What about people who insist on taking 8000 steps every day? Remember the 6 key points of walking without hurting your knees!

For most people, walking is one of the most suitable physical activities. But how many steps can you take every day to benefit from your health? Especially for many people who persist in walking 8000 steps every day, how are their bodies doing in the end?How many steps per day are healthier?On September 6th, an analysis published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) showed that at approximately 2600 steps per day, the risk of death began to significantly decrease, and at approximately 2800 steps per day, the risk of cardiovascular disease began to significantly decrease

For most people, walking is one of the most suitable physical activities. But how many steps can you take every day to benefit from your health? Especially for many people who persist in walking 8000 steps every day, how are their bodies doing in the end?

How many steps per day are healthier?

On September 6th, an analysis published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) showed that at approximately 2600 steps per day, the risk of death began to significantly decrease, and at approximately 2800 steps per day, the risk of cardiovascular disease began to significantly decrease.

As the number of steps increases, the risk of death and cardiovascular disease continues to decrease, with the optimal steps being 8763 and 7126, respectively

Simply put, walking 8763 steps and 7126 steps per day has the lowest risk of all cause death and cardiovascular disease, respectively.

In addition, this latest study also found that in terms of stride frequency (walking speed), compared to low stride frequency, medium to high stride frequency can bring additional survival benefits. If the low step frequency is changed to a medium to high step frequency, the risk of all cause death will be further reduced, and it is not affected by the number of steps

Simply put, walking faster is more beneficial than walking slowly.

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Academician Zhang Boli persisted for 20 years

Walk 7000 to 8000 steps per day

I believe most people can take 7000 to 8000 steps in a day, but it's not easy to persevere. Academician Zhang Boli, winner of the national honorary title of "People's Hero" and academician of the CAE Member, has insisted on walking for more than 20 years.

752022Walk 7000 to 8000 steps per day20

Academician Zhang Boli stated that walking is the best exercise for the elderly. He suggests that elderly people should stick to walking and accumulate 6000 to 7000 steps every day. If they have time, they should take a few more steps, walk faster, let their heart rate slightly faster, and sweating slightly is the best state

Wrong walking style can easily damage the knee

Sun Luning, chief physician of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department of Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in an article published on his personal official account in 2020 that the more steps he takes, the better. It depends on different people. Moderate exercise is the best. For those who do not exercise much in their daily lives, walking too much can easily lead to knee injuries and knee pain. Especially for some obese individuals who are overweight, their joints are prone to wear and tear. If you walk too much, the degree of joint wear will increase, causing knee pain.

Of course, walking too much can also lead to synovitis, meniscus injury, and plantar fasciitis. Causes slight swelling and pain in the knee, and sometimes makes a "clunking" sound when walking; Joint instability, weakness, etc. when climbing up and down stairs or squatting down; If you are a violent walker, you will find a sharp pain in the soles of your feet when you wake up in the morning, a noticeable tenderness on the inner side of your heels, and you will also begin to feel pain when walking.

In daily life, if you feel uncomfortable during exercise, please stop exercising in a timely manner to avoid excessive exercise

Remember the 6 key points of walking without hurting your knees!

Although walking fast is good, don't blindly walk fast, especially for the elderly. Be sure to start gradually and adjust according to your physical condition. If you feel unwell during walking, be sure to stop in a timely manner.

In addition, the correct posture for walking is also very important. If the posture is not correct, walking too much can actually worsen joint pain.

Liu Qiang, deputy chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics and Arthrology at Peking University People's Hospital, once published an article introducing a set of tips for "painless walking". Through training in walking posture, the protective effects of shoes and muscles are fully exerted, reducing the recoil force of the knee joint during walking, and thereby reducing or even eliminating pain

Tip 1: Correct the "Outer Eight"

When walking, keep the toes of both feet facing straight ahead, with the feet separated by the same distance from the pelvis.

Tip 2: Reveal the Sole

When the front foot lands, the heel lightly touches the ground and the sole protrudes forward.

Tip 3: Take Big Steps

Take big strides and swing your arms away when walking.

Tip 4: Strong Kick

When the back foot is off the ground, achieve a strong push.

Tip 5: Change into "good shoes"

Choose suitable shoes, such as jogging shoes, to cushion the ground recoil during walking and protect the knee joints. You should check your shoes every six months. If there is wear on the heel, collapse of the heel socket to one side, or significant decrease in sole or heel elasticity, you should replace them with new shoes.

Tip 6: Strengthen Muscles

The muscles in front of the legs, also known as the quadriceps, are the most protective muscles for the knee joint. Frequent leg lifting exercises can help maintain or even enhance muscle strength

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Source: Health Times

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