Don't treat aging as a disease! Those who can achieve these 9 points after the age of 60 are healthy elderly people

Dr. WangEditor | ChiyoufollowIn the journey of life, aging is an indispensable part and an irreversible journey

Dr. Wang

Editor | Chiyou

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In the journey of life, aging is an indispensable part and an irreversible journey. This is a natural process that occurs in organisms over time, including a gradual decline in physical and cognitive functions.

As we age, the cells and tissues of the human body gradually suffer damage, leading to a decline in body function and the emergence of various health problems.

This process is long and complex, and involves multiple factors. When a person begins to age, common signs are skin wrinkles, weakened muscle strength, decreased bone density, joint pain, and decreased memory.

However, middle-aged and elderly people must have a clear understanding of aging. Aging does not equate to illness, and while aging, one can also maintain health.

In fact, healthy elderly people also have standards to measure, so how to determine whether they meet the standards?

As long as the 9 requirements mentioned in the "Healthy Elderly Standards" are met, this was released by the National Health Commission in November 2022.

It is explicitly stated that elderly people over 60 years old should strive to achieve these 9 requirements while aging, in order to maintain a relatively healthy physical condition.

The first and most basic requirement is for elderly people over 60 years old,The primary requirement for becoming a healthy elderly person is to be able to take care of oneself in life.

Being able to live independently will help them maintain independence and autonomy. Not relying on others' help can help enhance their self-esteem and confidence, while reducing the burden on family or caregivers.

The second requirement is very important for the physical health of elderly people, which is to maintain a good level of nutritional status. Elderly people need to ensure adequate intake of nutrients, including protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

These nutrients help maintain the health of the immune system, promote muscle and bone health, and provide sufficient energy.

The third requirement is to maintain good cognitive ability. Cognitive function refers to our thinking abilities, including memory, attention, language ability, problem-solving ability, etc.

For elderly people, maintaining good cognitive abilities is of great help to their health. It can help prevent dementia such as Alzheimer's disease and other forms.

The fourth requirement is to be able to control certain risk factors that affect health,Simply put, if one is suffering from chronic diseases, it is important to be able to effectively control the condition.

It is very normal for elderly people to suffer from chronic diseases, but as long as they are stabilized within a controllable range, it will not cause significant harm to their physical health.

followTo avoid greater risks, this requirement is that important organs in the body do not exhibit abnormal phenomena.

While aging, it is inevitable that the functions of some important organs will gradually deteriorate, but as long as there are no abnormalities, it indicates that they are still within a controllable range.

If these organs experience obvious functional abnormalities, they will pose a threat to physical health. If they only undergo normal degradation, they can also perform their functions.

So in daily life, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of one's physical condition.

The sixth requirement is that every elderly person should strive to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude in life.An optimistic and positive attitude can help elderly people better cope with challenges and difficulties in life, and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

A positive mindset can enhance psychological resilience, enhance the ability to cope with stress, and at the same time, improve the happiness index of life.

The seventh requirement is crucial for elderly people, as many of them experience disconnection from society as they age, which greatly affects their cognitive abilities.

At the same time, it can also cause certain harm to physical and mental health. Therefore, elderly people must actively participate in social activities and maintain frequent interaction with their children.

The eighth requirement is to hope that elderly people can adapt to the pace of social development and make changes and self-improvement accordingly.

The speed of development in the times is very fast, for example, nowadays everyone is starting to use fast functions such as online payment,If elderly people are unable to adapt to the integration of technology into life, they are highly likely to find it difficult to move forward in the future, so it is necessary to learn and improve themselves.

The ninth requirement is crucial and constantly pursued by every elderly person, which is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. So what is a healthy lifestyle?

In fact, as long as you pay more attention to balanced nutrition, less oil and salt in your diet, it is best not to smoke or drink in your daily lifeA regular schedule is a healthy lifestyle.

For elderly people, it is important to accept the reality of gradually aging. Aging is not a disease, as long as maintaining good cognitive function is crucial for a healthy, independent, and happy life.

By adopting a healthy lifestyle and participating in cognitive training activities, they can delay the decline of cognitive function and continue to enjoy a fulfilling life, thus becoming truly healthy elderly people.

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