What should I pay attention to when the air conditioning is on all night? Remember 4 points and be careful of "air conditioning problems"!

What should I pay attention to when the air conditioning is on all night? Remember 4 points and be careful of "air conditioning problems"!The weather has been getting hotter recently, and many friends say that in their city, even the temperature at night has reached over 30 degrees Celsius. Without the air conditioning on at night, it is difficult to fall asleep

What should I pay attention to when the air conditioning is on all night? Remember 4 points and be careful of "air conditioning problems"!

The weather has been getting hotter recently, and many friends say that in their city, even the temperature at night has reached over 30 degrees Celsius. Without the air conditioning on at night, it is difficult to fall asleep. The air conditioning at home is basically in theContinuous workThe state of.

Many people say that turning on the air conditioning at night can catch a cold, but if you don't turn on the air conditioning at night, lying in bed will sweat all over and you won't be able to sleep at all.

What should I pay attention to when the air conditioning is on all night? Remind everyone to remember 4 points and be careful of "air conditioning diseases"!

When sleeping at night, the temperature of the human body will drop, so everyone should pay attention to the indoor air conditioning temperature.

If the air conditioning temperature is too low, it is indeed prone to catching a cold. After waking up, you may sneeze, runny nose, and feel uncomfortable.


Before going to bed at night, everyone can adjust the temperature of the air conditioning at home, so that they will feel more comfortable while sleeping at night.

When using air conditioning, in addition to temperature changes, indoor humidity also undergoes certain changes.

If the indoor humidity is too low, it will make people feel dry and uncomfortable after waking up;

If the body humidity is too high, it can also make people feel particularly stuffy and uncomfortable.

When using air conditioning at night, everyone should also make adjustments based on their sleep habits and changes in indoor temperature and humidity.

If the city where everyone is located is inherently humid, then the dehumidification mode of air conditioning can be appropriately used, which can achieve the goal of cooling and reduce indoor humidity.

If after turning on the air conditioning, people can clearly feel a decrease in indoor humidity, and even feel dry mouth and tongue after waking up, they can use a humidifier or put a basin of cold water in the air conditioning room to adjust the humidity.

Appropriate temperature and humidity can help improve sleep quality and allow people to quickly enter a deep sleep state.

If the temperature is not suitable, it may affect everyone's sleep. You can install a temperature and humidity meter in the room to monitor the changes in temperature and humidity appropriately.

When the air conditioning is just turned on, people can adjust the temperature of the air conditioning to a high level, which will speed up the air supply and quickly lower the indoor temperature. Afterwards, it is necessary to appropriately reduce the wind speed of the air conditioning, especially when sleeping at night, the wind speed should be adjusted to a medium to low level.

When sleeping at night, if the wind speed of the air conditioner is too high, the indoor temperature will be relatively low, which is easy to cause air conditioning diseases, soBefore going to bed at night, everyone should first adjust the wind speed of the air conditioner to a medium to low range, so that the air conditioner's blowing will become softer.

In addition to adjusting the air speed of the air conditioner, it is also important to pay attention to adjusting the air supply direction of the air conditioner.

If the air conditioner is blown towards people for a long time, it will definitely feel very uncomfortable. Therefore, before going to bed at night, everyone should also adjust the air supply direction of the air conditioner to avoid direct blowing.

When sleeping at night, people can turn the air supply outlet of the air conditioner towards the ceiling, which will make the air flow more even and not make people feel too cold or too hot. It can also avoid direct blowing of the air conditioner.

Long term exposure to enclosed air conditioning can easily lead to symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, nasal congestion, loss of appetite, coughing, and sometimes even feeling particularly tight and prone to allergies, which is known as "air conditioning disease".

Especially when sleeping, everyone should pay attention to indoor ventilation and not tightly close the doors and windows of the room.

When sleeping, people can choose to open a certain gap in the window slightly away from the air conditioner, which will not affect the normal operation of the air conditioner and can also ensure indoor ventilation.

When using air conditioning, people can open their windows every two hours to ventilate for 10-15 minutes to allow fresh outdoor air to enter the room, in order to avoid poor air circulation.

Write at the end:

In particularly hot weather, it's really difficult to fall asleep without turning on the air conditioning at night.

But at night, you can also choose to turn on the air conditioning all night. Just pay attention to the temperature of the air conditioning, adjust the air supply direction reasonably, and maintain indoor ventilation. This way, the indoor environment is comfortable and cool, and you can also sleep well.

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