As people age, all kinds of illnesses come? Don't be too diligent in these three things for middle-aged and elderly people, as they are not conducive to health

I have told you hundreds of times in recent years not to buy health products of unknown origin. You just don't listen, and now hospitalization costs a lot of money!Aunt Zheng, 55 years old this year, is a health enthusiast

I have told you hundreds of times in recent years not to buy health products of unknown origin. You just don't listen, and now hospitalization costs a lot of money!

Aunt Zheng, 55 years old this year, is a health enthusiast. Since menopause, Aunt Zheng feels like her body is getting worse day by day, alwaysPoor sleep, low back pain.

A month ago, Aunt Zheng heard from her best friend that,Eating health products can beautify and prevent agingI spent thousands of yuan to buy a pile of health products. who knowsI ate it for about 10 daysAunt Zheng always feels thatTotal weaknessEven walking a few steps feels very tiring.

My wife saw the situation and quickly took Aunt Zheng to the hospital for examination. After the results came out, Aunt Zheng'sCreatine kinase is more than 10 times higher than normal and diagnosed as mild kidney injuryWe need to stay in the hospital for observation. After the son who came to visit learned about the matter, he had the blame for Aunt Zheng earlier.

The doctor told Aunt Zheng that this hospitalization was related to her blind use of health products of unknown origin.

At a certain age, people may experience some physical discomfort to some extent, leading many to doubt whether they are seriously ill. Wang Jianye, the director of Beijing Hospital, pointed out that aging should not be treated as a disease. Many "diseases" are not actually diseases, just getting old!.

As people age, the organizational structure of the body also undergoes changes. The body often exhibits these four symptoms, so it's time to pay more attention.

1. Osteoporosis

Before the age of 20, bones are in the growth and development stage, and bone density will continue to increase. At the age of 20-40, bone growth is in a relatively balanced stage and bone density reaches its peak. After the age of 40, bones begin to age and bone density gradually decreases. Especially in postmenopausal women, bone loss is very fast, and if not prevented in a timely manner, it is extremely easy to lead to osteoporosis.

2. Skin aging

As people age, their skin gradually loses its sense of redness and luster, becoming pale and rough, losing elasticity, and exhibiting wrinkles or age-related spots. Due to a decrease in the number of sweat glands and cells, the skin becomes drier and itchy, and the hair begins to lose its luster, becoming prone to breakage or hair loss.

3. Constantly constipated

As one ages, the digestive system function of the human body gradually deteriorates. If one does not pay attention to a healthy diet and timely hydration at this time, constipation may occur frequently.

4. Poor sleep

After getting older, the quality of sleep also begins to decline, manifested as difficulty falling asleep, waking up early, etc., such as difficulty falling asleep again after waking up in the early morning. Some elderly women may also have problems such as hot flashes, excessive dreaming, and palpitations.

With the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, people have higher aspirations for anti-aging. However, for elderly people, there are three things that, if done too frequently, will actually be detrimental to their health.

1. Don't eat health products too often

Some elderly people are enthusiastic about supplementing health products, but they should not eat them indiscriminately, especially some health products with unknown origins.

A study involving more than 30000 people published in the American Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that taking health supplements does not extend lifespan, as nutrients in food can meet daily needs.

The abuse of health products can actually bring harm to liver damage to the elderly, and in severe cases, it can even endanger life.

2. Don't exercise too frequently

Excessive exercise of the elderly will open the immune system instead, and pathogens and bacteria will take advantage of the situation, and the risk of suffering from influenza or upper respiratory tract infection will also increase. If you sweat profusely when exercising too frequently, drinking a lot of water can also increase the burden on the heart.

Whether it's walking, jogging, or swimming, it's recommended to choose a suitable exercise and spend 10-15 minutes warming up before exercising.

3. Don't take a shower too often

As people age, their sebaceous glands also gradually shrink. If they take a shower too frequently or the water temperature is too hot, it is easy to wash away the oil that the skin has not easily secreted, causing the skin to lose its protective film, making it more prone to problems such as dry skin and itching.

In 2019, a study published in the journal Nature Medicine analyzed plasma samples from 4263 individuals aged 18-98 and found that humans do not age uniformly and there may be three physiological turning points, namely 34 years old, 60 years old, and 78 years old. Among them, research has found that after the age of 60, the body and mind will fully enter the stage of aging.

Aging may be inevitable, but we can make ourselves grow older slowly. Doing five small things in daily life can help delay aging.

1. Reasonable exercise

After getting older, it is important to adhere to regular exercise. This not only helps to maintain muscle loss, but also enhances immunity, allowing you to maintain a youthful figure and maintain a light pace. But it should be noted that exercise should be done gradually and according to one's abilities.

2. Healthy diet

Eat in moderation, avoid eating too greasy or too full. It is recommended to eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, and deep-sea fish, with a combination of coarse and fine staple foods. If possible, you can also drink milk every day to avoid smoking and drinking.

3. Maintain weight

Related research findings in 2014Obesity can accelerate the aging rate of the liverFor every 10 increase in body mass index, the apparent genetic age of the liver increases accordinglyAdd 3.3 years.


4. Get plenty of sun exposure


5. Use your brain frequently




[1] Anti aging after the age of 60, nutrition and exercise are indispensable! "Health Times, 2022-10-31

[2] Don't eat health products blindly! Latest research: It cannot prolong life and may be harmful! It's better to eat well! "Health Times. 2019-04-16

[3] Life has three "cliff like" turning points in aging! Do these six things well and age slowly! "Health Times, 2021-12-29

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