Every night you stay up, you consume the lifespan of your thyroid gland. Abnormal thyroid hormone levels can affect all organs in the body. Do four things to protect your thyroid gland

There are countless reasons to stay up late, such as surfing the internet, following dramas, playing games, and browsing Weibo and WeChat, but your thyroid gland may not be able to move anymore.Life Times invites experts to explain how staying up late consumes thyroid lifespan

There are countless reasons to stay up late, such as surfing the internet, following dramas, playing games, and browsing Weibo and WeChat, but your thyroid gland may not be able to move anymore.

Life Times invites experts to explain how staying up late consumes thyroid lifespan.

Interviewed experts

Zhou Xinrong, Deputy Chief Physician of Endocrinology Department, Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Lu Bin, Chief Physician of the Endocrinology Department of Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University

Staying up late is the lifespan of the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is located 2-3 centimeters below the "Adam's apple", resembling a butterfly or two "shield armor". Although the thyroid gland in adults only weighs 20-30 grams, it is the largest endocrine gland that controls the normal operation of various organs and tissues, hence it is called the "vital gate" of the neck.

The thyroid gland constantly secretes an important "weapon" - thyroid hormone. As a "speed-up machine" for cell metabolism, thyroid hormone can improve the efficiency of organs throughout the body, but the premise is that it binds to receptors. The vast majority of organs in the human body, such as the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and brain, carry receptors to "attract" thyroid hormone to "assist" work.

Guan Song, the chief physician of the Endocrinology Department at Dongfang Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that every stay up late consumes the lifespan of the thyroid gland. This is because staying up late can easily cause endocrine disorders and disrupt the body's immune function, which in the long run can lead to various thyroid problems.

The thyroid gland is not good, and there are 8 changes in the body

Abnormal levels of thyroid hormones can affect almost all organs in the body.


Jumping involuntarily


Hypothyroidism is just the opposite. For example, the heart rate and blood circulation become slow, and blood pressure is low, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis.


Emotions are at two extremes






Either diarrhea or bloating



Both eggs and sperm are injured

For women, hyperthyroidism is often accompanied by oligomenorrhea or prolonged menstruation, while hypothyroidism is characterized by menstrual disorders, luteal dysfunction, and poor follicular development, which can affect pregnancy; Even if pregnant, premature birth, miscarriage, and other situations may occur.

For men, disordered thyroid hormone secretion can affect androgen synthesis and reduce sperm motility.


Hyperthyroidism suppresses immune cells



Hyperthyroidism causes eye protrusions

Patients with hyperthyroidism often experience thyroid related ophthalmopathy, which impairs visual function. This may be due to the expression of thyroid related antigens in the orbital connective tissue and extraocular muscles, causing proliferation of fibroblasts and tissue thickening behind the eyeball, leading to exophthalmos.

Growth and development

Hypothyroidism leads to cretinism

Growth and developmentnerve

Do 4 things well to protect the thyroid gland

The culprit for thyroid dysfunction is not only the thyroid itself, but also the difficulty of prevention. The core lies in protecting the immune system.

Avoid excessive fatigue


Moderate intake of iodized salt

Unless there are special requirements, it is best for normal people to consume iodized salt, and the daily salt intake per person should not exceed 5 grams.

Regular check of nail function

After the age of 35, especially for women, it is best to have a thyroid function test and thyroid color Doppler ultrasound every 5 years; Pregnant women must undergo thyroid function testing; Before preparing for pregnancy, it is recommended that women screen for related indicators such as thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).

Frequent self examination of mirrors

Looking into the mirror, tilt your head back slightly to expose your neck; Check if both sides of the neck are symmetrical and swollen; Swallow saliva and locate the thyroid gland that moves up and down with swallowing movements; Three times, check if there are soft small lumps, small lumps, or hard nodules in the thyroid gland. If any problems are found, go to the hospital for investigation as soon as possible.

In addition, it is important to avoid environments such as heavy metals, ionizing radiation, and pesticides in daily life; Avoid estrogen abuse and be alert to cosmetics and health products containing estrogen; Actively exercise and improve the body's immune system.

According to Life Times K30

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