One action to nourish the kidneys and one habit to prevent cancer in the morning! Do it casually every day to cultivate an "aging kidney" and keep cancer cells away from you

As the saying goes, the best plan for a day is in the morning.Getting up in the morning is usually the best time for our energy, physical strength, and concentration

As the saying goes, the best plan for a day is in the morning.

Getting up in the morning is usually the best time for our energy, physical strength, and concentration. Doing some health preserving activities at this time can easily achieve twice the result with half the effort.

However, for many people, especially office workers, waking up in the morning is particularly valuable and it is difficult to have dedicated time for health preservation.

Don't panic, everyone! Below, the editor will share a few health preserving things that are easy to achieve and don't take much time. Let's take a look together~

Do this action in the morning to take special care of the kidneys

This action refers to lifting the heel.

Heel, also known as the heel of the foot. Heel lifting, as the name suggests, means lifting the heel of the foot.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the Kidney Meridian originates from the small toe of the foot. When lifting the heel, it not only effectively stimulates multiple acupoints on the Kidney Meridian, but also pulls and relaxes the Kidney Meridian, Bladder Meridian, and muscle groups in the waist, back, and legs, thereby nourishing the kidneys, nourishing yang, tonifying the kidneys, and relaxing the trunk.

For example, in the Huangdi Neijing, it is recorded that "the kidney originates from the Yongquan, and the Yongquan is the heart of the foot." This means that the kidney qi originates from the Yongquan acupoint, which is located at the heart of the foot.

Image source/produced by family doctor

Daily heel lifting can stimulate the Yongquan acupoint, playing the role of tonifying kidney yang and consolidating kidney qi.

From the perspective of modern medicine, heel lifting is a type of stability training.

Regular heel lifting training can not only prevent heel pain and ligament aging, but also help improve the proprioceptive sensitivity of the calf, increase calf muscle strength, strengthen ankle stability, and prevent accidental sprains.

Image Source/Yitu Network

Operation method: Spread your feet apart, shoulder width apart, with your toes and knees forward. Raise your chest, abdomen, and anus to ensure a stable torso. After firmly grasping the ground with your toes, slowly stand on your heels and reach the highest point for more than 10 seconds. Then gently lower and repeat the process.

Attention: When performing movements, it is important to maintain even breathing and not move too quickly. The frequency of movements depends on your time.

Having this habit in the morning can prevent cancer

I believe everyone has more or less experienced rushing to catch the bus, rushing to the road, running quickly to avoid being late, climbing stairs, and so on?

In fact, there has been a lot of research in the scientific community in recent years on this type of short-lived, high-intensity activity that is common in daily life.

In July of this year, researchers from the University of Sydney in Australia, the University of London in the UK, and Harvard Medical School in the United States published a research paper in the JAMAOncology journal.

Researchers refer to short-term, intermittent high-intensity activities that occur in daily life, rather than exercise, as daily intermittent high-intensity activities (VILPA), and explore their association with all cause, cardiovascular disease, and cancer mortality. Research shows that engaging in daily intermittent high-intensity activities for 4.5 minutes per day is associated with a 20% reduction in overall cancer risk, while exercise related cancer risk is reduced by 32%.

Sports related cancers include liver cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, cardiac cancer, endometrial cancer, myeloid leukemia, myeloma, colorectal cancer, head and neck cancer, bladder cancer cancer, breast cancer cancer and esophageal cancer.

In addition, daily intermittent high-intensity activities can also reduce the risk of death from all causes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.

Of course, the researchers also stated that this study does not directly reflect causal relationships, but engaging in daily intermittent high-intensity activities can quickly improve cardiovascular function, which may provide a possible biological explanation for reducing cancer risk.

Image Source/Yitu Network

In fact, to be honest, doing this task requires no dedicated time (4 or 5 minutes per day), no effort, no special skills, and more importantly, it can reduce the risk of cancer. If you don't try it, you will be at a loss! Especially for those who do not exercise regularly, it is of great significance.

However, the editor would like to remind everyone: because some daily intermittent high-intensity activities have a certain intensity, if you are unwell, it is not recommended to try hastily. In addition, when conducting such activities, it is important to pay attention to personal safety to prevent accidents.

Of course, in addition to the above actions and habits, doing the following two things in the morning is also beneficial for physical health and longevity.

I often do these two things in the morning, and my body will thank you

1. Stretch your waist

After waking up in the morning, come and stretch your waist first~

By doing so, not only can muscles be stretched, the body relaxed, and the body transitions smoothly from a suppressed state to an excited state, reducing fatigue, but it can also stimulate blood flow, increase oxygen supply, bring more qi and blood nutrition to various organs and tissues, making them energetic and refreshing.

Image Source/Yitu Network

Teach you to stretch a perfect lazy waist:

Stand upright with your feet slightly apart, palms and palms extended above your head, fingers crossed and clasped, hands and legs as straight as possible, and muscles throughout your body exert force. When exerting force, slowly take a deep breath, and then slowly exhale after the exertion is completed. Release your hands and relax your entire body.

During this process, you can also move your cervical and lumbar spine, such as slightly twisting your head, rotating your neck, and stretching your side waist.

Attention: When stretching, do not hold your breath or use excessive force.

2. Drink a glass of warm water

Drinking a cup of warm water in the morning can not only alleviate thirst, lubricate the intestines, prevent colds and pharyngitis, help with bowel movements, but also prevent heart disease caused by increased blood viscosity for heart disease patients and middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old.

Image Source/Yitu Network

-Originated by the New Media Center of the Chinese Family Doctor Magazine - Reproduction requires authorization and infringement must be investigated

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