Moisture used to be the "most afraid" of it. In autumn, eat hard, sweat and dehumidify to protect the spleen and stomach, and improve immunity

#Autumn Life Clock In Season#Ginger, as a representative of the homology between medicine and food, is not only a common seasoning in daily life, but also an important traditional Chinese medicine. Ginger is a treasure throughout the body

#Autumn Life Clock In Season#

Ginger, as a representative of the homology between medicine and food, is not only a common seasoning in daily life, but also an important traditional Chinese medicine. Ginger is a treasure throughout the body.

When it's hot, everyone likes to drink cold drinks and blow on the air conditioning. Excessive cooling can easily catch a cold and damage the spleen and stomach. Eat some ginger appropriately to help replenish yang qi, sweat and remove dampness, and protect the spleen and stomach. Especially for female compatriots, it is very beneficial as it can drive away cold and warm the uterus, promote blood circulation and nourish blood, and improve the coldness of hands and feet. Let's share with you six ways to make ginger. Let's take a look together.

Drink a glass of honey ginger sugar water every morning. Once made, you can drink it all summer. Take out a ginger paste every morning, add some honey water, or add some red dates or goji berries according to your taste. It can be brewed and boiled at once, and after drinking it completely, it will warm up and be very comfortable.


1. I bought 5 pounds of small yellow ginger at once here

2. First, wash the ginger skin and use a brush to remove the mud. (Rinse multiple times) Be sure not to remove the skin, as the soft skin of ginger is rich in essential oil, which has a bactericidal effect and a certain degree of edema reducing effect.

3. Wash, spread and air dry the water, scrape off some damaged parts, set aside the scraped ginger skin, and then cut the ginger into pieces to prepare (there are many shredded ginger to reduce the loss of the juicer)

4. Put the ginger juice into the original juicer for squeezing (remember: the pure ginger juice squeezed here does not add a drop of water, but it has sediment and is relatively thick. Additionally, set aside the ginger residue for later use)

5. Boil the squeezed ginger juice until it boils (because ginger is rich in starch, the ginger puree will stick to the pot, so it must be cooked in a non stick pot)

6. If you want to make ginger jujube puree, remove the pit from the red jujube and crush it (I chose about 1 kilogram of new strong gray jujube). Add the ginger puree and boil it together until it boils

7. After boiling, let it cool and then put it into an ice cube. I also have a portion divided into sauce cups. Put it in the refrigerator for freezing, and the frozen ice cubes can be taken out of the ginger puree and placed in a compact box for easy retrieval

8. Don't waste the ginger residue and husks that are finally squeezed out. Spread them out and bake them in an oven at 110 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes until they are completely dry (you can also dry them if you don't have an oven). The dried ginger residue can be used to soak feet.


Ingredients: 200g ginger, appropriate salt, 50g white sugar, 100ml rice vinegar


1. After peeling ginger, cut it into thin slices, add an appropriate amount of salt and stir evenly. Marinate for 10-15 minutes to let it water out.

2. After squeezing out the water, add white sugar and an appropriate amount of rice vinegar, and mix well. Suggest adding a portion of white sugar and rice vinegar first, and gradually adding according to your own taste.

3. Pour the mixed marinade into a container containing ginger slices, seal with plastic film, and marinate in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours or overnight.

4. Take out the marinated ginger slices and serve immediately. It is recommended not to marinate the ginger slices for too long. Prolonged pickling can make the ginger slices too sour and spicy, affecting the taste. The use of salt and sugar can be increased or reduced according to personal taste. In addition to the above methods, some seasonings can also be added to enrich the taste. For example, garlic paste, pepper, chili powder, etc. can be added and the proportion can be adjusted according to the taste.

Ingredients: Prepare about half a kilogram of pork, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, sake, white sugar, and pepper oil.


1. Choose pork with pork belly or plum blossom meat, which will have a more juicy taste. Peel the pork belly in advance and cut it into even slices.

2. Grind old ginger into mud and add as much as possible. Ginger puree will have a deodorizing and fragrance enhancing effect, and it can also be well immersed in meat slices without strong ginger spiciness or flavor. Garlic can also be ground into two pieces.

3. Spread ginger and garlic puree onto the meat slices, pour in soy sauce, sake, and white sugar, and finally sprinkle with an appropriate amount of pepper oil to enhance the aroma. I often cook Sichuan food, and the pepper oil used at home has always been this golden dragon fish special pepper oil. The product is extracted from fresh Chinese prickly ash collected in July and August, using traditional techniques to cook, first fragrant and then numb, truly satisfying. When marinating meat, add some in moderation, and the fried meat will be very fragrant. Marinate pork belly for 20 minutes, during which it will be rubbed and rubbed to make the meat more tender.

4. Add oil to an iron pot, add onions and stir fry until soft. Remove and set aside. No need to add oil, then use chopsticks to clip the marinated meat slices into the pot and fry until both sides are burnt yellow. If you buy pork belly with a lot of fat, you can fry it longer. Finally, pour the onion back into the pot, pour in the marinated juice, and stir fry together. Stir fried vegetables with juice spread on the rice, accompanied by some shredded cabbage, are very delicious.

Pig foot ginger is a must-have tonic for women after giving birth in Guangdong.

Ingredients: Pig's hand, eggs, sweet vinegar, ginger, brown sugar


1. Put scallions and ginger in the cold water pot of pig feet, boil to remove the flavor, and rinse with cold water

2. Stir fry pork feet in a pot, stir fry with ginger slices

3. Stir fried ginger in a pot, put it into a clay pot, pour in glutinous rice and sweet vinegar, and boil for 15 minutes

4. Pour in the fried pork feet and simmer for 30 minutes on low heat. Finally, pour in the shelled cooked eggs, brown sugar, and continue to simmer for 20 minutes on low heat

5. Full of collagen, even the soup is too delicious. Take a sip of egg, a sip of soup, and another sip of pig's feet. Perfect, it can be made and eaten as a great nourishing food

Have everyone tried ginger candy slices? It has the effects of dispelling wind and dispelling cold, strengthening the stomach and dissipating food, especially in this season when there are too many benefits to eat.

Ingredients: 500g ginger, 500g yellow rock sugar, 250g straight drinking water


1. After washing the ginger, cut it into thin slices. For thicker slices, blanch the ginger slices in water to effectively remove the pungent taste of the ginger. Blanch for about two minutes, then remove and control the water.

2. Pour water and yellow rock sugar into the pot. If there is no yellow rock sugar, white granulated sugar can also be used. Then add blanched ginger slices and simmer slowly over low heat, constantly stirring until the sugar melts.

3. The key is to turn the sugar from a large bubble to a small bubble after the water is dried, and then turn off the heat. Continue to stir with a spoon, and when the sugar cools, the sugar will naturally solidify into a frosting, which is similar to the properties of frosted peanuts.

4. Eat the prepared ginger sugar slices directly or drink them with boiling water. Taking a few pills for sore throat and uncomfortable cough is really amazing. For female friends, taking it can unblock meridians, promote blood circulation, and the effect is also very good.

Ingredients: 500g duck meat, 50g ginger cubes, 1 scallion, an appropriate amount of green and red pepper, an appropriate amount of ginger and garlic powder, an appropriate amount of cooking wine, an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, an appropriate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of chicken essence, and an appropriate amount of vegetable oil


1. First, cut the duck meat into pieces and put it into a pot. Add some cooking wine and marinate for 10 minutes.

2. Heat the wok and cool the oil. Put the ginger and scallions into the wok and stir fry until fragrant.

3. Add marinated duck meat cubes and stir fry until discolored.

4. Add some light soy sauce and salt to taste, continue to stir fry. Add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and slowly simmer for 30 minutes until the duck meat rots.

5. Add an appropriate amount of oil to another pan, add chopped ginger, garlic, and green and red pepper segments, stir fry until fragrant. Flip the green and red peppers from step 6 into the duck meat pot from step 5 and continue stirring evenly. Continue cooking for 5 minutes, add chicken essence to taste and enjoy.

6. You can add an appropriate amount of chili powder or chili sauce according to your personal taste to enhance the taste. Don't add too much water when stewing, just add an appropriate amount of water.

Committed to using the simplest ingredients to share the most delicious dishes with you, have you all learned the six ginger recipes mentioned above? Have you learned how to try making them at home,! Welcome to like, follow, forward, and bookmark. Thank you for your support! We'll see you next time.

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