These fruits are cooked and eaten to relieve cough, nourish the stomach, and prevent constipation. They are especially suitable for people with weak physique and poor digestive function~

The weather gradually became colder, and the waiter noticed that the people around him ate fruits significantly less frequently than before.Some people say that when it gets cold and eats cold fruits, the stomach and intestines will protest! Indeed, many fruits tend to be cooler, and some people with spleen and stomach deficiency and weak constitution may not only have difficulty digesting and absorbing them, but may also have diarrhea

The weather gradually became colder, and the waiter noticed that the people around him ate fruits significantly less frequently than before.

Some people say that when it gets cold and eats cold fruits, the stomach and intestines will protest! Indeed, many fruits tend to be cooler, and some people with spleen and stomach deficiency and weak constitution may not only have difficulty digesting and absorbing them, but may also have diarrhea.

Although fruits may lose some vitamin C and other nutrients when heated, the fruit fibers soften, which is not only beneficial for swallowing and digestion, but also reduces the stimulating effect on the intestines; Some fruits even have special dietary benefits after being heated

Today, the bartender will introduce five ripe fruit dietary remedies to everyone. In addition to reducing irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, they also have benefits such as resolving phlegm, relieving cough, nourishing the stomach and lungs, aiding digestion and preventing constipation. Learn now~


Eating ripe pears: clearing heat and resolving phlegm, promoting fluid production and moistening dryness

Pears are cool and moist, which can moisten the lungs, promote fluid production, relieve cough and asthma, and are known as the "first fruit of moistening dryness"!

Pears are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients. Pears are rich in dietary fiber and are a great "cleaner" for the intestines and stomach. But eating pears directly tends to be cooler, and eating them after cooking can neutralize their coolness.


Eating ripe oranges: relieving cough, resolving phlegm, and relieving cough

The naritin contained in orange peel has a cough relieving effect, while the orange peel oil also has a cough relieving and phlegm resolving effect. It is suitable for symptoms such as yellowing of phlegm, sore throat, dry mouth, bitter mouth, and cough. Making oranges ripe is more conducive to the precipitation of these components.

Note: Due to children's stricter control over salt, it is not suitable for consumption.


Eating ripe persimmons can strengthen the spleen, nourish the stomach, and nourish the lungs and astringent intestines

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that persimmons have effects such as promoting fluid production and quenching thirst, clearing heat and moistening the lungs, resolving phlegm, and strengthening the spleen. It is also rich in polyphenols, which help protect blood vessels.

However, persimmons have a cold nature, and people with spleen and stomach deficiency should not eat raw persimmons. After cooking persimmons, people with spleen and stomach deficiency can also eat them.


Eating ripe apples, protecting blood vessels, appetizing and aiding digestion

Eating apples raw supplements vitamin C, dietary fiber, and minerals, which have the effects of moistening the intestines, defecating, and detoxifying. After apples are cooked, they can soften fibers and cause less irritation to the gastrointestinal tract. People with weak spleen and stomach are more nourishing than those who eat them raw, making them suitable for those with weak spleen and stomach. And phenolic substances will also increase, which is more conducive to controlling lipid and pressure, and protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems.


Hawthorn cooked for consumption, digestion, accumulation, and protection of blood vessels

Hawthorn, with a sweet and sour taste, enters the spleen, stomach, and liver meridians. The "Daily Materia Medica" records that it has the functions of transforming food accumulation, promoting qi accumulation, strengthening the stomach and diaphragm, eliminating blood stasis and qi blocks, and has a good effect on promoting blood circulation, resolving blood stasis, and dissipating food.

Raw hawthorn is particularly sour, which many people cannot accept. Moreover, its digestive effect is weak, and it has a good effect on weight loss and fat control; Cooked hawthorn not only has a good effect on reducing meat accumulation, but also contains flavonoids that can promote blood microcirculation and protect vascular health after heating, making it more suitable for the elderly.

Source: CCTV Home for Dinner

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