Miraculous Liquid Gate Point, an emergency pain relief point for toothache. Traditional Chinese medicine says it can alleviate gum pain and is worth understanding

As the saying goes, toothache is not a disease, but rather a life-threatening experience. Toothache, as a common symptom of oral diseases, often brings some troubles to people unintentionally

As the saying goes, toothache is not a disease, but rather a life-threatening experience. Toothache, as a common symptom of oral diseases, often brings some troubles to people unintentionally. So how to urgently alleviate toothache has become a topic of concern for people. The acupoint I am sharing with you today is related to relieving toothache. It is an emergency pain relieving acupoint for toothache. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it has the effect of relieving gum pain and is worth understanding. It is the magical liquid gate hole. Next, I will take a few minutes for everyone to explore this acupoint together.

The Yemen acupoint belongs to the Three Jiao Meridian of the Hand Shaoyang, which is the Xing acupoint and the Five Elements belong to water. Yimen acupoint is a quite historical acupoint, which was first recorded in the classic Chinese medicine classic "Lingshu Benshu" of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, and is also known as Ximen acupoint. The location of this acupoint is relatively easy to find, as it is located above the fingers of our human body. The ancient book Lingshu Benshu of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic records that: "The triple energizer, who joined hands with Shaoyang, came out of Guanchong... slipped between the liquid gate, the liquid gate, and the little finger, which is Xing." The Chinese medicine textbook acupuncture and moxibustion records that "the liquid gate point is on the back of the hand, between the fourth and fifth fingers, and behind the edge of the finger web." In fact, there is a very simple way to find this point. The liquid gate acupoint can be reached in front of the metacarpophalangeal joint between the 4th and 5th finger gaps on the back of your hand.

As mentioned earlier, Yimen acupoint is an emergency pain relief point for toothache, which is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to alleviate gum pain. In fact, the statement that the liquid gate acupoint can treat toothache has been unanimously recognized by many ancient Chinese doctors. It is recorded in the ancient book acupuncture and moxibustion Classics A and B that "if the lower tooth decays, the upper tooth will ache, and the liquid gate will lead to it." It is also recorded in the Dacheng of acupuncture and moxibustion that "the liquid gate will lead to headache, sudden deafness, and gingival pain." It is also recorded in the Medical School Jinjian that "the liquid gate will lead to gingival pain." It can be seen from this that as a toothache relieving point, the liquid gate point was widely used in clinical practice in ancient China, and its effect was good.

Why can Yimen acupoint alleviate toothache? This is related to the position of acupoints and meridians. As mentioned earlier, the Yimen acupoint is the Xing acupoint of the Sanjiao meridian. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the Xing acupoint is the main body heat source, which has good heat clearing effects. Let's take a look at the route of the Three Jiao Meridian, which has many parts that follow our head and face. So stimulating the Yimen acupoint (the Xing acupoint of the Sanjiao meridian) not only unblocks the meridians of the Sanjiao meridian, but also has the effect of clearing and reducing the heat of the Sanjiao meridian, including the heat on the head and face. When we talk about toothache, it is generally more common to have a hot tooth. So clearing the heat on the head and face becomes a relief for treating hot toothache. Yemen acupoint is such a acupoint that can clear heat, so it is also a commonly used acupoint for treating toothache.

At the end of the article, I would like to share with you the effective methods of using this acupoint. The use of Guanchong acupoint for treating toothache mainly relies on its fire reducing effect, so the main choice for treating toothache is diarrhea. So first of all, it should be emphasized that moxibustion is not suitable for the treatment of toothache at the acupoint of Ye Men. Acupuncture is an effective method for treating toothache, but it is not recommended for non professionals as it requires certain professional knowledge. Pinching is the simplest, convenient, safe, and practical method for emergency treatment of toothache at this point. Firstly, it is necessary to determine the position of the acupoints, and then use the thumb and nail to pinch and press the liquid gate acupoint for about 3-5 minutes, which can alleviate toothache.

That's all for Yemen acupoint today, hoping that the article can bring some help to everyone. Friends who also enjoy articles can click to follow and share.

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