When a person is old, they will live a long life after enduring two obstacles. Which two years do two obstacles refer to? Elderly people should know as soon as possible

On this day, Uncle Wang got up early as usual to hoe the fields. On an autumn morning, it was a bit cold

On this day, Uncle Wang got up early as usual to hoe the fields. On an autumn morning, it was a bit cold. Uncle Wang was wearing old clothes and picked up his hoe to walk into the field.

Mr. Wang first inspected the land that was watered last night, ground the soil, and nodded, saying, "The terrain is good, and the crops should be able to harvest abundantly.

The work of hoeing the land was very hard, and soon Mr. Wang's head was covered in bean-sized sweat. But Uncle Wang is very energetic, hoeing and hoeing the land in a regular manner.

At this moment, Lao Li from the next door also came to work in the field. Upon seeing Uncle Wang's figure, Lao Li couldn't help but exclaim, "Uncle Wang is really old and robust, more energetic than us young people. What is the secret to health preservation.

Uncle Wang smiled and waved his hand, saying, "There's no secret. It's just to work honestly, maintain an optimistic attitude, and live every day well.

Alright, Mr. Wang is right, "Lao Li nodded." I think Mr. Wang is a person who has lived a long life and has overcome two obstacles in life, so he can live a long life for a hundred years.

Upon hearing the words' two ridges', Mr. Wang paused for a moment, as if he remembered something from the past. His smile disappeared and his face became somewhat solemn.

Lao Li saw Mr. Wang's expression change and looked at him in confusion. After a while, Uncle Wang slowly spoke up and said, "Two ridges.

My life has indeed gone through two major obstacles.

His tone was filled with vicissitudes and desolation, and it was only then that Lao Li realized that he had encountered Mr. Wang's sad past.

Mr. Wang stood alone on the ridge of the field, staring into the distance in a daze.

That day, Uncle Wang got up as usual to cook breakfast. Just as he was about to go out to work, he suddenly heard laughter coming from outside the door.

The old friends greeted Mr. Wang with a smile and said, "Mr. Wang, we came to listen to your story. I heard you have experienced two major obstacles, and I really want to know what kind of story it is.

Mr. Wang was stunned for a moment, then smiled clearly and said, "Oh, it's Lao Li who told you

Everyone nodded and said yes. Uncle Wang thought for a moment and said, "Okay, let me tell you something. You sit down and talk

Everyone sat down happily, their faces filled with excitement and anticipation. Uncle Wang still had the faint smile on his face. He patted his hands lightly and said, "When I was young, life was not easy.

When I was twenty years old, I encountered the first major obstacle in my life - a once-in-a-century famine that occurred. The village was flooded, all the crops were washed away, and without food, the villagers were almost starving to death.

Speaking of this, Mr. Wang's tone exuded a taste of pain. The crowd also became solemn and quietly listened to Mr. Wang continuing to speak.

Those days were really difficult, and all we could eat every day were tree bark and wild vegetables. I watched the children cry because of a lack of food, and as the head of the family, I couldn't do anything about it. It felt like my heart was being held in pain.

Mr. Wang's eyes seemed to flash with a hint of tears, but he quickly blinked it away and continued, "But I didn't give up. I struggled day after day to survive, and finally we managed to get through that big obstacle when the relief food came.

Upon hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and their faces also showed admiration. Uncle Wang paused for a moment, his expression becoming even more solemn: "However, greater suffering is still ahead.

Uncle Wang nodded slightly and continued to tell his story:

Sure enough, the good times didn't last long. When I thought the disaster had finally passed, even greater doom opened the door - the plague had struck.

At first, only a few villagers had a high fever, but the condition quickly worsened and quickly spread, with almost everyone getting sick.

During that time, it was like hell on earth. The village was filled with the smell of death, and there were cries everywhere. Unfortunately, I also contracted the plague, with a high fever that persisted and a splitting headache all day.

Mr. Wang's tone exuded the pain of vicissitudes, and that terrible memory seemed to reappear in his mind.

Lying in bed, I saw my wife with red circles under her eyes taking care of me and the child. My heart was torn and I felt guilty for not being able to protect my family.

After hearing this, I only felt that the sky and the earth were dim. My second uncle loved me like a father, but I didn't expect him to suddenly pass away like this. I couldn't help but shed tears.

Mr. Wang's voice trembled a bit before continuing:

However, I didn't give up and fought against the disease day after day. Finally, with the joint efforts of everyone, we survived this plague and the second hurdle of life.

When I finally recovered, I excitedly hugged my wife and child and cried bitterly. We paid a huge price, but finally we welcomed a new life.

The story of Mr. Wang comes to an end, with a resilient will in his eyes. Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes also turned red, deeply influenced by Mr. Wang's indomitable spirit.

Uncle Wang finished the first two stories and sighed heavily, his expression becoming extremely solemn.

After experiencing these two calamities, I finally realized the meaning of the sentence 'A person who is old has two obstacles, and after enduring them, they will live a long life'.

These two obstacles, one is a natural disaster and the other is a plague, which can be said to be even more difficult, tormenting me to almost lose my hope of life.

Mr. Wang's tone was full of vicissitudes, and everyone felt the same way. They couldn't help but feel sad from the bottom of their hearts for his experience.

However, it is precisely because of walking through these two valleys of the shadow of death that my mindset and outlook on life have also changed

Uncle Wang slowly expressed his insights: "I understand that life inevitably has ups and downs, and we must learn to face them.

Perhaps these two obstacles are immense hardships for me, but at the same time, they have also allowed me to grow strong, honed my will, and witnessed the greatness of life.

After listening, everyone nodded in unison. What Uncle Wang said did indeed touch their hearts.

So, my current longevity is not simply good luck, but the spirit of enduring hardships but perseverance that has brought me to this day.

Uncle Wang spoke with great care.

This is also what I want to tell everyone - no one can go smoothly in life, relying on the heart that never gives up.

This is the true meaning of 'if you get through the two obstacles of aging, you will live a long life'.

Mr. Wang shared his life insights in detail, which greatly benefited everyone. At this moment, they truly understood Mr. Wang's life code and were deeply moved by his optimistic and resilient spirit.

After listening to Uncle Wang's narration, everyone remained silent and fell into deep contemplation.

After a while, Lao Zhang whispered, "Mr. Wang, I finally understand your intention. It turns out that these 'two ridges' do not refer to specific years, but rather symbolize the difficult times that life must go through.

Mr. Wang nodded and said, "That's right, you're right. The reason why I expressed it this way is because I hope you can understand the attitude when facing difficulties.

Everyone furrowed their brows, looking still thinking.

In fact, the deeper meaning of telling this story is to make everyone reflect on their attitudes towards difficulties in life.

For example, how do you deal with unpleasant things? Do you try your best to avoid difficulties, or lose confidence and give up easily when encountering difficulties

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but blush, as if Mr. Wang had spoken of their inner doubts.

In fact, difficulties are unavoidable. It is important to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude when facing difficulties.

Mr. Wang's words contain the wisdom of life. Everyone finally understood his pain.

That's right, we really need to change our negative attitude when facing difficulties in order to live these two obstacles in life well.

Mr. Wang is right. His story has greatly benefited me and I must change myself

Everyone expressed that the story of Uncle Wang has greatly inspired them, and they all expressed their desire to change their attitude towards life from now on and persist in facing any difficulties optimistically and positively.

This is exactly the effect that Uncle Wang hopes to see. He looked at the crowd with satisfaction and said with relief, "If you can understand and practice this truth, my life will not be in vain.

The story of Uncle Wang plunged everyone into deep contemplation.

After a while, Lao Li first spoke up and said, "After listening to Mr. Wang's story, I suddenly realized that there had been a problem with my attitude when facing difficulties.

Yes, so do I. "Lao Zhang also agreed," Every time I encounter something unpleasant, I always feel down and complain about the unfairness of fate.

Uncle Wang smiled slightly and encouraged, "Realizing problems is the first step towards progress. It is important for us to start changing now and develop the good habit of remaining optimistic and persistent when facing difficulties.

Mr. Wang is right, "everyone said one after another.

In fact, I have indeed made changes after going through those two obstacles, "said Uncle Wang slowly." I have learned to face difficulties positively, rather than avoiding or complaining.

After listening, everyone nodded for a moment, and it was obvious that Uncle Wang's experience had greatly inspired them.

I realize that I often complain about the unhappiness in life and lack a positive and optimistic attitude when facing difficulties.

Me, too. When faced with difficulties, it's easy to lose confidence and no longer believe in hope, "Lao Li agreed.

It seems that we all need to learn from Mr. Wang's indomitable spirit and change our negative mindset

Yes, Mr. Wang's story taught me the importance of being positive and optimistic, which is also beneficial for longevity.

Everyone expressed that they have received valuable life inspirations this time and are determined to change their attitude towards life from now on, facing the ups and downs of life with a positive and optimistic heart.

Uncle Wang nodded with relief after listening.

The story of Uncle Wang has clearly greatly inspired everyone, giving them a deeper understanding of life and longevity.

Originally, the secret to longevity is not simply luck, but requires a healthy and positive attitude towards life as a backing.

That's right, Uncle Wang's story made me understand this, "Lao Li also agreed.

Everyone nodded in unison. Mr. Wang's face lit up with a pleased smile.

If you can understand this meaning, I am satisfied, "said Uncle Wang earnestly." Long life, after all, requires one to strive for it through one's own positive and optimistic strength.

Thank you, Mr. Wang, for imparting this valuable life experience to us. "Everyone expressed gratitude.

Your story deeply touched us, and we will definitely remember and practice your life wisdom

Yes, we must not give up easily when facing difficulties in the future, but maintain an optimistic and positive attitude

We will definitely pass on this principle and let more people benefit from it

Everyone expressed that they will definitely learn from Mr. Wang's life teachings, change their attitude towards facing difficulties, and continue to spread this positive and optimistic power.

Seeing everyone's enlightenment, Uncle Wang was very pleased. He nodded and kindly said, "The ups and downs experienced by the older generation are meant to warn future generations to establish a positive outlook on life.

We will always remember your teachings and appreciate your valuable life experience, "the crowd once again expressed their gratitude.

On this day, Uncle Wang's story taught everyone a valuable lesson in life. Everyone is determined to change themselves and live every obstacle in life with a positive and upward mindset.

After the story of Uncle Wang was told, everyone also expressed their determination to change themselves. At this moment, Wang Ming, the son of Uncle Wang, rushed over.

Dad, forget about those people and hurry home to work! "Wang Ming said impatiently.

Mr. Wang's face showed a hint of bitterness, but he still said softly, "Okay, I'll come right away

Wang Ming is the only son of Uncle Wang, with a hot temper and not filial to his father. Mr. Wang's daughter-in-law often causes trouble without reason, which makes him mentally exhausted.

Everyone saw Mr. Wang's difficulties and advised him, "Wang Ming, your father is already old. You should pay more attention to him and not complain all the time.

What's your concern? Don't always come and teach me a lesson! "Wang Ming choked impatiently and urged Uncle Wang to leave.

Uncle Wang silently followed Wang Ming away, his face full of forbearance. Everyone felt sorry for Mr. Wang when they saw the situation.

Alas, Uncle Wang is still physically strong, but he must be very distressed by his son and daughter-in-law's anger

Yes, the whole family is not serious, Mr. Wang is really a bad person

Everyone discussed and expressed sympathy for Mr. Wang's suffering.

In fact, Uncle Wang's wife passed away in an early age, and he alone brought up Wang Ming. Wang Ming has a strong personality, and Uncle Wang has no choice but to let him alone.

Later on, Wang Ming married his daughter-in-law, who had a cunning personality and often caused trouble without reason, which left Uncle Wang exhausted.

However, Uncle Wang never argued with them, but silently endured and fulfilled his father's responsibility.

Mr. Wang's magnanimity and forbearance are precisely the qualities he honed through hardships. However, his children did not appreciate it.

Everyone sighed at Uncle Wang's experience, but also admired his ability to remain optimistic and face family discord. This further confirms the value of Mr. Wang's attitude towards life.

Afterwards, people often visited Mr. Wang and advised his son to be filial to his father. But Wang Ming and his daughter-in-law have not changed, and Mr. Wang's life is still not easy.

However, Uncle Wang was not discouraged. He told the crowd, "My life has already gone through many vicissitudes, and this family discord is nothing to me.

After listening, everyone was once again infected by Mr. Wang's strong spirit. The experience of Mr. Wang further confirms the truth he tells - a person who lives a long life and knows his destiny, always maintains a positive and optimistic attitude when facing the ups and downs of life.

Mr. Wang's story taught everyone a valuable lesson in life. Life inevitably has ups and downs, but as long as you have a positive attitude, you can overcome every obstacle in life and usher in a beautiful new life.

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