Cold Dew Arrives | Do These Things Well, Don't Get Sick in Autumn and Winter

Cold dew is the fifth solar term in autumn, which falls on the 24th day of the eighth lunar month and the 8th or 9th day of the Gregorian calendar. At this point, the temperature will significantly decrease and the cold dew will condense, hence it is called "cold dew"

Cold dew is the fifth solar term in autumn, which falls on the 24th day of the eighth lunar month and the 8th or 9th day of the Gregorian calendar. At this point, the temperature will significantly decrease and the cold dew will condense, hence it is called "cold dew". How do we maintain health during the Cold Dew solar term?

It is recommended to maintain Yang Qi in daily life and recuperation

After the cold dew, the days are short and the nights are long, and the "yang qi" in nature begins to converge. This is when people maintain their yang qi. Going to bed early can conform to the convergence of yang qi, and getting up early can stretch the lung qi. Therefore, in order to maintain health with cold dew, it is necessary to achieve "early to bed and early to rise".

As the saying goes, "White dew does not reveal the body, cold dew does not reveal the feet. A cold on the feet can directly lead to a decrease in the body's resistance, making it easy for pathogens to enter. So it is very important to keep feet warm after the cold dew. Wearing thick socks and cotton slippers, standing on tiptoe and then putting them down, repeating until the forehead sweats slightly, and soaking feet with hot water can promote blood circulation in the feet, which can not only relax muscles and promote blood circulation, but also warm the whole body and alleviate fatigue. Especially important for women with palace cold.

Dietary regulation is suitable for nourishing yin and nourishing dryness

After the cold dew, the rain gradually decreases, and the weather is dry, with hot days and cool nights. The most important aspect of cold dew health preservation is to prevent "coolness and dryness", starting from nourishing yin and preventing dryness, moistening the lungs and benefiting the stomach. Autumn pears are the most recommended fruit to eat in autumn.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pears are cool in nature and sweet in taste, with the effects of generating fluids, moistening dryness, clearing heat, and resolving phlegm. For autumn when dryness is rampant, they are the best choice to eliminate dryness. In terms of diet, it is advisable to eat less spicy, spicy, dry, smoked and roasted foods. It is advisable to eat more foods such as sesame, walnuts, white fungus, radishes, tomatoes, lotus roots, lilies, and ginseng that have the effects of nourishing yin, moistening dryness, benefiting the stomach, and promoting fluid production. Warm food should be eaten for breakfast, and hot medicine Congee is the best, because japonica rice and glutinous rice have excellent functions of strengthening the spleen and stomach, and tonifying the middle qi, such as sugar cane Congee, jade bamboo Congee, ginseng porridge, raw Congee, yellow essence Congee, etc. At the same time, maintain a certain level of humidity indoors and pay attention to replenishing moisture.

There is another good way to deal with autumn dryness, which is to "face salt water in the morning and honey soup in the evening". Drinking salt water during the day and honey water at night is not only a good way to replenish the body's moisture, but also a dietary remedy for autumn health preservation and resistance to aging. It can also prevent constipation caused by autumn dryness. Modern medicine has proven that honey has therapeutic effects on neurasthenia, hypertension, coronary atherosclerosis, lung disease, etc. Taking honey regularly in autumn can also have the effect of moistening and nourishing the lungs.

Exercise should slow down and regulate lung qi

The Cold Dew solar term, with a suitable climate and good air quality, is a great time to exercise. You can choose different sports according to your personal situation for exercise, and long-term adherence can enhance cardiovascular function. Walking and hiking are both good choices.

Exercise can regulate lung qi for our body, improve the function of lung organs, and enhance the body's resistance. Stretching exercise has a "transportation and transformation effect", which can converge the mind and regulate the circulation system driven by breathing, gastrointestinal digestion, and endocrine system. It runs smoothly all the way, naturally activating the circulation of qi and blood. But at the beginning, the intensity should not be too high, and the amount of exercise should be gradually increased. If excessive exercise is done, it will increase the body's sense of fatigue, which is not conducive to physical recovery.

Liu Zhi, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Yiyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

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