Why is it that men who do not smoke or drink are the most "terrifying"? There are three main reasons for this

In real life, many men have the habit of smoking and drinking. Firstly, men face significant challenges in their work,Smoking and drinking are considered one of the ways to relieve tension and stress, while nicotine and alcohol can temporarily alleviate anxiety and fatigue, helping men relax both physically and mentally

In real life, many men have the habit of smoking and drinking. Firstly, men face significant challenges in their work,

Smoking and drinking are considered one of the ways to relieve tension and stress, while nicotine and alcohol can temporarily alleviate anxiety and fatigue, helping men relax both physically and mentally.

Secondly, smoking and drinking are also seen as social activities that can bring people closer together. In certain social venues, such as business gatherings or gatherings, smoking and drinking are considered common language.

It helps to establish and strengthen interpersonal relationships. By sharing cigarettes and alcohol, people can more easily engage in dialogue, enhance mutual understanding and interaction.

People often say that the standard for a good man is not to smoke or drink, to be able to face the pressure of life directly, and to adhere to self-discipline habits,

But at the same time, we also need to recognize the fact that men who do not smoke or drink are actually very scary, mainly for the following three reasons.

Firstly, strong self-discipline.

In China, smoking is a quite common habit among men. According to relevant data from 2018, the total number of smokers aged 15 and above accounts for 26.6% of the national population.

Among them, the majority are males, which means that almost half of them have the habit of smoking.

People often say that smoking addiction is difficult to quit, especially for an old smoker. Quitting smoking is like reaching the sky. Moreover, people who have not smoked before are also prone to getting addicted to smoking, as cigarette temptations are everywhere in life.

Everyone must have seen such scenes in their daily lives, where smokers will casually spread smoke to the people around them, and non-smokers will naturally demand it from those with smoke.

It is precisely because the act of smoking is too natural that for those who have never smoked before, exposure to cigarettes is too ordinary. Anyone who accepts the other person's cigarettes with the idea of trying is no harm, and the habit of smoking gradually forms.

If a person can refuse the other person's smoking behavior in this situation and firmly demonstrate their principles, then they are definitely a disciplined person, but beyond self-discipline,

There is also a terrifying aspect to his personality, which many people may wonder. What is the connection between self-discipline and fear? Isn't this a healthy and good lifestyle habit?

Self disciplined people are too strict. Some people believe that self disciplined people are too strict and have high demands on themselves and others. They may pay too much attention to details and rules, giving people a feeling of tension, even unfriendly.

Self disciplined individuals may also resort to any means to achieve their goals. In order to achieve their goals, they may make choices, sacrifice other aspects, and excessively pursue success.

This type of person may also exhibit a compulsive tendency, such as excessive attachment to details and order, or imposing excessive demands on others, which often makes people feel uneasy.

There is a fundamental difference between self-discipline and non self-discipline. Non self-discipline individuals are prone to giving up when facing challenges or difficulties, and attribute responsibility to external factors,

Not willing to make the necessary efforts to achieve their goals, they also lack a clear sense of purpose and are easily influenced by short-term returns, making it difficult to persevere.

Self disciplined individuals usually have strong determination and internal motivation. They are able to persevere in pursuing their goals, not easily give up on their commitments, have a sense of responsibility, and are willing to put in effort to achieve their goals.

They are also responsible for their own actions and results, not blaming external failures, but reflecting on their own shortcomings and finding ways to improve. They accept challenges and are willing to take on difficult tasks.

Self disciplined individuals are usually able to respond flexibly to changes and challenges. They possess the ability to solve problems and adapt to changes in different situations. Even when encountering obstacles or unexpected events, they can calmly respond until they find a solution.

The most crucial point is that self-disciplined individuals can see the importance of long-term goals and are willing to work towards them. They can delay gratification, focus on the future, and put in effort to achieve long-term success.

Secondly, stick to yourself.

Adhering to oneself may seem simple, but in practice it is not easy, especially when leaders smoke.

The vast majority of people will explore the next step and will not refute the leader's face in person, while those who persist in themselves will not. They have clear principles, and since they have decided not to smoke, they will definitely not take any cigarettes. They will find some suitable reasons to refuse.

Thirdly, there is little guilt.

Many people are concerned that rejecting others may harm their feelings or damage their relationships, but we need to be clear that rejecting others does not mean a lack of goodwill or indifference, but rather the best decision that can be made in a certain situation after weighing the pros and cons.

We need to learn to refuse others' requests, clarify our own boundaries and positions, and only with the ability to persist in ourselves can we achieve significant development.

In summary, self-disciplined individuals are terrifying, but this terrifying aspect does not mean terrifying, but rather refers to their astonishing level of self-control.

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