Dalian Institute of Education__ Dalian Teacher Network

Domain: www.dlteacher.com

Site Name: Dalian Institute of Education__ Dalian Teacher Network

Site Description: Dalian Education College was established in October 1952 and is an independent adult undergraduate institution under the direct leadership of the municipal government. It undertakes the tasks of training primary and secondary education cadres, teachers, teaching research, and guidance throughout the city. The college is located in the city center, with an elegant environment and convenient transportation. The building area is over 27000 square meters, including a library area of 3000 square meters (with a collection of over 200000 books). The college currently has 348 faculty members, including 13 professors, 34 associate professors, and 169 other associate vocational colleges. The current Party Secretary Jin Yantao and President Zhang Shuping.

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Website Data: SEO > www.dlteacher.com Whois > www.dlteacher.com Geographic location

Category: Education and training >> Education/Research

Index date: 2009-11-28 09:54:00

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