Is it scientific to drink water immediately after getting up?

On October 14th, Reference News reported that an article titled "Science Says About Drinking Water Immediately After Getting Up" was recently published on the website of Spain's "Confidential News" by Alvaro Emida. The article excerpts are as follows:Rumors about diet are not uncommon, and rumors related to water are even more so

On October 14th, Reference News reported that an article titled "Science Says About Drinking Water Immediately After Getting Up" was recently published on the website of Spain's "Confidential News" by Alvaro Emida. The article excerpts are as follows:

Rumors about diet are not uncommon, and rumors related to water are even more so. One thing is clear: water is the foundation of human life, but that's all.

However, this does not hinder the rise of a trend that promotes the benefits of drinking a large glass of water early in the morning.

We are aware of the importance of hydration, but does the amount of water consumed during the day really affect the effectiveness of drinking water? Firstly, it must be said that 60% of our body is composed of a compound called water. In addition, it is also considered an essential nutrient because although our body produces it during cellular respiration, a greater amount of water is consumed. In an absolute sense, all organs and tissues rely on water. This was pointed out in a study by researchers E. Gekkier and F. Konstan from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. The main functions of water are:

The deficiency of this liquid element is called dehydration. This situation occurs when the amount we consume through urine, sweat, digestive tract operation, and respiration is greater than the amount we obtain through drinking or food intake.

Nowadays, those who support the trend of using water as breakfast immediately after waking up believe that doing so has the following benefits:

1. Help the body replenish moisture

At night, we are still breathing, so a large amount of steam is consumed through breathing. In addition, our kidneys are still operating, albeit at a slower speed. All of these processes are reducing the amount of water circulating in our bodies. This is one of the reasons why the first urination of the day is usually darker in color.

A scientific study analyzing the fluctuations in hydration levels among 164 healthy adults showed that in reality, we drink more water in the first 6 hours after waking up, but the actual hydration levels do not reflect this change in intake.

In other words, in this study, there was no difference in drinking water before, during, or after breakfast.

2. Reduce calorie intake throughout the day

Different studies directly associate drinking water intake with a stronger sense of fullness. In fact, a study found that people who drink a glass of water before breakfast reduce their calorie intake by 13% during their first meal of the day. Similarly, research has found that drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before lunch can also have this effect, so this process is not limited to just waking up.

3. Enhance weight loss effect

People claiming to have this effect are based on the heat production effect of drinking water. The meaning is that if we drink cold water, it will lower the temperature of the digestive tract (where a large number of blood vessels pass through), ultimately causing the body to cool down. Our body will counteract this cooling effect by increasing metabolism to restore the appropriate temperature.

Numerous studies have shown that the thermogenic effect caused by drinking water can increase our body's metabolic rate by 24% to 30%, with a duration of up to an hour.

But no research has shown that to achieve this effect, one must drink water before doing anything in the morning. This situation occurs both before and after breakfast. (Compiled by Su Jiawei)

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