How to spend the long aging years after the age of 70?

Being able to pass the age of 70 in a healthy and healthy manner is itself a particularly fortunate thing. Although the average life expectancy is currently 76 years old, how many people have quietly left without crossing the threshold of 70 years old

Being able to pass the age of 70 in a healthy and healthy manner is itself a particularly fortunate thing. Although the average life expectancy is currently 76 years old, how many people have quietly left without crossing the threshold of 70 years old.

Although you have crossed the threshold of 70 years old, within this threshold, if you want to live with quality and care, no matter how healthy you are before the age of 70, after all, you have reached a rare age and officially entered old age.

All aspects need to be planned and taken measures in advance, especially finding ways to maintain physical health and adapt to the new changes brought about by age.

Image source: Visual China

1. Treating Diseases Properly

At the age of 70 or above, it is inevitable for people to experience various physical problems. At this age, it is normal to have illnesses, and as long as one can control or not significantly affect their quality of life, they are very lucky.

Don't envy friends who undergo physical examinations and tests better than you or have no illnesses, as their lifespan may not necessarily be longer than yours.

Many chronic diseases require long-term regulation, some of which are caused by aging of the body's organs as we age;

For example, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, lacunar infarction, coronary heart disease, cataracts, and so on, these diseases will accompany you for life until you finally leave this world together.

We can only try to stabilize these diseases through daily dietary regulation, medication, and exercise, and it is unlikely that these diseases will fully recover.

We need to have sufficient mental preparation and learn more health science knowledge in this area from online or books, so that we can face it correctly and not scare ourselves.

Try to keep these basic diseases that have accompanied you for many years in a stable state, do not let slow diseases that are not serious develop seriously, do not let them bring greater danger or produce more serious complications;

This is the ideal state for people of this age with these diseases.

2. Take medication according to medical advice

If you have basic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, gout, etc., you must take the medicine on time every day according to the doctor's advice and not miss it.

When going out, the first thing is to never forget to bring medication. In addition to your ID card and phone, the daily medication you must take is as important as your ID card and phone.

To prevent missed medication, you can use a calendar. After taking medication every day, make a mark on the calendar so that you don't make mistakes and avoid missed or excessive medication.

For elderly people with coronary heart disease, it is necessary to prepare some emergency medication at home, such as nitroglycerin, quick acting heart saving pills, or compound danshen dripping pills.

Place these emergency medications in a place that each family member knows and can easily find, and inform the family about the situation, how much dose to take, and how to take them.

3. Always harbor a grateful heart

Learning to be grateful and fulfilling one's happiness is also very beneficial for one's health. As a person of the same age, you are the lucky one at the age of seventy.

We should be grateful to nature for providing us with clothes and food, making us feel full and warm, and ensuring our health and longevity;

Gratitude to our parents for giving us life, giving us the opportunity to enjoy life;

Gratitude to our loved ones for joining hands with us for a lifetime, helping each other, helping each other through the long journey of life, and accompanying us without complaint or regret;

I also want to thank my family, my children, and society. With this mindset, I am content and happy, and my heart is filled with sunshine all day, which will naturally prolong my life.

Image source: Visual China

4. Cherish the people around you

Young couples always come together, and having a spouse in their later years is a happy thing. There is someone around who knows the cold and the hot, who speaks thoughtful words and chatters heartily, not lonely or lonely.

At this age, being able to sleep and fly together, the heart is stable, the emotions are peaceful, and a home with a spouse waiting is warm and warm.

Even if accompanied silently, this feeling is a simple and down-to-earth happiness. So, we must cherish the mutual affection and try to spend more time with each other.

Cherish the old friends around you, after decades of screening, the remaining old friends must be those who have the same values and good relationships.

Everyone can play cards, drink a few glasses of wine, and have some tea together. Having friends like this is also beneficial for health and longevity.

After the age of 70, most of the children have already entered middle age, and during this period, there are children who are old and young, with high life pressure and difficulty.

You need to understand and cherish the children around you, and do what you can do on your own. This is not only beneficial for preventing Alzheimer's disease, but also for health, and can also reduce trouble for your children.

5. Reasonable diet

After the age of 70, if there is a tooth defect, it is recommended to repair and supplement it in a timely manner.

Otherwise, the chewing function is too poor, which affects the appetite and flavor of the food, as well as the digestion and absorption of the food. At this age, the digestion and absorption function of the gastrointestinal tract decreases significantly.

Pay attention to the supplement of high-quality protein in your diet, and do not eat too vegetarian all day. Your body will become increasingly dry and prone to calcium deficiency and fractures. High quality protein includes fish, eggs, meat, etc.

It is recommended to eat fish three times a week, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases by about 30%. It is best to eat an egg every day, as one egg per day does not increase the risk of heart disease.

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits every day and try to keep your bowel movements unobstructed. Many elderly people experience sudden accidents due to excessive force after constipation, which can cause myocardial infarction or cerebral hemorrhage. Therefore, this must be taken seriously.

After the age of 70, on the basis of your original lifestyle habits, add some nutritious, easily digestible, and easily absorbed foods appropriately.

Image source: Visual China

6. Appropriate exercise.

Many people say that at this age, life depends on rest and recuperation.

Having been staying at home and recuperating, is the meaning and quality of life too low? Appropriate exercise can help people forget their troubles and be happy and happy.

So in daily life, one should often go out of the house, breathe the fresh air outside, and see the beautiful scenery outside;

Finding suitable exercise programs for your own fitness and persisting in them will help you live a high-quality, healthy and long life.

For elderly people over 70 years old, regardless of whether they have advanced basic diseases or not, if their physical conditions are still good, there are three aspects to pay attention to in terms of exercise selection, time, and intensity.

Regarding the selection of sports events, it is particularly important to emphasize that one should not choose activities with too much intensity. If one is over 70, even if their physical fitness is good, their important organs will age to varying degrees.

The aging of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels is inevitable for everyone. If the intensity of exercise is too high, it can be life-threatening. Because the intensity of exercise is too high, the heart load is too high, and the heart may experience failure.

In terms of exercise time, it is best to adhere to it every day. If you cannot adhere to it every day, try not to have less than 4 days per week. Generally, the daily exercise time is around 30-40 minutes.

This type of time will neither fail to exercise due to being too short, nor will it cause excessive physical fatigue due to prolonged exercise.

Of course, elderly friends can also shorten or extend it appropriately based on their actual situation.

It is recommended for elderly people over 70 years old to choose moderate intensity sports, allowing their bodies to participate in sports and maintain slight wheezing and sweating;

The maximum heart rate can be controlled between 110 to 120 beats per minute to achieve the goal of exercise. You can choose the simplest methods such as walking, cycling, square dancing, Tai Chi, and so on.

For elderly friends with poor physical conditions, taking a walk every day is also a good choice.

Unlike other age groups, elderly people over the age of 70 place special emphasis on controlling exercise risks.

For example, in patients with diabetes, their blood sugar is not stable. When they exercise on an empty stomach in the morning, they are particularly prone to hypoglycemia risk;

For patients with hypertension, if their blood pressure is not well controlled, it may lead to an increase in blood pressure during exercise, posing a risk of stroke or myocardial infarction.

Therefore, for elderly friends over 70 years old, when choosing exercise methods, exercise volume, and exercise time, it is necessary to consider their own situation.

Scientifically, reasonably, and safely, while ensuring safety, choosing what is suitable for oneself can truly benefit the body.

Image source: Visual China

7. Slow paced life

If you are an acute child, after the age of 70, it is recommended that you deliberately slow down and not ignore everything like you did when you were young.

When getting up in the morning, you should slowly sit in bed for a while, then get up and get dressed, and take a lunch break for about half an hour at noon.

When eating, be slow, especially when taking the first bite of food. As you get older, the swallowing reflex slows down, and if it's too fast, it can easily cause coughing. Chew carefully and eat slowly;

Walking should also be slow and steady, especially when going out, to prevent collisions, slips, and injuries to legs and feet.

When dealing with people in daily life, it's important to be reasonable and not overly anxious, avoid getting angry, and avoid emotional excitement.

In short, it means taking three slow steps in everything, achieving a calm mindset, being calm in situations, not angry, not in a hurry, not getting angry, not getting angry, not arguing with others, not comparing, and having a calm mood.

8. Don't mind your own business

As you get older, being able to manage yourself is enough. Pay less attention to your children's affairs, and your knowledge and experience will not keep up with the development of the times.

Children's affairs should be entrusted to them with peace of mind, and the extent to which they handle them is their own business.

As the saying goes, no matter what happens in two lifetimes, you should intervene less and worry less in the way your children live, so that you won't get upset.

At this age, it is important to watch, listen, speak, manage, and participate less. This will benefit both parties and create a harmonious and warm family atmosphere.

If you live with your children, you must maintain cleanliness, avoid littering the house, smoke in the house, and bring outsiders to your children's homes.

You should take frequent showers to prevent the smell of old age on your body, manage your body well, spend less on medical expenses, suffer less from medical treatment, and cause less trouble to your children.

Young people have their own rich and colorful lives, which are different in pace from the lives of 70 year olds.

When it comes to work, it is normal to not act quickly. If your children do not like you helping with household chores or dislike you for not doing it quickly enough, you must not have a sense of loneliness and must learn to turn a blind eye.

Image source: Visual China

9. Retain sufficient pension funds

Most 70 year old people have retirement pensions, and now the elderly in rural areas have also paid for pension insurance in their early years, providing a secure living.

Although there is a monthly pension, it is much more convenient to leave emergency money for yourself if conditions permit. Once something happens, there is no need for your children to pay for it.

Don't panic if you have money in your hand. At this time, don't give all the money you have to your children. Instead, leave some money at your disposal.

10. Having one's own hobbies

At the age of 70, one should also have their own hobbies. With hobbies, it's easy to pass the day.

Besides, there is really not much time left after the age of 70. Living each day to the fullest and making one's life colorful is very helpful for one's health.

With the rapid development of network information technology, there are more and more interesting and fun things online. You can learn what you want online without spending money, and find netizens with similar interests and hobbies.

For those who love flowers and plants, discuss their experiences and experiences in raising flowers online; Those who enjoy writing can share your articles on many platforms;

Especially for those with specialized knowledge in their field of expertise, you can unleash your energy online, giving you a sense of achievement and being needed by others. This is very beneficial for enriching your spiritual life.

11. Preventing accidents

Wearing warm clothes in winter and cool clothes in summer can lead to a decrease in one's immune system and ability to perceive heat and cold. If one is not careful, they may catch a cold and have a fever.

In daily life, the amount of clothing you wear should be adjusted in a timely manner according to the temperature.

At this age, my memory is poor. To prevent accidents, when cooking in the kitchen, I try not to leave the kitchen as much as possible to avoid a fire.

The lighting in each room should be bright because vision is poor and the ability to coordinate movements is also reduced. Therefore, the lights should be brighter to see more clearly, and the degree of presbyopia should be deeper. Adjust the glasses in a timely manner.

The floor tiles in the bathroom should be non slip and dry, and the heating equipment in the bathroom should ensure that it is not cold during bathing in winter to prevent catching a cold during bathing.

Wear anti-skid and comfortable shoes on a regular basis to prevent accidental falls. If the lights or curtains at home need to be replaced or cleaned, it is recommended to seek the services of a homemaker to prevent fractures after a fall.

At this age, if a fracture occurs after a fall and requires long-term bed rest, it can easily cause complications of important organs and ultimately be difficult to treat.

Write at the end:

After the age of 70, physical degradation is an inevitable pattern that cannot be stopped, and it is unrealistic to be healthy without illness.

We should recognize and adapt to old age, actively cooperate with treatment with a sunny attitude when sick, and coexist gently with the disease. Even with illness, we can live a long life.

Here's a reminder: while your mind is still clear, take care of the things behind you. Life is not a burden to others, and even death does not leave any future troubles.

Especially for those with many children, it is important to explain their future affairs clearly and become a wise elderly person.

I cannot control how long I can live. I have already passed the age of 70, and I embrace the mentality of earning one more day by living. I am willing to accept whatever arrangements God makes.

Living only for health, living with quality, not burdening children, not causing trouble to society, not suffering oneself, living with dignity, this is the most important thing.

In the limited time, live a happy, carefree, and healthy life that you enjoy, enjoy more, suffer less, and grow old with dignity;

For those unfinished things and wishes, let go of those that can be put down, and for those that cannot be put down, hurry to fulfill them and try not to leave or regret as little as possible.

The most wonderful scenery in life is the calmness and calmness of the heart. Do you think that's the reason?

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