How to remove black circles under the eyes? Apply some traditional Chinese medicine, the effect is very good

Q: How should black circles under the eyes be removed?Black circles under the eyes are divided into two types: cyan circles and brown circles.Blue circles under the eyes are commonly seen in cases of insufficient sleep, eye fatigue, high mental stress, anemia, etc

Q: How should black circles under the eyes be removed?

Black circles under the eyes are divided into two types: cyan circles and brown circles.

Blue circles under the eyes are commonly seen in cases of insufficient sleep, eye fatigue, high mental stress, anemia, etc. They are caused by microvascular circulation disorders and fluid retention around the eyes.

Brown circles, also known as brown circles, are closely related to aging, as well as sun exposure, blood circulation disorders, stasis, and excessive dryness of the skin.

To be beautiful and get rid of the entanglement of "panda eyes", one must first develop good habits of daily life. Secondly, it is important to relax emotions, as the formation of dark circles under the eyes is related to emotions.

In addition, due to frequent staying up late or excessive pressure, emotional instability, irritability, and irritability can easily lead to liver and kidney yin deficiency, which can also worsen dark circles under the eyes. You can drink some goji berries and chrysanthemum tea to improve it.

Here is an introduction to the "Shuanghua Eye Nourishing Formula" for external application: 10 grams of roses, 10 grams of safflower, 10 grams of gardenia, and 15 grams of Poria cocos. The above four herbs are decocted to 200 milliliters, and then applied to the eye sockets with gauze and liquid medicine. Apply for 10 minutes before bedtime every day.

Among them, rose and safflower promote blood circulation, gardenia can clear the heat of the three jiao, Poria cocos can strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, especially for those with dark circles and swelling under the eyes. The four herbs together play the role of promoting blood circulation, clearing heat, and resolving dampness.

However, it should be noted that those with skin allergies should use it with caution. If there is discomfort when applying externally, it should be removed as soon as possible and washed with water.

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