How can I maintain unobstructed bowel movements? Doctors from Changsha Dongda Colorectal Hospital will advise you

Many people in daily life have faced the problems of dry stools and constipation. Long term poor bowel movements not only easily cause adverse symptoms such as abdominal distension, decreased appetite, poor skin, insomnia, anxiety, etc

Many people in daily life have faced the problems of dry stools and constipation. Long term poor bowel movements not only easily cause adverse symptoms such as abdominal distension, decreased appetite, poor skin, insomnia, anxiety, etc., but also induce anal and intestinal diseases such as hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Therefore, maintaining normal bowel movements every day is particularly important. How can I maintain unobstructed bowel movements? Follow the doctors from Changsha Dongda Proctology Hospital together to learn more.

1. Adjusting diet

Usually, it is advisable to eat more vegetables, fruits, and other foods rich in vitamins and fiber, and to eat less spicy, stimulating, cold, and overly greasy foods, which is beneficial for increasing intestinal motility and promoting bowel movement. In addition, eating three meals regularly, chewing slowly, eating multiple meals less, and avoiding overeating are also very beneficial for the digestion and absorption of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Adequate drinking water

After ingesting sufficient water, the human body can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, accelerate food digestion, and also play a role in softening stools and promoting fecal excretion.

3. Regular bowel movements

Develop the habit of regularly defecating, which can be fixed at a certain time every day, such as waking up in the morning or squatting in the bathroom after meals, to create conditioned reflexes in the body. In addition, if you have the intention to defecate, you should go to the bathroom in a timely manner to avoid enduring it for a long time.

4. Appropriate exercise

Exercise not only enhances physical fitness and reduces the chance of disease occurrence, but also promotes gastrointestinal peristalsis, accelerates food excretion, and is beneficial for the patency of the gastrointestinal tract.

5. Relieve stress

Mental tension can easily cause sympathetic nerve stimulation, thereby inhibiting the activity of the intestinal nervous system, leading to weakened gastrointestinal motility, reduced mucosal secretion, and the occurrence of constipation. Therefore, one should maintain a good mindset in daily life, learn to relieve stress, relax, and avoid excessive tension and anxiety.

Changsha Dongda Proctology Hospital reminds us that unobstructed defecation is beneficial for the excretion of toxins and waste from the body, and is beneficial for our physical health. When defecation is not smooth, the above methods can be used to regulate it. If it cannot be alleviated, professional help from a doctor can be sought if necessary. (Correspondent Shu Li)

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