A man of 40 is soft and fluffy? 3 different foods to eat, wife may be impressed by you

There is no rehearsal in life, every day is a wonderful competition, so no matter how hard it is, you must learn to persist. No matter how tired you are, you must learn to love yourself

There is no rehearsal in life, every day is a wonderful competition, so no matter how hard it is, you must learn to persist. No matter how tired you are, you must learn to love yourself. No matter how poor you are, you must also learn to be good for your health.

What does 40 years old mean for a man? Some people may say it's a responsibility, while others may say it's a double harvest for family and career, but what I want to say is a 'watershed'.

Why is 40 years old a watershed for men's bodies? Because at this age, we will clearly find that we are no longer able to eat and drink like we were when we were young, stay up late and work all night, mainly because our bodies are starting to decline.

At the age of 40, men exhibit these 5 symptoms, and their bodies are on the decline. Don't ignore them!

1: Hair loss

Traditional Chinese medicine says that the kidney opens up the body in the ear, and its beauty lies in the hair. In other words, whether a person's kidneys are good or not can be seen from our hair. Generally speaking, people with good kidneys have shiny black hair, while those with insufficient kidney function may experience symptoms such as hair loss and white hair.

2: Frequent back pain

The waist is the home of the kidneys. People with good kidneys generally have a strong and powerful waist. Conversely, when kidney function decreases, our waist often feels symptoms such as soreness and fatigue.

3: Yawn profusely

After turning 40, have you ever felt yourself yawning incessantly, which is mostly caused by a decrease in kidney function, as yawning is mostly caused by the body's drowsiness. Kidney yang deficiency leads to insufficient yang qi in the body, which weakens the excitation and promotion of yang qi. Moreover, kidney yang deficiency leads to heavy cold and dampness in the body, making it easy to yawn.

4: Loose teeth

The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon states that teeth are in addition to bone, while the kidney governs bone and generates marrow. This means that our teeth are part of the "bone" and belong to the hardest part of bone, while the kidney is responsible for our bones. This means that when our kidney has sufficient essence, the teeth are strong, dense, and complete. Conversely, if our essence is insufficient, the teeth are sparse, loose, or even detached.

5: Sweating profusely

After turning 40, if a man is panting and sweating profusely after every task, this is also the most direct manifestation of decreased kidney function.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: If you switch to three different foods, your wife may look at you with admiration!

Diqi Powder

Diqi Powder8

Usage: Once a day, soak in boiling water for about 5 minutes before drinking. It can be brewed repeatedly for a whole day.

Advantages: Generally, continuous use for 7 days can greatly improve the quality of life. For problems such as atrophy, insufficient time, and short duration caused by kidney deficiency, all symptoms can be resolved, allowing your kidney's ability to explode.

Cistanche deserticola

Cistanche deserticolaCistanche deserticola

Cistanche deserticola50200

Cistanche deserticola

Chinese chestnut

Chinese chestnut

Ingredients: 25 grams of Morinda officinalis, 2 red dates, 150 grams of chestnut meat, 1 pork tail, and 2 slices of ginger.

Chinese chestnut

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