Is there a relationship between tooth loss and lifespan? How many teeth are left to be normal after the age of 60? See if you meet the standards

Dr. ZhangEditor | ShiwufollowHey, my mother-in-law is only 55 years old this year and she lost all her teeth

Dr. Zhang

Editor | Shiwu

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Hey, my mother-in-law is only 55 years old this year and she lost all her teeth. My husband went to buy her a pair of dentures the other day

Wu Meili sat in the garden downstairs, chatting with her best friend about her mother-in-law's teeth.

My best friend Ah Mei said, "Why is your mother-in-law losing teeth so badly? I heard that losing teeth is related to lifespan. According to your mother-in-law's appearance, she will

Ah Mei didn't say the rest, but Wu Meili heard it out.

Because of this sentence, she hurriedly went home and took her mother-in-law to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

My mother-in-law's examination results are all very good, except for a slight gastritis.

After receiving the report, Wu Meili fully conveyed what her best friend had just said to the doctor and asked, "Is there really a relationship between tooth loss in the elderly and lifespan

The doctor's explanation for this is: "There is a certain relationship, but it cannot be said to be completely linked." What does this mean?

Previously, a follow-up survey was conducted abroad, with a total of 573 elderly people participating, mostly between the ages of 30 and 70.

After 21 years of random access, researchers found that elderly people with more than 20 teeth were the longest living, while those with long lost teeth had the highest mortality rate.

And the fewer teeth there are, the earlier the time of death will be.

From here, it seems that there is indeed a certain relationship between teeth and lifespan, and for elderly people after the age of 60, having more than 20 teeth is the best.

The reason for this situation is actually very simple, but it is simply that when the elderly lack teeth, their chewing ability will decrease.

At this time, elderly people tend to prefer softer foods when eating, and avoid protein rich foods such as pork, lamb, and beef because they cannot chew.

But if this continues for a long time, the elderly's body will lack protein, leading to a decrease in resistance, weakened muscle strength, and thus causing problems such as weak legs and feet and susceptibility to illness.

How can elderly people with poor health expect them to live a long life?

Most dental diseases are dental caries and periodontal disease, especially periodontal disease, which can easily lead to the problem of tooth loss, and the older you get, the more serious this problem becomes.

Therefore, both elderly and young people should develop good oral habits. As long as you keep your mouth clean, you can prevent periodontal disease.

Due to dental caries and periodontal disease, many people often experience toothache.

Although this pain won't kill anyone, it's even more severe than killing someone.

Generally speaking, young people choose to go to the hospital, but elderly people feel that they are getting older and their teeth will fall out sooner or later. In addition, in order to save money, they will refuse to go to the hospital.

In fact, for the problem of toothache, on the one hand, it may worsen the elderly's heart discomfort or high blood pressure, and on the other hand, the problem of tooth loss can or should be avoided, after all, as long as a person is not dead, they must eat with their teeth.

In addition to brushing your teeth every day, rinse your mouth with water promptly after eating or snacking.

However, there are many mouthwashes on the market now, which can better remove bacteria from the mouth and cover up bad breath. You can give them a try.

Besides rinsing your mouth, don't forget to floss the debris between your teeth after eating.

If these residues are not cleaned up, bacteria will grow and lead to periodontal disease.

So, in order to have healthy teeth, besides not forgetting to brush your teeth, you also need to do a good job of rinsing your mouth and cleaning the gaps between your teeth.

Teeth do not fall immediately, they undergo a gradual loosening process.

When you feel your teeth starting to loosen or even have a strange odor in your mouth, you should go to the dentist to have a look.

Because this situation is mostly caused by chronic periodontal disease, if you don't go to the dentist for treatment, the situation of tooth looseness will become more and more serious, and ultimately it is difficult to escape the fate of tooth loss.

Some people occasionally have toothache, but others have toothache for a very long time, and even have particularly sensitive reactions to cold drinks or hot food. For example, after eating these two foods, their teeth will immediately feel unbearable pain.

Some patients may experience occlusal pain, which means they may feel pain when their upper and lower teeth are biting together, or when chewing food.

But regardless of your situation, you should seek treatment from a dentist.

Because this may be caused by root or pulp lesions, if not treated in a timely manner, teeth will not only suffer more and more pain, but also become loose and detached.

There is indeed a certain relationship between tooth loss and lifespan in elderly people, but it is definitely not that the more teeth fall, the shorter lifespan, which is not the meaning.

The more teeth an elderly person loses, the weaker their ability to chew food, and the body cannot better obtain nutrients from food.

Therefore, everyone should protect their teeth more.

In addition, if the elderly have more lost teeth, it is recommended to install a set of dentures for the elderly to better chew food and avoid malnutrition.

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