The autumn and winter seasons are perfect for tonifying the kidneys! This common ingredient is suitable for regular consumption

During the autumn and winter seasons, tonifying the kidneys is at the right time. The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon states: spring birth, summer growth, autumn harvest, and winter storage

During the autumn and winter seasons, tonifying the kidneys is at the right time. The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon states: spring birth, summer growth, autumn harvest, and winter storage. As the weather gradually gets colder, the yang energy of nature lurks in the soil and water; The yang energy of the human body also lurks inside with the transformation of nature.

As the saying goes, "Autumn and winter complement each other, and the tiger can be killed in the coming year!" Autumn and winter health preservation should comply with the law of closed storage in nature, tonifying the kidneys and storing essence, just like the base fertilizer applied to planting crops, laying an important foundation for the growth of the following spring.

Author of this article:

Liang Fengxing, Chief Physician of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Guangzhou Dermatology Prevention and Treatment Institute

If there is no good storage of essence in the autumn and winter seasons, the deficiency of kidney yang and kidney essence in the coming year will lead to many diseases, many skin diseases are related to kidney deficiency, such as white hair, hair loss, black circles under the eyes, and so on.

Little black rice has many benefits

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that black food tonifies the kidneys, and black rice is a common black food and a good kidney tonifying food.

The precious black rice in rice, also known as black pearls, is rich in protein, amino acids, as well as trace elements such as iron, calcium, manganese, zinc, etc. It has the effects of appetizing, nourishing the middle, nourishing the essence, and strengthening the spleen.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that black rice has significant medicinal value. According to ancient agricultural medical books, black rice has functions such as nourishing yin and tonifying the kidneys, strengthening the spleen and warming the stomach, and benefiting the essence; It can be used as medicine for meals, especially for dizziness, anemia, white hair, soreness in the waist and knees, night blindness and tinnitus, with excellent therapeutic effects. Long term consumption can prolong life.

Modern medicine has also confirmed that black rice has therapeutic effects such as nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney, strengthening the spleen and warming the liver, and tonifying the spleen and stomach. Due to the accumulation of nutrients in the black skin layer, black rice is not suitable for precision processing. Black rice is not easy to boil, so it is best to soak it in water overnight before cooking. Elderly and young people with weak digestion should eat less.

Recommend several commonly used recipes for black rice

Black rice porridge

100g black rice, boiled porridge after washing, can nourish yin and kidney, benefit qi, strengthen body, improve eyesight and blood circulation.

Congee with Black Rice, Lotus Seeds, White Fungus and Big Dates

100 grams of black rice, 20 grams of lotus seeds, 10 grams of white fungus, and 10 pieces of jujube. Cook porridge together and add rock sugar to taste it after cooked. This formula can nourish yin, moisten the lungs, nourish the heart, nourish the spleen and stomach, and can be taken all year round. Especially suitable for pregnant women, the elderly, and those with weakened body after illness. Eating it for healthy individuals can also enhance their ability to prevent diseases and diseases.

Sanhei Congee

50 grams of black rice, 20 grams of black soybeans, 15 grams of black sesame, and 15 grams of walnut kernels. Cook porridge together and taste it with brown sugar. Regular consumption can moisturize and beautify hair, nourish the brain and enhance intelligence, and also nourish blood. Suitable for patients with premature whitening, dizziness, and anemia.

Transferred from: Guangzhou Health Commission

Source: Jingshi Health Home

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