Health preservation and prevention of cataracts

Source: China Medical NewsWith the advent of an aging society, cataracts, as a representative of aging diseases, are becoming increasingly well-known. Cataracts were first recorded in the book "External Taiwan Secret Essentials: Symptoms of Eye Diseases", and in the book "Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment: Miscellaneous Diseases: Seven Orifices", the accurate record of the completely turbid and round cataract is particularly accurate

Source: China Medical News

With the advent of an aging society, cataracts, as a representative of aging diseases, are becoming increasingly well-known. Cataracts were first recorded in the book "External Taiwan Secret Essentials: Symptoms of Eye Diseases", and in the book "Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment: Miscellaneous Diseases: Seven Orifices", the accurate record of the completely turbid and round cataract is particularly accurate. "If the pupil is as white as silver... if it is heavy, the pupil is as white and round as bright. In ancient books, cataracts are referred to as floating cataract, ice cataract, jujube blossom cataract, etc. based on different symptoms and manifestations.

What is senile cataract

Senile cataract refers to an eye disease where the lens gradually becomes cloudy with age, resulting in a slow decline in vision and ultimately leading to blindness.

For early cataracts, as long as they are detected in a timely manner and carefully maintained, they will stay at a certain stage and no longer develop or slowly develop, with little impact on vision. On the contrary, if one does not pay attention to the condition and maintenance, it can accelerate the progression of cataracts, even to the extent that surgery is not necessary.

How to determine if the lens is beginning to become cloudy

If the following situations occur, it is necessary to consider the occurrence of lens opacity and seek medical examination in a timely manner.

There is no pain in the eyes, but the visual area gradually blurs or shows ghosting.

Previously, I had glaucoma, but recently my symptoms suddenly improved and I developed myopia, or I need to change my glasses frequently.

When looking at the lights, there may be a halo or aperture.

How to slow down the development of cataracts

When early cataracts have not yet affected vision, active protection and treatment should be given.

Pay attention to daily living, accommodation, and daily routines, balance work and rest, control emotions, and maintain a pleasant mood.

Pay attention to eye rest. Elderly people may experience eye swelling, pain, and even headaches due to decreased elasticity of the lens and weakened regulation of the ciliary muscles. Prolonged reading or writing time can lead to discomfort. Therefore, the time spent reading and watching TV should be appropriately controlled, and outdoor activities or closed eyes rest should be carried out every hour; When the light is poor, it is even more important to avoid prolonged eye contact.

Avoid ultraviolet radiation during seasons with strong sunlight. Elderly people should pay more attention to eye protection, and use protective glasses, sunshades, etc. scientifically when going out to reduce the impact of ultraviolet radiation on the eyes.

Reasonable diet control should pay attention to low salt and low sugar in diet, and increase water intake; Eat more vegetables and fruits, and consume foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin B group, vitamin E, and trace element selenium; Avoid smoking, drinking, and overeating. It should be specially reminded that diabetes patients should pay attention to the control of blood sugar levels.

Adhere to eye care practice every morning or before going to bed, sit or stand, close your eyes, and quickly rub and rub your palms together. After about half a minute, you will feel hot and hot. Immediately cover your palms over your eyes, and when the heat is not obvious, try again as usual. Circulate this way about 10 times a day, which can have the effect of unblocking meridians, activating collaterals, and improving blood circulation. Alternatively, standing 2 to 3 meters in front of the window, with both eyes fixed on the four corners of the window in sequence, alternating clockwise and counterclockwise directions several times, can help relax the muscles, activate the meridians, and brighten the eyes.

Scientific medication and conditioning: tea therapy, Tonic Diet, and even oral Chinese medicine such as Dendrobium noctilucent pills are given according to the individual's physique differentiation, together with the local use of piroxicam sodium eye drops.

The representative of eye protection tea is sesame and goji berry tea, which has the effect of nourishing essence and brightening the eyes. The production materials include 10g of sand garden seeds, 10g of dodder seeds, 12g of black sesame seeds, 20g of goji berries, 10g of Zelan, and 10g of table salt. The production method is to stir fry the salt, add goji berries, and continue to stir fry until swollen. Sieve off the salt, take goji berries, and decoct with the remaining medicine for about 12 minutes. Soak for another 10 minutes, filter out the residue, and serve as a substitute for tea.

Tonic Diet medlar Congee has the effect of tonifying the liver and kidney, and benefiting the smart. The production materials include 30g of goji berries, 10g of juicy pork, and 100g of japonica rice. The preparation method is to wash all the raw materials, put them into the pot at the same time, and cook Congee with 150 grams of water. Suitable for regulating the constitution of liver and kidney deficiency type, with symptoms such as blurred vision, dizziness and tinnitus, weak waist and knees, thin tongue and pulse, or white face and fear of cold, clear and long urine, and weak pulse.

In addition, those with refractive changes should go to a specialized hospital for examination and wear appropriate glasses to improve their quality of life. Surgical treatment can be considered for patients with severe vision loss caused by cataract, who feel that their life is affected, as well as patients with diabetes and high myopia or secondary glaucoma who need fundus treatment.

(Author's unit: Kaifeng Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital)

This article is from China Medical News and only represents the author's viewpoint. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information dissemination and dissemination services.

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