A 45-year-old middle-aged man who insisted on taking the "Six Flavors Dihuang Pills" has undergone any changes in his body since then - home workout programs for beginners

More than 900 years ago in the Song Dynasty, there was a doctor surnamed Qian who was in trouble with a fellow doctor when he was treating a child from another family. It turned out that the medicine prescribed by this doctor Qian was missingCinnamon and aconite, these two herbs, have turned the Eight Flavor Pills into Six Flavors

More than 900 years ago in the Song Dynasty, there was a doctor surnamed Qian who was in trouble with a fellow doctor when he was treating a child from another family. It turned out that the medicine prescribed by this doctor Qian was missingCinnamon and aconite, these two herbs, have turned the Eight Flavor Pills into Six Flavors.

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The doctor in the same profession wanted to make trouble for Doctor Qian by falling into the trap and directly saying to him, "I'm afraid you prescribed this medicine incorrectly. It's two different flavors from the Eight Flavors Pill in the Golden Chamber Synopsis. I think you must have forgotten, right?

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Mr. Qian laughed heartily and said, "I haven't forgotten,Ba Wei Wan is for adults to eat. If your child is sick and has sufficient Yang Qi, then there is no need to nourish the fire, so you have taken Yang medicine.

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From then on, the formula "Liu Wei Di Huang Wan", which has been passed down for thousands of years, was born in the world, specifically to treat some pediatric diseases.

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This doctor is Qian Yi.

Recently, the doctor received a visit from an uncle in his forties who said that his physical condition was not very good as he grew older,There are always symptoms of tinnitus, back pain, soreness in the waist and knees, and restlessness in the heart. The doctor asked him, "Can't you sleep well at night?

He nodded and said, "Doctor, you're out of your mind. I really can't sleep well.

The doctor asked again, "How about bowel movements?

He said, "Stool is okay, once a day, quite well formed.

Are you afraid of the cold? The doctor asked.

He shook his head and said, 'I'm not very afraid of the cold.'.

The doctor nodded and said, "Alright, go buy yourself a bottle of Liuwei Dihuang pills to eat.

He said, "Is Liu Wei Di Huang Wan ready? I checked with Western medicine for one or two thousand times before and said it's okay, but I'm just not good. I can make it with just a few tens of yuan?

The doctor said, "Come back in a week.

Seven days later, the patient came for a follow-up examination and said, "Doctor, thank you very much. After taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills, my symptoms have indeed improved a lot. I feel less irritable and my body has also recovered a bit.

The doctor nodded and said, "Then don't eat. Drink more water and eat less spicy food in your daily life.

He said, "Can't I keep eating? It's like a supplement.

The doctor shook his head and said, "Don't eat, otherwise you'll have diarrhea.

The patient hesitated and returned.

A month later, he called the doctor and said, "Doctor, I used to not believe in evil and have been taking Liu Wei Di Huang Wan. Now I have really taken it. I really have diarrhea.

The doctor sighed:Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is good, but it cannot be used as a supplement. Eating too much will definitely cause diarrhea.

During the process of taking traditional Chinese medicine, each type of Chinese medicine should not be consumed for too long. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes differentiation of symptoms and treatment, and the pathogenesis and condition of the disease are constantly changing. Some patients may initially have yin deficiency disease, but after a period of time, they will become damp heat syndrome. It is wrong to still take the previous medicine, which is why taking traditional Chinese medicine for seven days is a limit.

Especially for modern people, spleen and stomach weakness is a very common thing. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen and stomach are responsible for digestion and absorption, transforming and transporting food. If the spleen and stomach are weak and unable to digest and absorb Liuwei Dihuang Pills normally, it is easy to cause symptoms of diarrhea or diarrhea.

There are several herbs in Liuwei Dihuang Pills that are quite nourishing and nourishing. Long term consumption can bring huge pressure to the gastrointestinal tract, even causing spleen deficiency, leading to diarrhea

There are also medicinal properties. Liuwei Dihuang Wan is a warming tonic with warm and hot properties. Long term use may exacerbate the pathogenic factors of dampness and heat in the body, leading to spleen and stomach disorders, and ultimately leading to diarrhea or diarrhea.

How should Liu Wei Di Huang Wan be correctly applied?

Liuwei Dihuang Pill is a very safe traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations, which consists of monarch medicine:

Rehmannia glutinosa (with the effects of nourishing yin, tonifying kidney, and benefiting essence and blood),

Courtesy medicine:

Yam (which can nourish qi, strengthen spleen, tonify lungs and relieve cough) and Alisma orientalis (which have the effects of promoting diuresis, removing dampness, defecation, and reducing swelling).

Adjuvant and elixir: Peony skin (which can promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, clear heat and cool blood), Angelica sinensis (which can promote blood circulation, regulate menstruation, nourish blood and nourish appearance), and Cornus officinalis meat (which can tonify the liver and kidney, and astringent).

Cheng Fang San Bu San Xie not only supplements the body, but also relieves nourishment without causing huge pressure on the body. This is also one of the biggest characteristics of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan.

In Liuwei Dihuang Pills, there are many drugs that nourish yin, so the targeted effect of Liuwei Dihuang Pills is also very obvious. That is, patients with yin deficiency are very important in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. Yin deficiency represents the deficiency of "yin" and the relative surplus of "yang", which can be caused by excessive consumption of yin due to yang hyperactivity, excessive consumption of yin due to yang being flat, or congenital deficiency of yin.

Firstly, the population of kidney yin deficiency type.

Kidney yin deficiency often manifests as symptoms such as dry mouth, dry throat, dizziness, tinnitus, and low back soreness. At this time, consuming Liuwei Dihuang Wan can tonify kidney yin, regulate deficiency and excess, and improve the above symptoms.

Secondly, people who are tired or stay up late for a long time.

Long term fatigue, staying up late, and other conditions can easily lead to physical weakness and decreased immunity. At this time, consuming Liu Wei Di Huang Wan can increase physical strength, enhance immunity, and help restore physical health.

Thirdly, people with irregular menstruation and menopausal syndrome.

Some women may experience pain, insomnia, and emotional fluctuations during menstruation or menopause. Taking Liuwei Dihuang Wan can regulate qi and blood balance and alleviate discomfort symptoms.

Fourthly, the population with liver and kidney deficiency.

People with liver and kidney deficiency often exhibit symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, and soreness in the waist and knees. At this time, consuming Liuwei Dihuang Wan can nourish the kidney, benefit the liver, facilitate qi and bowel movements, and improve the above symptoms.

1. Do not overly rely.

Liuwei Dihuang Wan can nourish yin and tonify the kidney, but it is not omnipotent. It cannot be overly relied on to treat or alleviate symptoms, and should be combined with other treatment methods for comprehensive treatment.

2. It should be taken in moderation according to personal constitution and condition.

Different populations have different constitutions and conditions, and the dosage and frequency of medication should also vary. Excessive medication may lead to adverse reactions such as drug allergies.

3. Pregnant women, breast-feeding women, children and patients with some chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, should be used under the guidance of doctors. These populations need to pay special attention to the dosage and frequency of medication, as well as the timing and methods of medication.

And there are some people who are not suitable for eating Liuwei Dihuang Pills, which is not beneficial or even harmful.

Who cannot take Liuwei Dihuang Pills

People with yang deficiency constitution or yin yang imbalance should avoid using Liuwei Dihuang Pills if they experience symptoms of excessive fire, such as dry mouth, thirst, and yellow urine, to avoid further fueling the fire. At this time, they should be treated with Jinguishen Qi Pills or Yougui Pills to replenish kidney yang and achieve satisfactory therapeutic effects. Otherwise, the disease cannot be cured.

People with a dampness heat constitution often have symptoms such as bitter taste, thirst, and sticky stools. This group of people should not take Liuwei Dihuang Pills without the guidance of a doctor to avoid exacerbating the dampness heat symptoms, as there are many greasy drugs in Liuwei Dihuang Pills, which can hinder the function of the spleen and stomach after ingestion, and are not conducive to dehumidification and heat dissipation.

For people with symptoms such as prolonged illness, qi stagnation, chest tightness, and indigestion, Liuwei Dihuang Wan belongs to the category of nourishing yin and tonifying deficiency drugs, which may aggravate the condition of poor qi circulation.

Especially for people with severe cold and dampness, it is important to pay attention when using Liu Wei Di Huang Wan to avoid causing coldness and exacerbating body cold symptoms. It is best to use Ba Wei Wan to support Yang. Sometimes, the effect of using Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is not only poor, but it can even hinder the improvement of the condition.

People with liver and gallbladder dampness heat syndrome, such as jaundice, poor appetite, and rib distension and pain, should not use Liu Wei Di Huang Wan. Because the nature of nourishing yin and tonifying deficiency of Liuwei Dihuang Wan may conflict with dampness and heat.

There are many families of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, such as Ba Wei Wan, Zuo Gui Wan, You Gui Wan, Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan, and so on. Each drug has different treatment goals and ingredients, and they are all very close. Therefore, everyone should not use them indiscriminately, as there may be accidents.

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