Jilin Court Network

Domain: jlfy.chinacourt.org

Site Name: Jilin Court Network

Site Description: The Jilin Provincial Higher People's Court is located in Changchun City, the capital of Jilin Province, and was established on June 17, 1948. Its predecessor was the Jilin Provincial High Court, located in Jilin City; Later renamed as Jilin Provincial People's Court on September 6, 1949; In 1953, it moved to Changchun City with the provincial capital; On January 11, 1955, it was renamed as the Jilin Provincial Higher People's Court; In January 1968, the Higher People's Court of Jilin Province was under military control, and the Provincial Revolutionary Committee established the People's Defense Department, which established a judicial team to exercise judicial power; On January 1, 1973, the establishment of the Jilin Provincial Higher People's Court was restored; In December of the same year, the Ministry of People's Security and its affiliated judicial team were abolished, and the Jilin Provincial Higher People's Court was officially restored. Previous deans include Guan Junyan, Bao Tinggan, Wang Jiren, Chen Dongping, Shen Lun, Yao Xin, Wang Jiren, Jin Jianmin, Wang Hongmo, Xie Anshan, Yang Qingxiang, and Cai Zhang. Current Dean Zhang Wenxian.

Server IP: jlfy.chinacourt.orgGeographic location

Website Data: SEO > jlfy.chinacourt.org Whois > jlfy.chinacourt.org Geographic location

Category: Politics/Law/Military >> Classification by region

Index date: 2010-01-14 09:00:00

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