarian dishes and try to eat less meat and fish.

Can this approach be scientific? What are the differences in body health between people who often eat meat and those who are vegetarian in their old age?

In fact, some research groups at Peking University conducted relevant survey data a long time ago, and the results showed that on average, three out of every ten elderly people over the age of 60 in China suffer from malnutrition.

Behind such a large proportion of figures, it reflects the long-standing misconceptions and habits of Chinese elderly people regarding diet.

One of the most common mistakes is vegetarianism, where meat is rarely consumed. If you do this for a long time, it will lead to your body getting worse and worse, with the following four consequences:

Disadvantage 1: Severe muscle loss

Although vegetables are rich in vitamins, their protein content is very low. As the main source of life, protein is one of the essential nutrients that the human body must consume every day.

Long term lack of protein intake can lead to gradual muscle loss, causing interference and impact on normal bodily functions.

The biggest characteristic of muscle loss is rapid weight loss, but it is not as obvious visually. Accompanied by muscle loss, the body's body fat rate will actually increase, and the burden on the internal organs will also increase, making it more prone to developing infectious diseases, leading to serious deterioration of underlying diseases.

Disadvantage 2: Inducing iron deficiency anemia

Iron is one of the main synthetic elements of human hemoglobin, so people with anemia should pay special attention to consuming iron in their diet.

Elements such as calcium, iron, and zinc are widely present in animal protein, with a negligible proportion in vegetables. This is also why vegetarians are more likely to suffer from diseases such as iron deficiency anemia.

Disadvantage three: exacerbating obesity

Many people may not understand when they see this, shouldn't people who don't eat meat lose weight? Why is it said that long-term vegetarians are actually more likely to become obese?

Actually, a joke can explain the trick. Zhu Bajie followed Tang Monk for a journey of 108000 miles and ate vegetarian food all the way. Do you think he has lost weight?

Vegetarians generally consume more starchy foods to supplement their energy, most of which are fast carbs. Mantou, steamed buns, millet Congee, Youbing (Deep-fried round and flat dough-cake), etc., which we Chinese often see at dinner tables, are all fast carbon.

This type of carbohydrate is also known as low-quality carbon water, because it has limited nutrition and poor satiety. After entering the body, it quickly converts into glucose, which then becomes fat and accumulates in the body.

Think about the monks in the temple, how many skinny people have been since ancient times?

The Buddhist relics burned after the passing of a monk are actually stones left in the body after a monk has been vegetarian for a long time.

Disadvantage 4: Increasing the risk of Alzheimer's disease

The main source of vitamin B12 is meat, so people who do not eat meat will lack this nutritional element. The consequences of long-term vitamin B12 deficiency are serious, such as causing our red blood cells to become increasingly fragile, which in turn affects nerve cells. In severe cases, it may increase the risk and probability of Alzheimer's disease.

In summary, frequent vegetarianism does more harm than good to the body, and the claim that vegetarianism is beneficial for health preservation is naturally unscientific.

So how should elderly people eat to make their bodies healthier?

Before explaining this issue, we need to first understand some knowledge of nutrition. For young people, the harm of vegetarianism to the body is not yet as great, while for elderly people, the drawbacks of such a wrong diet can be manifested in a very short period of time.

This is because the physical functions of elderly people are far inferior to those of young people, and the rate of protein loss in the body far exceeds the synthesis rate. Therefore, elderly people need to supplement more high-quality protein.

If the amount cannot be controlled properly, it can be calculated based on one's own weight. On average, one kilogram of body weight requires one gram of protein per day.

Some elderly people know the importance of supplementing protein, but they don't know exactly how to supplement it.

If you want to consume high-quality protein, you need to ensure a glass of milk every day, and then eat some meat appropriately. But not all types of meat are acceptable. Eating some meat not only fails to replenish protein, but also increases the burden on the internal organs.

Among all meats, it is best to choose white meat, which is chicken, fish, and shellfish. The most recommended one is fish meat, which is a high-quality protein rich in omega-3 fatty acids and is very beneficial for cardiovascular health.

So elderly people who eat fish every three to five times have a much lower probability of developing heart disease and are less likely to develop hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and stroke.

Fish is still a high-quality source of DHA and can improve memory. For elderly people with unclear minds, the benefits of fish are too many.

And we try to avoid eating meat, mainly pork belly, pickled meat, and processed meat.

Elderly friends who like to eat red meat should try to avoid pork, especially pork belly. Although the taste of pork belly is better and it is also one of the raw materials for many traditional Chinese cuisine, the nutritional value of pork belly belly is relatively low, making it easy to consume too much low-quality fat, affecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, and increasing visceral risks.

If necessary, you can eat some beef and mutton appropriately, which are all very good choices.

As for ham, bacon, sausages, canned meats, etc., which have been processed or pickled, elderly friends should try not to eat them.

In the selection of cooking methods, preference is given to lighter methods such as boiling with water. After frying or frying meat, the nutritional elements of the ingredients themselves will be destroyed and lost, and the production process will also make the food contain too much oil, which is actually not good for the body.

Since there are so many benefits to eating meat, can you eat as much as you want?

If you have such an idea, you must stop it as soon as possible. In fact, it coincides with the saying 'money makes it difficult to buy old and thin'. This is not a problem in itself, it's just a mistake when people understand it.

What the saying really wants to warn people is not to consume too much meat during the eating process, but to pay attention to balanced nutrition, a combination of meat and vegetables, and a certain proportion and quantity.

No matter what food it is, excessive intake can become a burden on the human body. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you still need to rely on a reasonable and healthy diet, combined with appropriate physical exercise, to enhance the body's immune system.

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