Long sitting, standing, lying... which one is more harmful to the body? The orthopedic doctor told you!

During the "Mid Autumn Festival+National Day" holiday, have you been sitting on the sofa doing TV dramas, working hard at work, lying in bed playing with your phone, or strolling around tourist attractions?For many people, sitting and standing for a long time is already the norm. So, which is more harmful to the body: sitting, standing, lying, or walking for a long time?Long periods of sitting can easily cause lumbar disc herniation

During the "Mid Autumn Festival+National Day" holiday, have you been sitting on the sofa doing TV dramas, working hard at work, lying in bed playing with your phone, or strolling around tourist attractions?

For many people, sitting and standing for a long time is already the norm. So, which is more harmful to the body: sitting, standing, lying, or walking for a long time?

Long periods of sitting can easily cause lumbar disc herniation. Many people choose to travel by car to surrounding cities during holidays. However, for drivers, prolonged driving and sitting in the wrong posture can easily lead to lumbar disc herniation.

Dr. Xiao Chengwei introduced that the "lumbar intervertebral disc" is the connection between the lumbar vertebrae, similar to a soft cushion that can buffer against strong external vibrations, maintain spinal height, and maintain spinal mobility.

In addition to causing lumbar disc herniation, prolonged sitting can also easily lead to lower limb venous thrombosis. Sitting for a long time can affect the blood circulation in the human body, slowing down the speed of blood flow and increasing the likelihood of venous thrombosis in the lower limbs.

After the formation of a venous thrombosis in the foot, the thrombus blocks the blood vessels, causing the return of blood to be blocked, thereby causing the blood to coagulate into a thrombus. When a thrombus spreads all the way to the larger diameter iliac vein and inferior vena cava, due to the larger blood vessels, some of the blood flow will wash away the thrombus, causing a large thrombus to fall off. Once a large thrombus falls off, it can cause a large area of pulmonary embolism, with a very high mortality rate.

Dr. Xiao Chengwei reminds that if you have to sit for a long time due to work and study reasons, it is recommended to put a cushion on your waist and maintain a good sitting posture. If possible, you can sit for 40 minutes and stand up to move around.


Lower limb varicose veins


JiuzhanLower limb varicose veins

The most common appearance of varicose veins in daily life is that the lower limb blood vessels are like "worms". The harm of varicose veins is mainly due to venous hypertension, which ultimately leads to lower limb soreness, fatigue, and pain in patients; Skin color changes, rashes; Skin ulcers, difficult to heal

Over time, the symptoms gradually worsen, which seriously affects the patient's quality of life. Dr. Xiao Chengwei stated that in terms of lifestyle and work habits, to prevent varicose veins, the first step is to try to avoid prolonged standing and sitting still.

Secondly, calf muscle contraction can effectively assist in venous reflux in the lower limbs. So appropriate exercise is beneficial for promoting venous reflux. If it is inevitable to stand or sit for a long time, medical intravenous elastic socks (primary pressure) can be worn for prevention.

Long lying down

Cervical joint dislocation

JiuzhanLong lying downLong lying down

Long lying downCervical joint dislocation

Health Times Chart

Long term lying in the wrong position is highly likely to result in cervical spondylosis. If it is due to the incorrect height of the pillow and poor sleeping posture, the likelihood of cervical problems is higher.

Long lying down

Long walk

Injury to knee joint and meniscus

During holidays, many people travel for long walks, and their leg muscles need to be metabolized and generate energy. Excessive exercise can turn the leg muscles into anaerobic metabolism, leading to muscle lactate accumulation.

Excessive accumulation of lactic acid can make leg muscles sore and difficult to walk. It's a bit of a waste of time to trade a day of violent walking for a few days of not being able to walk smoothly. Moreover, prolonged violent walking can lead to uneven leg muscle strength, which can easily lead to falls and injuries.

Dr. Xiao reminds that prolonged walking can also damage the knee joints and meniscus of the human body. Complications such as knee joint mobility disorders, joint effusion, and osteoarthritis may occur.

Health Times Chart

Moreover, prolonged violent walking can easily lead to excessive fatigue in the human body. When people are excessively fatigued and do not have a good rest, it is easy to cause cardiogenic shock and there is a risk of sudden death.

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