Is there any moisture in your body? Just look at a few symptoms. If you don't remove dampness in a timely manner, beware of chronic fatigue coming to your door!

A thousand colds are easy to remove, but a damp one is difficult to remove This statement is absolutely true. Dampness is a traditional Chinese medicine concept that refers to a pathological factor, including dampness in nature and dampness generated internally

A thousand colds are easy to remove, but a damp one is difficult to remove This statement is absolutely true. Dampness is a traditional Chinese medicine concept that refers to a pathological factor, including dampness in nature and dampness generated internally.

What are the hazards of dampness? How do we determine if we have moisture? How should I dispel dampness? Let's inviteChief Physician of Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese MedicineWei YunprofessorLet's explain it to everyone one by one!

Experts in this issue

Wei Yun

Oriental Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine



Moisture is the source of all diseases

Letting go of it will cause endless harm

Lectures on Traditional Chinese MedicineSix external sensationsIt refers to wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire. Dampness is a very important cause, and many diseases are related to dampness. In the early stages, there may only be some sub healthy symptoms, which are easy to treat. However, many people always ignore it and gradually transform from sub healthy to a disease state. At this time, it is difficult to dispel dampness.

Dampness in the head:Traditional Chinese MedicinePhlegm dampness obstructs and clears the orificesAt this point, symptoms such as dizziness and dizziness may occur.

Dampness in the spleen:Symptoms such as loose and thin stools, abdominal distension, limb swelling, and edema may occur.

Dampness in the lungs:Symptoms such as excessive phlegm, chronic bronchitis, and recurrent lung infections may occur.

Dampness in the Three Jiao:Symptoms such as dizziness, drowsiness, and loss of appetite may occur.

So it is urgent to dispel dampness and not wait for minor diseases or major illnesses.


Moisture free self test



three. Heavy limbs

four. Joint problems

5. Stool is sticky and unpleasant.

As long as there are more than three symptoms, it means there is dampness.


Chronic fatigue syndrome

In clinical treatment of sub health, there is a type of disease calledChronic fatigue syndromeAbout 70% is related to dampness, and the main symptom is particularly tiring.

Medical record:

There is a patient in his thirties and forties who feels very tired every day for two to three years. His poor personal condition has affected family harmony and caused great distress. Through communication and observation, experts found that his face was dark, his lips were dry and purple, his skin was oily, his hair was almost gone, and his appetite was not particularly good. He had to eat spicy food to have an appetite. At the same time, his stools were sticky and uncomfortable, and he couldn't fully defecate

Diagnosis:After comprehensive syndrome differentiation, the patient hasMelancholytic triple focus syndrome.

Treatment:The expert used it for himSan Ren Tang.


Removing dampness and replacing tea drinks

Material:White lentils, red beans, plantain





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