Taking a nap is the right way to maintain health, but not sleeping properly can harm one's health! Research has found that people who frequently take naps have a larger brain capacity!

If time permits, most people will choose to take a nap and wake up feeling refreshed.A new study recently found that people who frequently take naps have a slower rate of brain atrophy

If time permits, most people will choose to take a nap and wake up feeling refreshed.

A new study recently found that people who frequently take naps have a slower rate of brain atrophy.

People who often take naps have a larger brain capacity

A study published in the journal Sleep Health in June 2023 found a causal relationship between people who frequently nap and a larger total brain capacity. Napping slows down the rate at which the brain shrinks with age, thereby helping to maintain brain health.

Research screenshot

This study used Mendelian Randomization (MR) to explore the relationship between habitual naps and cognitive and brain structures. The study analyzed more than 370000 participants in the UK's Biobank database, with an average age of 57. Among them:

57% of participants never take a nap

38% of people occasionally take naps

5% of people often take naps

Not only that, a proper nap also has these benefits:

1. Prevention of Alzheimer's disease

A study published in General Psychiatry in 2021 showed that napping can effectively prevent Alzheimer's disease, and regular napping can also improve mental agility

2. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

A study published in the online version of Heart magazine in 2019 found that people who occasionally take a nap (once to twice a week) have almost a half lower risk of stroke/heart failure compared to those who do not take a nap at all, a 48% reduction

3. Helps improve mood

Taking a nap during the day can regulate emotions and improve the psychological state after a nap. A study published in Psychiatry&Clinical Neurosciences in 2010 found that the levels of happiness and relaxation components significantly increased during the waking period after a nap

4. Relieve autumn fatigue

Xiong Wuzhong, the attending physician of the Comprehensive Internal Medicine Department of Wuhan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, stated in a 2023 interview with Jimu News that to alleviate the feeling of autumn fatigue and drowsiness, it is recommended to go to bed early and wake up early. Generally, it is advisable to fall asleep before 11pm, wake up around 6am, and take a nap at noon. In addition, appropriate exposure to the sun and eating fresh vegetables and fruits can also help alleviate the phenomenon of autumn fatigue

Health Times Chart

How long is a nap most beneficial?

The optimal nap duration is 15-30 minutes.

A study published in the journal Obesity in 2023 found that people who took a nap for more than 30 minutes were associated with a 41% increased risk of high BMI and metabolic syndrome, especially in terms of waist circumference, fasting blood sugar, and blood pressure, compared to those who did not take a nap.

People who take a nap for less than 30 minutes have no metabolic health risks and perform better in terms of blood pressure

According to the general situation, taking a 15-30 minute nap is better. If it exceeds the time limit, it is easy to experience discomfort such as "unable to open your eyes", "still wanting to sleep", "not wanting to move", "feeling dizzy", and so on.

In addition, some bad habits of taking naps also need to be changed.

For example, taking a nap immediately after lunch should take at least ten minutes of rest.

I like to lie on the table and sleep in the morning, which can easily cause neck muscle fatigue. It is recommended to use items such as folding chairs and U-shaped pillows.

In addition, if you delay sleeping until 4 or 5 pm, it is easy to sleep until dark, thereby disrupting your biological clock.

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Source: Health Times

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