Don't scare yourself sick! If these "diseases" appear in the physical examination report, it is not advisable to treat them excessively

Go check your bodyDiscovered that the inspection report indicators are not within the normal rangeEven some "words" make people feel uneasyActually, some may not be sick, don't panic yet!Xu AiminBeijing Chaoyang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University(West courtyard)Deputy Chief Physician of the Health Examination CenterPrioritize01Carotid atherosclerotic plaque: no special treatment is needed if no carotid stenosis is formedThe physical examination report showed that "carotid atheromatous plaque", many people were very afraid, worried about whether it would endanger their health if they ignored it.Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, smoking, excessive drinking, and less exercise are all risk factors for carotid plaque formation

Go check your body

Discovered that the inspection report indicators are not within the normal range

Even some "words" make people feel uneasy

Actually, some may not be sick, don't panic yet!

Xu Aimin

Beijing Chaoyang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University

(West courtyard)

Deputy Chief Physician of the Health Examination Center



Carotid atherosclerotic plaque: no special treatment is needed if no carotid stenosis is formed

The physical examination report showed that "carotid atheromatous plaque", many people were very afraid, worried about whether it would endanger their health if they ignored it.

Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, smoking, excessive drinking, and less exercise are all risk factors for carotid plaque formation. In addition, with age, even without the aforementioned risk factors, carotid artery plaques may still occur.

At this point, it is particularly important to have a healthy diet that is low in oil and salt, as well as appropriate physical exercise. Of course, it is also very important to provide lipid-lowering treatment and control various risk factors for patients with hyperlipidemia.


02 Prostate calcification: No negative effects on the body

Many people feel panic and don't know how to treat prostate calcification when they see it on the medical report during a physical examination.In fact, "prostate calcification" is a scar left over from a possible previous prostatitis after recoveryThere is no negative impact on the body, so there is no need to worry excessively or seek treatment.


03 Occasional premature beats and sinus arrhythmia: no need for excessive tension

During the cardiac examination, if the following issues are found, do not be overly nervous and try not to over treat them.

(1)Occasional premature cardiac contractions

As age increases, many people will experience premature heart beats. If the dynamic electrocardiogram assessment is sporadic and there are no clear symptoms, most people should pay attention to observation, and do not think about using drugs or other methods.

(2) Sinus arrhythmia

Many people receive physical examination reports showing "sinus arrhythmia", and their instinctive reaction is to suspect if their heart is experiencing problems, but it is not. Our normal heart rhythm is called sinus rhythm. The rhythm of sinus rhythm is relatively regular, but the number of heartbeats, also known as heart rate, varies at all times. Sinus arrhythmia "is a normal physiological phenomenon that may be related to the emotions you experience when taking an electrocardiogram, such as anger, tension, excitement, and even taking certain medications, which can affect the outcome of your heart rhythm. It can generally be relieved after a calm rest. Children and adolescents often experience sinus arrhythmia during development and do not require special treatment. As they age, they often return to normal.


04 Blood routine slightly exceeding or decreasing without symptoms: more common

It is common for blood routine tests to have a critical valueBecause there are many factors that affect the results of blood testing, such as the use time of pulse compression bands, the location of blood collection, storage methods, and testing time, gender, age, race, altitude of residence, and even seasonal changes can interfere with the parameters.

At the same time, abnormal biochemical indicators such as elevated fasting blood sugar, hyperlipidemia, and hyperuricemia can also have a certain impact on blood routine testing. Therefore, this is why when the indicators are only slightly higher or lower, and there are no symptoms, doctors will think that there is no problem.

However, if you do have some uncomfortable symptoms, even if the difference between the test results and the normal reference value is relatively small, it may still be an early indication of the disease.


05 Occasional increase in transaminase indicators: Don't worry

Transaminase is a very sensitive indicator. Taking certain drugs, drinking alcohol, staying up late, or exercising vigorously can cause an increase in transaminase. After stopping medication or resting, transaminase can return to normal.

But if transaminasesContinuously increasingIt is necessary to suspect that it is a liver and gallbladder disease and further examination is needed.


06 These three types of urinary routine indicators are abnormal: don't worry


If urine is concentrated and the urine color is deep yellow, a positive result for urobilinogen will appear. For example, when drinking very little water, the color of the first urination in the morning will be darker. If bilirubin is also positive at the same time, it is necessary to check the bilirubin level in the blood to rule out liver, gallbladder, and pancreatic diseases.

(2) High/low urine specific gravity: Insufficient or excessive water intake may be abnormal

The specific gravity of urine reflects the concentration of urine. When sweating a lot and drinking insufficient water, it may occur that the urine specific gravity is greater than the normal value, which is false positive; On the contrary, after drinking a large amount of water, the urine may be diluted, and the diaper may be below normal, resulting in false negatives.

(3) Urinary ketone body positive: Hunger may cause abnormalities

Ketone body is the product of fat catabolism. It should be negative in the urine normally, but positive in the urine of patients with diabetes ketoacidosis. However, if there is no urine sugar positive, the body is thin, there is no food before the physical examination, and hunger may also lead to urine ketone body positive.


07 Calcified nodules in the lungs: generally not requiring treatment

In CT reports, nodular calcifications, calcified nodules, and old proliferative lesions in the lungs are all scars left after disease recovery, mostly caused by previous pulmonary tuberculosis or pulmonary infections,It does not affect lung function or cause cancer, and generally does not require any treatment.



Physiological breast hyperplasia: Generally, it can self resolve with the patient's self-regulation

During physical examinations, many women experience the problem of "breast hyperplasia". Clinically, breast hyperplasia is mostly physiological. Physiological breast hyperplasia is mainly related to endocrine disorders and negative emotions, and the breasts may experience periodic breast swelling and pain during the menstrual cycleNo treatment required.


Develop breast self-examination and pay attention to the following two symptoms:




09 This type of cyst: basically does not require special treatment


.As long as the cyst does not exceed 5 centimeters and does not cause physical discomfort or clinical symptoms..

Cervical cysts are mostly benign.


10 Non inflammatory bone spurs: You don't need to pay attention to them





Thyroid nodules detected by ultrasound (mostly): benign


Most thyroid nodules are benign.Solid, microcalcifications, extremely low echogenicity, blurry edges, which require attention.

These "diseases" should not be overtreated

Occasional premature cardiac contractions

Physiological breast hyperplasia: Generally, it can self resolve with the patient's self-regulation


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