White phlegm is in the spleen, yellow phlegm is in the lung, stubborn phlegm is in the kidney. I will give you a box of traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations to relieve the phlegm in the whole body

Do you often feel phlegm in your throat, and no matter how you cough, you can't cough it out?Do you know that the color and position of phlegm can reflect your physical condition?Do you want to know what traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations can help you eliminate phlegm and dampness and improve your health? Below, we will reveal the secrets of phlegm and some effective methods for resolving phlegm.White phlegm troubles Xiao WangXiao Wang is an office worker with high work pressure and frequent overtime

Do you often feel phlegm in your throat, and no matter how you cough, you can't cough it out?Do you know that the color and position of phlegm can reflect your physical condition?

Do you want to know what traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations can help you eliminate phlegm and dampness and improve your health? Below, we will reveal the secrets of phlegm and some effective methods for resolving phlegm.

White phlegm troubles Xiao Wang

Xiao Wang is an office worker with high work pressure and frequent overtime. His dietary habits are also not very good, and he likes to eat greasy, sweet, and cold drinks. Recently, he found himself constantly coughing, with white sticky phlegm in his throat that he couldn't spit out or swallow. He felt very uncomfortable, which also affected his work efficiency and mood.

Xiao Wang went to the hospital for examination, and the doctor told him that he was suffering from spleen deficiency and heavy dampness. The doctor said that the spleen is responsible for transporting water, grains, and fluids. If the spleen is dysfunctional, it can lead to the formation of water dampness and white sticky phlegm.

This type of phlegm often rises to the lungs, causing obstruction and irritation of the respiratory tract, causing coughing.The doctor suggested that Xiao Wang adjust his dietary habits, eat less greasy, sweet, and cold drinks, and eat more light, mild, and fiber rich foods.Chen Xia Liu Junzi Wan.

What is Chen Xia Liu Junzi Wan? What is its purpose? How does it have the effect of resolving phlegm?

Chenxia Liujunzi Pill - A Divine Medicine for Strengthening the Spleen and Resolving Phlegm

Chenxia Liujunzi Pill is a common traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations, which is composed of tangerine peel, prunella vulgaris, tuckahoe, atractylodes macrocephala, liquorice and ginger.Its main functions are strengthening the spleen, drying dampness, regulating qi, and resolving phlegm. It is suitable for chest tightness, anorexia, vomiting, pantothenic acid, dizziness, cough and other symptoms caused by spleen deficiency and dampness.

The reason why Chenxia Liujunzi Pill can dissipate phlegm is because it can fundamentally regulate the function of the spleen and stomach. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the spleen is the source of phlegm". If the spleen is insufficient, it will lead to insufficient digestion and absorption of water and grains, and the normal movement and excretion of water and liquid, resulting in stagnation and accumulation of phlegm and dampness in the body.

The drugs in Chenxia Liujunzi Pill, such as tangerine peel, summer dried grass, Poria cocos, and Atractylodes macrocephala, all have the effect of invigorating the spleen and drying dampness,It can promote the circulation function of the spleen and stomach, eliminate water dampness, and reduce the generation of phlegm.At the same time, drugs such as licorice and ginger in Chenxia Liujunzi Wan have the effect of regulating qi and resolving phlegm,It can help expel phlegm, relieve coughing and chest tightness.

Chenxia Liujunzi Pill is a traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations for white phlegm in the spleen

Phlegm in the kidney, what traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations can alleviate it?

Yellow phlegm in the lungs - cough relieving and phlegm resolving capsules

Yellow phlegm is a common color of phlegm, which usually indicates heat or infection in the lungs.People with yellow phlegm often have symptoms such as cough, sore throat, dry mouth, thirst, and fever. At this time, it is necessary to clear the lungs, relieve heat, dissipate phlegm, and stop coughing.An effective traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations is Zhike Huatan capsule.

Zhike Huatan Capsule is a traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations composed of Platycodon grandiflorum, Baibu, Pinellia ternata, loquat leaves, liquorice, etc. Its main functions are clearing the lungs, purging fire, resolving phlegm, and relieving cough.It is suitable for coughing caused by lung heat, thick or bloody phlegm, chest tightness and shortness of breath.

The reason why cough relieving and phlegm resolving capsules can dissolve phlegm is because they can fundamentally eliminate the heat evil in the lungs. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the lungs are the organs for storing phlegm". If there is fire or infection in the lungs, it will cause the water to not flow down normally and rise into yellow, sticky or bloody phlegm.

The drugs such as Platycodon grandiflorum and Baibu in cough relieving and phlegm resolving capsules have the effect of clearing the lungs and purging fire,It can eliminate inflammation and infection in the lungs, reducing the damage of fire to the lungs.At the same time, drugs such as Pinellia ternata and loquat leaves in cough relieving and phlegm resolving capsules have the effect of resolving phlegm and relieving cough,It can help lubricate the respiratory tract, promote the discharge of phlegm, and alleviate coughing and shortness of breath.

Phlegm in the kidney, what traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations can alleviate it?

Stubborn Phlegm in the Kidney - Yougui Pill

Stubborn phlegm is a common stubborn phlegm in elderly people that is difficult to expel from the body. People with persistent phlegm often have symptoms such as shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, and insomnia. At this time, it is necessary to tonify the kidneys, replenish qi, and dissipate phlegm to calm the nerves. An effective traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations is Yougui Pill.

Yougui Pill is a traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations composed of Ophiopogon japonicus, Polygala tenuifolia, Fushen, Longan meat, Schisandra chinensis, etc. Its main function is to tonify the kidney, replenish qi, dissipate phlegm, and calm the mind.It is suitable for coughing, white or clear phlegm, shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness and insomnia caused by insufficient kidney qi.

The reason why Yougui Pill can dissipate phlegm is because it can fundamentally regulate the function of kidney qi. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the kidney is the organ for storing essence". If the kidney qi is insufficient, it will lead to insufficient nourishment of the heart and lungs by the blood essence, and the water cannot rise and fall normally, causing it to coagulate into stubborn and difficult to dissolve phlegm in the body.

The drugs such as Ophiopogon japonicus and Polygala tenuifolia in Yougui Wan have the effects of tonifying the kidney and tonifying qi,It can enhance kidney function, promote the generation and operation of blood essence, nourish the heart and lungs, and improve qi and blood circulation.Meanwhile, the drugs such as Fu Shen and Longan Rou in Yougui Wan have the effect of resolving phlegm and calming the nervesTo help clear phlegm and dampness from the heart and lungs, calm the mind, and alleviate shortness of breath, palpitations, and insomnia.

How is phlegm formed?

The above traditional Chinese medicine has taught us some methods for treating phlegm. How does phlegm form and what diseases cause phlegm? What are the main factors that we need in our daily lives? Therefore, understanding how phlegm is formed is also very important!

Phlegm is a substance formed by mixing respiratory mucosal secretions with particles, bacteria, viruses, and other foreign objects in the air.Normal people secrete a certain amount of phlegm every day to keep the respiratory tract moist and clean.

However, when inflammation or infection occurs in the respiratory tract, the amount and nature of sputum will change, resulting in different colors and viscosities. The color and location of sputum can reflect the health status of the human body, such as:

White or transparent phlegm,It is usually caused by a normal or mild cold and does not require special concern.

Yellow or green phlegm,Usually indicates heat or infection in the lungs and requires timely medical treatment.

Red or bloodstained phlegm,Usually indicates bleeding or damage to the lungs, which may be a serious disease such as tuberculosis or lung cancer, requiring urgent medical examination.

Black or gray phlegm,Usually indicates inhaling a large amount of dust, smoke, or pollutants, requiring attention to environmental hygiene and protective measures.

The location of sputum can also be distinguished between the upper and lower respiratory tracts.The upper respiratory tract includes the nasal cavity, throat, and other parts, while the lower respiratory tract includes the trachea, bronchi, lungs, and other parts.Phlegm in the upper respiratory tractFluid is usually composed of mucous secretions from the nose or throat mixed with foreign objects in the air, and can be coughed or vomited out.

Phlegm in the lower respiratory tractFluid is usually composed of mucous secretions from the trachea or bronchus mixed with foreign objects in the air, and can only be expelled through strong coughing. Inflammation or infection in the lower respiratory tract is usually more severe than in the upper respiratory tract, and requires more attention to treatment and prevention.


After reading the above content, you should have a certain understanding of the color and location of phlegm, and also know some traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations for different types of phlegm. Of course,These traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations are only auxiliary treatment means and cannot replace the formal medical diagnosis and treatment.

If you have long-term or severe cough and sputum problems,You should go to the hospital for examination and treatment in a timely manner to avoid delaying the condition or causing other complications.At the same time, you should also pay attention to your lifestyle habits and dietary adjustments, avoid eating stimulating, greasy, and cold foods, and eat more light, mild, and vitamin and fiber rich foods.

In addition, you can also drink warm water or some soup that is beneficial for resolving phlegm, such as white radish soup, pear soup, honey water, etc. These can help you moisten your throat and reduce phlegm, maintaining respiratory health.

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