Returning to work after the holiday but catching a fever? The flu is entering a high season, so keep this bag safe

The autumn flu is really excruciating! Nose congestion! Headache, sore throat! "" I've been surfing for 2g, only to find out about the recent Type A flu today. "" The flu hasn't recovered yet, the eight day holiday has ended, but tomorrow I have to resume my daily routine

The autumn flu is really excruciating! Nose congestion! Headache, sore throat! "" I've been surfing for 2g, only to find out about the recent Type A flu today. "" The flu hasn't recovered yet, the eight day holiday has ended, but tomorrow I have to resume my daily routine. "In recent days, some netizens have repeatedly mentioned on public platforms that they were" caught "during the flu pandemic.

Nandu Jianwen reporter noticed that on October 5th, the National Influenza Center's weekly monitoring report showed that influenza virus testing in some southern provinces continued to rise this week, with the A (H3N2) subtype influenza virus being the main strain. In recent days, many disease control departments in China have issued health warnings to prevent the spread of influenza. Guangdong CDC has also issued a reminder to the public that the level of influenza activity in our province has increased recently.

How can the public who return to work from various places better prevent infectious diseases such as influenza and manage their own health? The reporter conducted multiple interviews on this matter.

"Judging from the recent reception, since late September, the number of patients with fever in the hospital has increased significantly, 50% more than usual, and family cluster cases are more common. However, not all patients with fever are influenza. We will judge whether it is influenza, dengue fever or" rejuvenation "according to the symptoms, pathogenesis, epidemiological history of patients, and the results of COVID-19 Antigen detected by ourselves." Liang Wenjian, the chief physician of Guangdong Second Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, stated in an interview with Nandu Jianwen reporter.

Multiple diseases such as red eye disease, influenza and COVID-19

Autumn is approaching, and various infectious diseases are entering a seasonal high incidence period. Recently, many disease control and prevention articles in China have reminded that red eye disease has entered the epidemic season. Among them, Guangdong disease control reminds that places where people gather, such as schools, childcare institutions, and factories, are prone to clustered infections, and attention should be paid to prevention.

In addition to red eye disease, respiratory infectious diseases such as influenza and COVID-19 should not be underestimated.

As early as October 2, according to surging news reports, Peng Jie, director of the Difficult Infection Diagnosis and Treatment Center of Southern Hospital of Southern Medical University, said, "Since nearly half a month ago, the number of fever clinics in the hospital has increased, and random sampling found that half of the patients with influenza and half of the patients with COVID-19, almost the same."

Zou Yandun, Director of the Internal Medicine Department of Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Hospital, pointed out that when citizens go to densely populated public places, they must wear masks and wash their hands frequently; At the same time, it is important to pay attention to ventilation at home, as well as regular routines and a balanced diet; During long-distance travel, it is advisable to prepare some conventional medications, such as fever relievers, cold medications, cough suppressants, and antidiarrheals, in case of emergency.

On October 6th, the reporter discovered that on Weibo platform, some netizens said: "The day before returning to work, was it the flu or the second positive? How can I start Q4 with a new look tomorrow?" This phenomenon is not an exception, and many netizens also said that the Mid Autumn Festival National Day holiday was spent in a sense of flow. Another netizen commented below, "Originally, everyone is running a fever, so am I

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently released the Technical Guidelines for Influenza Vaccination in China (2023-2024), pointing out that this winter and next spring, China may face the risk of cross epidemic or co epidemic of respiratory infectious diseases such as influenza and COVID-19.

From this, combined with the epidemic patterns of influenza in previous years, as the temperature decreases, coupled with the flow and gathering of personnel in the double section, the risk of influenza virus transmission increases. The public needs to do a good job in disease prevention.

The public made a preliminary judgment on the symptoms related to their own colds and fever, and Liang Wenjian suggested, "Because dengue fever is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes (Aedes mosquitoes), if there are many mosquitoes in the living environment and there are also cases of dengue fever nearby, then it is necessary to consider the possibility of dengue fever. However, currently, there are not many cases of dengue fever

How to distinguish between positive and flu? Liang Wenjian pointed out that "the symptoms of the two are similar. If you are worried about" re yang ", you can carry out 1-2 tests of COVID-19 antigen during the onset period (especially after 2-3 days of continuous fever). If the relevant 24 hours, consecutive tests of COVID-19 antigen are negative, and the same symptoms have occurred in the family, then we will consider the possibility of influenza. "

Multiple disease control measures indicate an increase in current influenza activity levels

Influenza, referred to as "flu", is divided into four types: A, B, C and D, which is an acute respiratory infectious disease with strong infectivity and fast transmission caused by influenza virus, and can cause outbreaks and epidemics worldwide.

Influenza is mainly transmitted through droplets such as sneezing and coughing, and is directly or indirectly infected through mucous membranes such as the mouth, nose, and eyes.

In recent days, many regions in China have issued health warnings regarding the spread trend of influenza.

Guangdong CDC has issued a reminder to the public that the level of influenza activity in our province has increased recently. Collect this flu prevention kit well. According to Guangdong Disease Control and Prevention, the main pandemic strain in Guangdong Province is the A (H3N2) subtype influenza virus.

In addition to Guangdong Province, Sichuan Disease Control and Prevention also issued disease prevention health tips on influenza and COVID-19 infection trends.

Hunan Disease Control and Prevention also recently issued an article on the official official account, "In the near future, diseases or health hazard factors that need to be focused on in our province include: dog injuries, wild mushroom poisoning, dengue fever, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, novel coronavirus infection, influenza, hand foot mouth disease and norovirus infection. These diseases are currently in or about to enter the high incidence season, and preventive measures need to be taken."

What should I do if I suspect I have the flu? Vulnerable populations need to pay more attention

Although everyone is susceptible to contracting the flu during the pandemic period, vulnerable populations are more likely to become critically ill after being caught.

Liang Wenjian observed that the influenza virus has a strong transmissibility and obvious family clustering. The population is generally susceptible to influenza. From the data received, it is usually the adolescent group who first becomes infected, while other family members may become infected with the influenza virus due to factors such as excessive fatigue in taking care of their children and inadequate isolation and protection.

According to the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, if flu like symptoms occur, timely medical attention should be sought, and masks should be worn throughout the medical process to minimize contact with others and rest at home. Children under 5 years old, elderly people over 60 years old, chronic disease patients, and pregnant women are more likely to experience serious complications after infection. If they experience flu like symptoms, they should seek medical attention as soon as possible and use antiviral drugs under the guidance of a doctor.

The China Center for Disease Control and Prevention has released some tips for preventing influenza. Annual influenza vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza, which can significantly reduce the risk of influenza and serious complications for vaccinators. The current influenza vaccines used in China include inactivated influenza virus vaccines and attenuated influenza virus live vaccines. Neuroaminidase inhibitors and polymerase inhibitors (such as oseltamivir, zanamivir, palamivir, fabiravir, etc.) are specific therapeutic drugs for influenza A and B.

In addition, maintaining good personal hygiene habits is also an important means of preventing respiratory infectious diseases such as influenza. wash hands more often During the flu season, high-risk individuals are advised to reduce their visits to crowded areas and wear masks when visiting; When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with tissues, towels, etc. Then wash your hands and try to avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Frequent indoor ventilation, regular work and rest, balanced nutrition, avoiding excessive fatigue, and maintaining one's own immunity are also important.

How to effectively prevent influenza and prepare and use medication reasonably

As autumn gradually enters across the country, many places have also entered a high incidence period of influenza and allergies. Many citizens are very concerned about what medications should be prepared? If there are related symptoms, how to use medication reasonably? Liang Wenjian noticed that "the flu symptoms this time are similar to ordinary colds, with relatively mild symptoms, mainly cold symptoms. There are not many cases of sustained high fever, mostly symptoms such as head and body pain, sore throat, and fatigue

How to prepare medication and use it reasonably? Liang Wenjian stated that this needs to be based on the patient's own symptoms. If you experience symptoms of sore throat, you can first take a look at your tongue. If the tongue is slightly red and the tongue coating is yellowish, it belongs to a tendency towards heat and heat sensation. You can take antipyretic and detoxifying drugs, such as antiviral oral liquid, vitamin C Yinqiao tablets, etc

Liang Wenjian further analyzed, "Some people may have a deficiency of phlegm dampness constitution. They may cough with a lot of phlegm, but their tongue is not red or even light, and their tongue coating may be white or thick. They can take medication that regulates qi and dissipates phlegm, such as orange red phlegm cough liquid, snake bile and orange peel powder, which helps to regulate qi, stop cough, and dissipate phlegm

But for some people, there is simply a sore throat without symptoms of coughing or phlegm. We suggest taking Platycodon grandiflorum and licorice soup, and drinking 10g of Platycodon grandiflorum and 10g of licorice boiled water can also alleviate this symptom. If the symptoms of dry mouth are obvious, 10-20g of reed roots and 10g of Ophiopogon japonicus boiled water can be added as tea drinks. "Liang Wenjian reminds that for people with spleen and stomach deficiency cold, it is recommended not to take too many bitter cold drugs, which can easily cause other symptoms. It is recommended to seek medical attention in a timely manner and take medication under the guidance of a doctor.

How to better prevent diseases? Liang Wenjian suggested that the public not stay up late, have a good rest, and not wait for thirst to drink water. Instead, they should regularly replenish water as needed. If you are a person with weak constitution and weak lungs and spleen, dietary therapy can be used, such as using 10g of Wuzhi Maotao, 10g of Codonopsis pilosula, 10g of Atractylodes macrocephala, and 10g of black jujube to boil water instead of tea. This can achieve the tonifying of spleen and lung qi, and play a role in preventing diseases before they occur.

At the pharmacy end, staff from multiple pharmacies also felt the threat of the pandemic. The staff of a drugstore at the the Pearl River River New Town subway station in Guangzhou said, "You can buy some antiviral oral liquid drugs to prevent influenza. At present, the supply of drugs is sufficient. If you have been infected with influenza, you'd better wear a mask to go out."

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of people coming to the store to buy flu related medication. The store has sufficient supply of medication and you can come to the store at any time, "a staff member from a pharmacy on Huasui Road in Guangzhou City told reporters.

On September 28th, the Meituan Buying Medicine Health Index showed that the demand for influenza drugs, especially the H1N1 drug oseltamivir, continued to rise in South China, with the most significant increase in cities such as Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Zhuhai. Among them, antiviral oral liquid and oseltamivir phosphate granules increased more; There is a high demand for cough and phlegm relieving drugs such as ambroxol oral solution and Feilike mixture in the respiratory system medication demand. Industry insiders have also revealed to reporters that since the last week of September, the sales data of antiviral drug terminals has been 2-3 times that of daily sales. The above people suggest that influenza has entered a seasonal high incidence period, and citizens should prepare and use medication rationally.

Interviewer: Nan Du Reporter Wu Yueming Intern Zhao Linlin

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