When eating, there are 5 habits that can cause stomach injuries. If you don't change them, don't blame stomach problems for coming to you!

As the saying goes, "Illness comes from the mouth.Diet has always been closely related to our physical health, but many people tend to be more concerned about 'what to eat', and actually how to eat is also very important!Especially in daily diet, some subtle habits are actually slowly harming our bodies

As the saying goes, "Illness comes from the mouth.

Diet has always been closely related to our physical health, but many people tend to be more concerned about 'what to eat', and actually how to eat is also very important!

Especially in daily diet, some subtle habits are actually slowly harming our bodies. Have you also been caught?

These 5 dietary habits are very harmful, some should be changed quickly


Eating while watching your phone

When our attention is drawn to the screen, our ability to respond to satiety is disrupted, making it easier for us to unknowingly eat more food and consume more calories.

In addition, when watching TV shows during meals, the brain is in an active state, competing for resources with the gastrointestinal tract during digestion and absorption, thereby inhibiting gastrointestinal peristalsis and potentially affecting the metabolism of gastric juice and pancreas, which in turn affects food digestion and nutrient absorption.


Eating too fast

Eating too fast can prevent food from being fully chewed, and large pieces of food entering the stomach can easily scratch the esophagus and gastric mucosa, while also increasing the workload of the gastrointestinal system. In the long run, discomfort such as bloating, stomach pain, and acid reflux can easily come to your doorstep.

Moreover, eating too fast will have adverse effects on blood sugar and weight, which may increase the risk of diabetes and obesity.


Alternating hot and cold eating

Eating cold and hot food alternately can further stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, which may cause mucosal damage and weakened digestive function.

In severe cases, it can even cause spasms in the digestive system, including abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, pale complexion, cold sweating, and increased heart rate.


Smoking after meals

Many smokers will immediately light a cigarette and take a few puffs after finishing their meal.

Smoking after meals

For example, nicotine in tobacco may cause relaxation of the pyloric sphincter, reflux of digestive fluid into the stomach, and damage to the gastric mucosa; It can also promote bile secretion, easily induce biliary gastritis, and increase the probability of gastrointestinal diseases.


Take a walk immediately after dinner

Although it can be said that 'one hundred steps after a meal, one lives to ninety-nine.' It also depends on how long it takes to start walking after a meal.

After a meal, when the stomach is full of food and upright activities are carried out, it will increase the vibration of the stomach and increase the burden on the stomach, especially for patients with gastric prolapse, chronic active gastritis, peptic ulcer, and other conditions.

In addition, the increase in blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract after meals leads to relative cerebral ischemia, which can also increase the risk of accidents for people with anemia, hypotension, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Generally, about 30 minutes after a meal, healthy individuals can start some less intense exercises, such as walking, Tai Chi, square dancing, etc. But if it is a moderate intensity or above exercise, it is more appropriate to wait at least 1-2 hours after meals.

Eating three meals a day like this is more beneficial for health

Eating poorly can harm the body, while eating right can help maintain health. Here are some reference suggestions on how to eat three meals a day, which can help us absorb nutrients more comprehensively and evenly, which is beneficial for our health.







In terms of pairing, it is recommended that men ensure a staple food with a raw weight of 2-3 taels, while women ensure a staple food with a raw weight of 1-2 taels, paying attention to the appropriate thickness.

Additionally, you can arrange lean meat or fish or shrimp with a raw weight of 1-2 taels, as well as vegetables with a raw weight of half a kilogram, with dark vegetables accounting for half.

It is recommended to eat between 12 and 13 noon. At this time, the human body is fully functional, and the functions of various tissues and digestive systems are also strong, which can fully digest and absorb food, and the nutrient utilization rate is also higher.




However, it is advisable to eat light and light foods with low fat and easy digestion.


(Warm Taste Official WeChat)

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