Zhongzhu acupoint is a valuable acupoint for dispelling dampness, and you can use it for shoulder soreness and back pain. It is worth understanding

Today, I will continue to share with you the Zhongzhu acupoint, as it is indeed worth learning about. It is also known as the great acupoint for dispelling dampness in the human body, and you can use it for shoulder soreness and back pain caused by dampness

Today, I will continue to share with you the Zhongzhu acupoint, as it is indeed worth learning about. It is also known as the great acupoint for dispelling dampness in the human body, and you can use it for shoulder soreness and back pain caused by dampness. So I want to take up some time for everyone and talk about this magical acupoint again. The article won't be very long. Interested friends can read it carefully. Welcome to leave comments and share in the comments section.

Let's briefly summarize the Zhongzhu acupoint. Zhongzhu acupoint (Zhongzhu acupoint) is the acupoint of the hand Shaoyang Sanjiao meridian. It can be said that the name of the acupoint already tells everyone that it is closely related to water. Of course, 'middle' means' middle '. And Zhu is related to water, referring to a small island in the water, which is consistent with the "Zhu Qing Sha Bai Niao Fei Hui" in Du Fu's "Climbing High". From this, it can be seen that the Zhongzhu acupoint is like a small island between the three jiao meridians and the water, which plays a key role in regulating the water flow of the meridians. Therefore, the ancients referred to the acupoint as the Zhongzhu acupoint. The positioning of Zhongzhu acupoint is certainly a key aspect of understanding acupoints. According to the textbook acupuncture and moxibustion and Moxibustion, "Zhongzhu is located between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones on the back of the hand, and the hollow behind the metacarpophalangeal joint." So it is not difficult to find Zhongzhu, which is located on our hands.

As mentioned earlier, Zhongzhu acupoint is a free acupoint for dispelling dampness in the human body, which is related to the meridians to which the acupoints belong. Zhongzhu belongs to the Three Jiao Jing, which is the channel through which our body operates energy and water. And Zhongzhu acupoint, like Xiaozhou in the water, has a good effect in regulating the water flow of the Sanjiao meridian. So stimulating the Zhongzhu acupoint can effectively unblock the Sanjiao meridian, regulate water and gas, and also have a good dehumidification effect.

Shoulder soreness and back pain, according to traditional Chinese medicine, are highly correlated with heavy dampness. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that excessive dampness and turbidity can lead to muscle soreness and pain in the body. So dispelling dampness has become a key part of treating shoulder and back pain. Stimulating the Zhongzhu acupoint can have a good dehumidifying effect, thereby effectively relieving shoulder soreness and back pain. The classic ancient Chinese medicine book "Tongxuan Zhiyao Fu" records: "The heart between the spine is the latter, and the needle is in the middle of the neck and the back is healed." The "Xi Hong Fu" also records: "Long suffering from typhoid fever shoulder and back pain, but the needle is in the middle of the neck and back is appropriate." It can be seen that the treatment of shoulder soreness and back pain at Zhongzhu acupoint has been recognized by many ancient medical experts in China, and the effect is good.

At the end of the article, I would like to briefly discuss how to use this acupoint with everyone. Acupuncture is certainly effective, but due to its requirement for certain professional knowledge, it is not recommended for everyone to use it casually. For everyone, mastering massage and massage techniques can already have a good therapeutic effect. The method is very simple. First, accurately locate the acupoint position, then use your thumb to press the acupoint on the abdomen for 1-2 minutes, and then knead the acupoint clockwise for 3-5 minutes, until the local area of the acupoint feels sour and swollen. It should be noted that the combination of Zhongzhu point and Dazhui point, Zusanli point, Waiguan point has a more significant effect on treating shoulder soreness and back pain.

The Qushi Yao acupoint Zhongzhu acupoint has been shared with everyone today, hoping that the article can bring some help to everyone. Friends who also enjoy articles can click to follow and share.

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