The drier the weather, the more you need to drink three types of tea! Your skin has been lubricated and your bowel movements are smooth, so you are no longer afraid of autumn tigers

In autumn, the weather is dry, and many people may experience uncomfortable symptoms such as dry eyes and nose, dry lips and thirst, sore throat, itching throat, dry cough and less phlegm.From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, this is caused by excessive dryness, lung injury, and fluid depletion

In autumn, the weather is dry, and many people may experience uncomfortable symptoms such as dry eyes and nose, dry lips and thirst, sore throat, itching throat, dry cough and less phlegm.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, this is caused by excessive dryness, lung injury, and fluid depletion.

Due to the fact that the outer part of the lungs is responsible for fur, the inner part for breathing, and the lower part of the large intestine, dryness can also lead to dry skin, persistent or difficult to cough up phlegm, blood in phlegm, intestinal dryness, constipation, and reduced urination, among other so-called "autumn dryness syndrome".

So, at this point, everyone's diet should be clear and moist, focusing on nourishing yin, moistening dryness, promoting fluid production, and quenching thirst. For example, the following three types of tea drinks are suitable for drinking now.

Five Juice Drinks

Five Juice Drinks1005020105015Five Juice Drinks11

Five Juice Drinks

Five Juice Drinks

Five Juice Drinks

Lily and goji berry moisturizing and drying tea

Lily and goji berry moisturizing and drying tea15556005313

Lily and goji berries are sweet and nourishing in nature, both of which have the same medicinal and food sources, nourishing yin and nourishing dryness.

But for people with a deficiency cold constitution, lily cold exacerbates yin cold, and goji berries are difficult to digest due to their greasy taste, making it even more deficient. At this point, Huangqi is in use.

Astragalus membranaceus has a warm nature, which perfectly balances the cold nature of lilies; It can also enter the lung and kidney meridians, which has the effect of nourishing qi and consolidating the surface. For those who experience deficiency sweating, it can stop sweating and assist lilies in locking in water; Moreover, the medicinal power of Astragalus membranaceus has increased, specifically for treating sagging diseases such as chronic diarrhea and visceral sagging. It can help the body's water flow up and nourish the face.

Almond Pine Seed Tea

Almond Pine Seed Tea15153

South almond, also known as sweet almond, has a slightly sweet taste, a delicate taste, and a rich aroma. It is rich in protein, trace elements, vitamin E, and unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to the heart. It has the effects of moistening the lungs, relieving cough, and smoothing the intestines.

Songzi, as recorded in the "Suixi Ju Diet Manual", is "sweet and smooth, moistens dryness, replenishes qi and satisfies hunger, nourishes fluids and calms the wind, tolerates hunger and warms the stomach, unblocks intestines and dispels turbidity, and emits qi and fragrance, which is most beneficial to the elderly." It is known as the "immortal product in the fruit" and is the first choice for the elderly to nourish the lungs and moisten dryness.

The combination of the two can make a warm and nourishing lung tea, which can improve discomfort such as dry and itchy skin, dry intestines, constipation, coughing and phlegm, and haggard face. It is suitable for elderly people, beauty loving women, and the general public to consume in autumn and winter health care.

It should be noted that people with loose stools and diarrhea should not take this tea; People with high blood sugar should go for rock sugar.

According to Health Quan, WeChat official account

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