What should I do if different organs catch fire? Recommended by Traditional Chinese Medicine Experts

What should I do if different organs catch fire? Traditional Chinese medicine experts recommend a set of methods for reducing heat.From the perspective of dietotherapy, snow pear, tremella, lotus seed heart, mung bean soup, balsam pear, etc

What should I do if different organs catch fire? Traditional Chinese medicine experts recommend a set of methods for reducing heat.

From the perspective of dietotherapy, snow pear, tremella, lotus seed heart, mung bean soup, balsam pear, etc. can reduce the heart fire, and can be eaten appropriately. Bubble your feet before going to bed every day, which can "ignite the fire".

Can drink mung bean soup, cassia seed tea, mint tea, chrysanthemum tea for a short period of time to clear liver and fire; Relax your mood and regulate your emotions.

Rubbing and pressing acupoints such as Taichong (a concave area about 1.5 centimeters upward between the big toe and the second toe of the foot), Interline (on the dorsal side of the foot, between the first and second toes, and at the red and white flesh border behind the toe web edge), Yongquan (at the first one-third of the palm of the foot, at the concave area when the toes are bent), can also have the effect of clearing liver and purging fire.

You can use honeysuckle, scutellaria baicalensis, houttuynia cordata, dandelion and other boiled water to drink when the lung fire is big. You can also eat some vegetables and fruits that can clear the lung heat, such as loquat, snow pear, white radish, tremella, lily and so on.

When the body has stomach heat, it is recommended to maintain a light diet and consume fresh vegetables and fruits appropriately, especially watermelon, cucumber, bitter gourd, lotus root, grapes, etc., to reduce stomach heat.

When kidney deficiency and excessive fire occur, it is important to regulate emotions, avoid staying up late, and have a reasonable schedule. In terms of diet, one can eat more foods that are "black in the kidney", such as black rice, mulberry, black sesame, etc.

Editor/Chen Lulu

Source/Life Times

1. Do not answer, listen, or believe such calls! Multiple banks deny

2. Take medication, diet, and exercise carefully. Please check out this autumn and winter health guide for the elderly!

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