Is sweating a bad thing or a good thing? One article interpretation!

According to Science Popularization China, as soon as summer arrives, one can sweat profusely at the slightest movement. I envy those who don't sweat even when they move

According to Science Popularization China, as soon as summer arrives, one can sweat profusely at the slightest movement. I envy those who don't sweat even when they move.

Some say that sweating too much is a sign of physical weakness, but others say that not sweating is not conducive to the body's detoxification. So, which of these statements is reliable? How much sweat is good?

Why do people sweat?

There are approximately 4 million sweat glands in the human body, divided into large sweat glands and small sweat glands. Large sweat glands are mainly distributed in the armpits, mammary glands, and perineum, while small sweat glands are distributed in various parts of the body, concentrated in the palms and soles of the feet.

The development and location of sweat glands vary from person to person, coupled with different basal metabolism. The amount and location of sweat production vary from person to person, such as some people sweating more on their forehead and others sweating more under their armpits.

Sweat, as a metabolic product, is excreted from the body while taking away excess heat. So the function of sweating is to dissipate heat and maintain the balance of human body temperature.

As for the folk statement about "sweating and detoxifying", it is not rigorous. The composition of sweat includes 99% water and 1% other components, such as metabolic waste such as iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, and urea nitrogen. That is to say, sweat mainly releases water, not chemical "toxins". As for the unpleasant smell or even fox odor that some people experience after sweating, it is not the body odor emitted, but the odor generated by sweat coming into contact with the skin and being decomposed by bacteria on the skin.

Hyperhidrosis vs Hypohidrosis

In general, adults sweat between 500 and 1000ml per day, and high temperatures or exercise can lead to increased sweating. In summer, sweating can reach 1500 to 2000ml, which is equivalent to the amount of 3 to 4 bottles of mineral water. However, depending on the number and distribution of sweat glands in each individual, sweating may vary under high temperatures and after exercise, as long as there is no discomfort in the body, it is normal.

In addition to the above two factors, there are also physiological factors that affect sweating.

There are several common situations:

Obese sweating: Obese individuals have thicker fat and slower heat dissipation, resulting in more sweating.

Taste induced sweating: When consuming spicy food, the spicy taste can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and cause sweating.

Spiritual sweating: The commonly used term 'pinching a sweat' refers to this situation. When a person is under tension, anxiety, or excitement, the sweat glands are stimulated by certain nerves, which can promote the secretion and excretion of sweat.

Sweating during pregnancy: After pregnancy, women have higher levels of estrogen, faster basal metabolism, and higher body temperature, leading to increased sweating.

The above sweating situations are normal metabolic reactions, as long as you replenish water in a timely manner after sweating, there is no problem. However, there are still some sweating situations that may indicate certain diseases.

Abnormal hyperhidrosis and hypohidrosis

Under the influence of diseases, the common cases of abnormal sweating are: diabetes, hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis, hypertension, tumor, congestive heart failure, etc. However, such situations can lead to abnormal sweating accompanied by other discomfort symptoms, such as fever, cough, etc.

If there are no obvious symptoms, and there is still a lot of sweating in a non hot temperature or non exercise state, this situation is called "sweating". Some people sweat when they sleep at night, which is called 'night sweating'. Whenever there is an abnormal situation, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination.

Some people have a "low sweating" constitution, which rarely sweats and does not cause any physical discomfort. It may be due to congenital lack of sweat glands or underdevelopment. But when the weather is hot and the amount of sweat suddenly decreases after exercise, it is important to be careful if it is affected by diseases such as skin diseases such as ichthyosis, reflex dermatitis, nerve damage, and Horner's syndrome. This type of patient may experience systemic sweatlessness or hypohidrosis after hot weather or exercise. It is recommended to seek medical examination as soon as possible.

So the amount of sweating can to some extent reflect the health status of the body, and everyone can pay attention to their own sweating situation in order to prevent physical diseases.

How to deal with sweating heavily in summer

In the scorching summer, many people sweat profusely once they go out, causing the body to lose moisture and electrolytes. This can lead to symptoms such as irritability, fatigue, palpitations, and redness. Some elderly people are also prone to blockages in their blood vessels and sudden heart attacks. So take some action after sweating in the summer.

The specific methods are as follows:

1. Drink plenty of electrolyte water

As mentioned earlier, sweat is basically water, so after sweating a lot, it is necessary to replenish water in a timely manner. Be careful not to drink vigorously due to thirst. It is recommended to take small sips and drink multiple times.

2. Eat more foods rich in potassium and sodium

Sweating can cause electrolyte loss, and the potassium element in it can regulate intracellular osmotic pressure and acid-base balance, maintain myocardial function, and maintain normal heartbeat patterns. It can be supplemented by consuming green leafy vegetables or fruits. The lost sodium element can be replenished by drinking diluted salt water. This is also why you need to drink some mineral drinks after running.

3. Timely cooling down

When the body temperature rises and sweats heavily, in addition to replenishing water, physical cooling can also be carried out, such as blowing a fan, drinking cold drinks, washing hands and faces, to reduce water loss at the root. If conditions permit, it is recommended to change clothes or take a shower as soon as possible after sweating to make the body more comfortable.

Sweating in the summer can actually be beneficial for your body. You can prepare to exercise and sweat more to make your body healthier. Of course, it is also important to avoid excessive exercise in hot weather and be careful of heatstroke!

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