Don't miss this leaf in autumn, to prevent colds, regulate the spleen and stomach... When eating fish and crabs, be sure to pair it with it

Lotus leaves, mulberry leaves, mint leaves.

Lotus leaves, mulberry leaves, mint leaves... Previously, the waiter introduced many leaves with good health and health benefits. However, as the weather gradually cools down, these types of leaves are cold and not suitable for recent consumption. Therefore, today, the waiter will recommend another "magical leaf" - perilla leaves. It is also a perfect match with popular autumn crabs!

A small piece is inconspicuous, but its effectiveness is great

Purple perilla has a warm and pungent nature, which can regulate stomach pain caused by spleen and lung meridians. It can dispel cold and regulate stomach pain caused by stomach cold and qi stagnation.

The leaves of perilla are purple on one side, green on the other, and white perilla on both sides. Although the efficacy of perilla and white perilla is roughly the same, they are generally used for medicine, while white perilla is used for meat wrapping.


Relieving external heat and dispersing cold

Relieving external heat and dispersing cold

In addition to being used alone, perilla can also be compatible with ginger and jujube. Ginger jujube tea has the effects of warming yang, dispelling cold, expelling dampness, and regulating the spleen and stomach. When combined, Zisu ginger jujube tea has a stronger effect, which is more conducive to the conditioning and recovery of wind cold colds.


Regulating Qi and Stomach

The weather is getting colder, especially in the morning and evening when the cold is more likely to invade the body. Some elderly friends may experience pain due to stomach cold. At this time, you can use perilla leaves, ginger, and tangerine peel to boil and drink together, which can alleviate symptoms of spleen and stomach fullness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and vomiting.

Although perilla is a treasure throughout the body, it has the effect of dispersing qi. People with qi deficiency and spice allergies should use it with caution. In addition, perilla leaves should not be taken on an empty stomach, should not exceed 3-5 grams per day, and should not be boiled for a long time.


There is no essential difference in the therapeutic effect between fresh and dried soda leaves. Fresh soda leaves can generally be consumed directly, and a small amount can be added when cooking, especially when eating fish, shrimp, and crabs. This not only increases the taste, but also detoxifies and reduces heat; Dried soda leaves are generally used for soaking in water or as traditional Chinese medicine.

Purple perilla can be used in this way

How can I use the purple perilla, which can be used for both medicine and food, when it is added to the dish?

Direct Cold Mix

After blanching the perilla with water, add seasonings such as soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, garlic, and chili to make a cold dish according to personal taste. It is fresh and refreshing, and has a very good taste.

Tip: When blanching, add a little salt and oil to the water, which helps to maintain the fresh and tender taste and bright color of perilla.

Baked Pork and Sashimi

Purple perilla can be used to wrap grilled meat, and when consumed in one bite, it is refreshing and not greasy, with a unique flavor. It can also increase the intake of nutrients such as dietary fiber and carotenoids.

Paired with fish, shrimp, crab and other aquatic products

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that perilla has the effect of detoxifying fish and crabs. When cooking fish, shrimp, and recently a large number of crabs, it is very suitable to add a little perilla, which can not only remove fishiness and enhance fragrance, but also help prevent discomfort such as diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Source: CCTV Home for Dinner

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