Jiamusi Intermediate People's Court

Domain: court.jms.gov.cn

Site Name: Jiamusi Intermediate People's Court

Site Description: The predecessor of the Jiamusi Intermediate People's Court was the Jiamusi People's Court, which was rebuilt as the Jiamusi Intermediate People's Court in 1984. The original 5 people's courts were rebuilt into 5 grassroots people's courts. In January 1985, Jiamusi implemented the system of city governing county, and the original Intermediate People's Court of Hejiang District merged with Jiamusi Intermediate People's Court. The Intermediate People's Court of Jiamusi City is located at 330 Baobao Road, Jiamusi City, on the west side of the Municipal Government Square. It has jurisdiction over ten grassroots courts, including Qianjin, Dongfeng, Xiangyang, Suburb, Tongjiang City, Fuyuan County, Huachuan County, Huanan County, Tangyuan County, and Fujin City. The Jiamusi Intermediate Court has a total of 144 personnel, including 76 with a bachelor's degree, 65 with a college degree, and 2 with a technical secondary school degree. In recent years, the city's courts have taken the strategy of governing the country according to law as an important guiding principle, fully exerting their judicial functions, and making positive contributions to promoting the economic development of their jurisdiction.

Server IP: court.jms.gov.cnGeographic location

Website Data: SEO > court.jms.gov.cn Whois > court.jms.gov.cn Geographic location

Category: Politics/Law/Military >> Classification by region

Index date: 2010-01-14 08:59:00

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