This meal is the most harmful, and many people are eating it every day. This reminder is too timely~

It's a dilemma to hear your stomach gurgling before going to bed.Eat, worry about gaining weight and affecting sleep; Not eating, starving, tossing and turning, unable to sleep

It's a dilemma to hear your stomach gurgling before going to bed.

Eat, worry about gaining weight and affecting sleep; Not eating, starving, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Eating is not enough, not eating is not enough, it makes people extremely entangled.

The book 'Qian Jin Yao Fang' states that 'having a full night meal can damage a day's lifespan'. We gain so-called material energy, but deplete our spiritual and blood energy.

How harmful is eating night snacks?

Eating snacks at night will increase our gastrointestinal burden. If there is still peristalsis digestion at night, the stomach and intestines cannot rest well, and the repair of the gastric mucosa will be very difficult. Moreover, the night is a time for rest, and eating snacks at this time can cause food to stay in our intestines for a long time. Over time, it can easily lead to various pathological changes in the gastric mucosa, and the body's resistance will also decrease.

Usually, people's blood pressure drops by at least 10% after falling asleep. People who eat within two hours before bedtime are 2.8 times more likely to have their blood pressure not falling at night than those who do not eat, and their risk of heart attack or stroke is also much higher!

Eating snacks frequently at night may cause stones to form in the body. Because night snacks are mostly seafood, fish, shrimp, and meat, which contain a large amount of calcium, they usually begin to excrete calcium four hours after eating. If the patient is in a resting state at this time, they may only stay in the ureter, bladder, and urethra, as they cannot be excreted in a timely manner, which can cause local stones.

Eating a large amount of snacks for a long time can lead to obesity. Frequent eating late night snacks can increase the burden on the stomach, affect the absorption of nutrients by the stomach, and reduce the body's resistance. The calories formed after eating snacks cannot be consumed by the body, which can lead to obesity, body deformation, and weight gain. Long term eating snacks can also lead to obesity, increasing the likelihood of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as well as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hypercholesterolemia. Avoid eating late night snacks and avoid eating after 9 pm to avoid affecting gastrointestinal absorption and increasing gastrointestinal burden.

At night, Yang Qi needs to enter the body, and the functions of the internal organs gradually weaken, requiring rest. Dietary food needs to be digested, which requires the operation of the spleen and stomach. The spleen is responsible for the transportation and transformation of water and grain essence, as well as for biochemical changes. At night, the spleen also needs to rest. If you eat too much late at night, difficult to digest food, and eat before bedtime, it will activate the yang qi of the spleen and stomach to transport and transform these water and grain essence. We sleep, but the spleen and stomach are still working, and the spleen and stomach are also tired. If it doesn't work, it will lead to food accumulation, which can damage the yang qi of the spleen and stomach over time. During the day, there will also be such food accumulation, bloating, and even diarrhea, which is the signal sent by the spleen and stomach.

Seven percent full, healthy to live forever

Food can be divided into several characteristics: thickness, thinness, clarity, and turbidity:

Clear and thin - most vegetables, fruits, grains, simple and non greasy cooking methods, etc;

Thick and turbid - most meat dishes, frying, roasting, smoking, strong taste, complex cooking methods, etc.

In modern cooking habits that place too much emphasis on sensory stimulation, injecting the characteristics of "clear, thin, light, and few" and avoiding the orientation of "thick, turbid, heavy, many, and miscellaneous" is more beneficial to health.

Especially for dinner, when the human body is preparing to slowly shut down and enter a state of charging and recuperation, eating less or simply is a suitable choice for modern mental workers who are not diligent, lack exercise, worry and tension that have damaged the spleen, and worry, fear, and desire that have damaged the kidneys.

What does it feel like to be seven percent full?

Being seven percent full is a feeling that varies from person to person and is somewhat abstract and difficult to measure. Experts believe that the following method can be used to measure seven percent satiety:

My stomach is not yet full, but my enthusiasm for food has decreased, and the speed of taking the initiative to eat has significantly slowed down. However, I habitually want to eat more, but if I remove the food and change the topic to divert my attention, I will soon forget to eat.

There is a standard to keep in mind, which is: if the meal time is relatively regular and fixed, and this meal is seven percent full, there will be no early hunger before the second meal. That is to say, if you get hungry early, it means you haven't eaten until you're seven percent full. You can increase your appetite appropriately.

Another point that can be used as a reference is that according to the Chinese Nutritional Dietary Guidelines, the proportion of intake for three meals a day should preferably follow the "343" principle, which is: breakfast accounts for 30% and lunch accounts for 40%

Dinner accounts for 30%.

Eating after 7 o'clock, suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Researchers tracked 721 hypertensive patients with an average age of 53 years and found that those who ate after 7 pm or within two hours before bedtime were 2.8 times more likely than those who did not.

The Daily Mail of the UK reported, citing researchers, that hypertensive patients are already a high-risk group for heart disease. If their blood pressure does not drop at night, the risk of heart attack or stroke will be much higher.

Dinner late, high risk of heart and brain infarction! It can even increase the risk of cancer! It's best to finish dinner before 7 pm!

Source: Appointment with a renowned doctor

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