When a person is old, they will live a long life after enduring two obstacles. Which two obstacles do two obstacles refer to? Elderly people should know as soon as possible

Editor's note: This article is an exclusive first release of the original headline, please do not plagiarize or reprint itPrefaceMany people say, 'If you get older, you will live longer', but people who have different opinions on which two obstacles are different.For the various statements that are overwhelming online, Mr

Editor's note: This article is an exclusive first release of the original headline, please do not plagiarize or reprint it


Many people say, 'If you get older, you will live longer', but people who have different opinions on which two obstacles are different.

For the various statements that are overwhelming online, Mr. Wang is also confused, and the more he tries to understand, the more confused he becomes.

As Mr. Wang grew older, he became more and more concerned about this matter. Once, Uncle Wang asked his son, "What do you mean by the two barriers of elderly people mentioned online

There are no two obstacles, why do you have so much fun every day.

So what are the two barriers that elderly people can overcome to live longer? What should elderly people pay attention to?

The saying 'When a person grows old, they will live a long life after enduring two obstacles' is left to us by ancient people, and many people are speculating about what the so-called' two obstacles' are? Elderly people must pay more attention!

In our country, people often hear others talk about it,7384 is a barrier73, 84, the King of Hell does not ask himself to go.

This sentence describesThe age groups of 73 and 84 are the years when many elderly people pass awayIf you endure it, you can live for a long time.

Actually,73 years old is the age when Confucius passed away, and 84 years old is the age when Mencius passed awayThe folk term '7384' refers to Daokan, which simply refers to the age at which two saints passed away.

These are two Confucian sages in our country, so people tend toThe age of 73 and 84 are the two threshold of lifespan.Both Confucius and Mencius, sages and sages, cannot escape two attacks, so ordinary people are even more difficult to endure. As long as they pass these two obstacles, they will surely live a long life

Actually, in ancient times,Being able to live to the age of 73 is already a remarkable thing. Even fewer people can reach the age of 84.

There is no scientific basis for this statement, nor is it a result obtained through precise statistics.It is more of a result that people in the past have summarized and estimated based on their own experiences in life.

In order to better understand the situation of elderly people with long lifespans, someone conducted a surveyThe health status of longevity elderly people over the age of one hundred.

The results showed that there were almost no elderly people who had been bedridden for a long time, and there were also no elderly people with dementia. Most of them were healthy elderly people.

And according to statistics, it was also found that,The majority of people with Alzheimer's disease are concentrated in the age range of 65 to 78 years old.

Therefore, long lifespan is notThe main causes of dementia or prolonged bed rest. On the contrary, a person isIf he is able to stay in bed and not have dementia before the age of 80, his chances of living healthy until the age of 100 are very high.

That is to say, on the road to health and longevity,80 years old is the biggest hurdle.

In fact, if elderly people can do the following things,Maintaining good health will be more favored by longevity,.

1Eating a healthy and reasonable diet.


As the saying goes, illness comes from the mouth, mainly due to neglecting the key points of diet,Three meals are irregular, often overeating and overeating, and the digestive ability of elderly people is inherently weak,,,,.

Elderly people should try to focus on a light diet as much as possible,,,,.


Eat until half full,,.,.


,Healthy and long-lived elderly people often have a good mentality,,,.



3Daily routine

,,Having enough rest time every day is greatly helpful for maintaining a good mental state,.



4Healthy exercise


,,Easy to exercise, it's not related anymore,.50.


After exercise,,,,,.


5Pay attention to maintaining hygiene





The correct way of life should be to wash hands frequently,,.

,Tableware should be used separately from others,,.,.,.




,,Healthy and long-lived people indeed have some common life characteristics.


1Good sleep

Good sleep.,,,.

2Good lung capacity

Good lung capacity.



3Bright hair



4A rosy complexion

A rosy complexion,,,,.

  1. Hard teeth




,Don't pay too much attention to the so-called 'Kannian',,,,,.

Instead, it's the excessive,.


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