Autumn's "golden fruit" moisturizes dryness, promotes fluid production, and beautifies the skin. It also has magical effects! These two dietary remedies can also be done at home

In the past few days, the original coolness has added a hint of dryness and heat, and the "Autumn Tiger" has faintly become domineering, exacerbating the autumn dryness. Many people will feel that it is easy to feel dry mouth and tongue, and the body lacks moisture at this time

In the past few days, the original coolness has added a hint of dryness and heat, and the "Autumn Tiger" has faintly become domineering, exacerbating the autumn dryness. Many people will feel that it is easy to feel dry mouth and tongue, and the body lacks moisture at this time.

On the fruit stall, a variety of brightly colored fruits also began to appear. After breaking open, the fruits looked like sparkling rubies, which tasted sour, sweet, and delicious.

Delicious pomegranate is not only delicious, but its skin, leaves, flowers, and roots can also be used as medicine. It can be called the "golden fruit" for autumn health preservation. Chen Hailing, a young and renowned traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and chief physician of internal medicine in Hangzhou, will teach everyone how to eat pomegranate.


Pomegranate with homologous medicinal and food sources

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pomegranate has a sweet, sour, astringent, and warm taste. The Compendium of Materia Medica records that "pomegranate is the essence of the heavens, which can stop diarrhea, eliminate stasis, clear thirst, and dispel fire.

Modern renowned doctor Zhang Xichun called pomegranate: "It has a slightly cool nature, can regulate liver fire, maintain lung qi, and is an essential medicine for treating qi deficiency without causing lung fatigue, asthma, and coughing.

Modern pharmacological research has shown that pomegranate is rich in fructose, high-quality protein, and easy to absorb fats. While supplementing energy and calories for the human body, it does not increase the body's burden.

Pomegranate also has two unique antioxidant components: pomegranate polyphenols and anthocyanins, which have many benefits for the human body.

Generate fluid and quench thirst

Generate fluid and quench thirst

In terms of nutrition, pomegranate belongs to a type of berry, and berry fruits are very rich in water content, with an average water content of about 79% in pomegranate.

Enhance immunity

Enhance immunity

Its nutrition is very rich, including vitamin C, protein, organic acids, carbohydrates, B-vitamins, folic acid, carotenoids, vitamin E, etc. It can timely supplement the necessary nutrients and missing trace elements for the human body, and has a good health effect on the human body.

Soothing and calming mind

Pomegranate is rich in vitamins, including niacin and vitamin D, which can help alleviate depression and anxiety, reduce fatigue, and relieve tension in the body.

Pomegranate is also rich in trace elements such as zinc and magnesium, which help regulate the balance of electrolytes in the human body, enhance the stability of the central nervous system cell membrane, and have a calming effect.

Beauty and skincare

Pomegranate is rich in vitamin E, which can play an antioxidant role in the human body, clearing free radicals that are toxic to cells and tissues, thereby delaying aging and assisting in cell and tissue repair.

Protecting cardiovascular system

Pomegranate contains various amino acids and trace elements, which have various functions such as anti gastric ulcer, aiding digestion, softening blood vessels, lowering blood lipids, blood sugar, and cholesterol.


How to choose pomegranate

To find delicious pomegranates, the main factors to consider are:

Look at the skin: There are two types of pomegranates on the market: red skinned pomegranate and yellow skinned pomegranate. Red skinned pomegranate has less moisture and lower sweetness, while yellow skinned pomegranate has sweeter flesh and ample juice.

Look at the shape: The shape of mature pomegranates is not particularly smooth, and there will be bulges on the surface, with obvious edges and corners, making them appear square and round.

Look at the top: There is a petal on the top of a pomegranate. If the top petal is fully open, it indicates that the pomegranate has matured.

Weigh it: For pomegranates of the same size, the heavier one will be better because it has sufficient moisture and flesh.


Pomegranate Dietary Therapy Formula

Pomegranate is mostly eaten raw and can also be cooked in soup. Pomegranate peel also has magical effects in dietary therapy:

1. Pomegranate Broth of white fungus Soup


1. Soak the white fungus for 3-4 hours in advance, and tear it into small pieces after soaking.

2. Wash the pomegranate, lily, and pomegranate seeds together and put them into a pot. Add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook for about 1 hour. Season with rock sugar.

2. Pomegranate skin shepherd's purse Congee


Kind reminder

Although pomegranate is good, the following situations are not suitable for consumption:

Pomegranate contains alkaloids and organic acids, which can easily corrode teeth if consumed too much. Therefore, after eating pomegranate, it is necessary to brush or rinse your teeth in a timely manner to protect them.

Pomegranate has the effect of astringent and astringent, and is commonly used to regulate diarrhea. It is best not to eat it when constipation occurs, otherwise it may exacerbate the risk of constipation.

Elderly people and children should be careful not to eat pomegranate seeds by mistake. Spit out the pomegranate seeds in a timely manner to avoid coughing, or purchase soft seed pomegranates that do not require spitting.

There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that "eat more pomegranate to help fire and generate phlegm". Pomegranate is warm and can easily catch fire if consumed frequently; Moreover, pomegranate is sweet and can easily cause phlegm and dampness if eaten too much. It is important to control the amount.

(Health preserving country medicine)

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