Once the elderly at home experience three symptoms, time may be running out and children should spend more time with them

If you want to see more exciting content, remember to "follow" me! Thank you for your support!Mingming, do you think Grandma has been a bit strange lately? Has she said anything to you that she shouldn't say normallyNo, Mom,Grandma still cares about me as much as before, still nagging, I'm tired of listeningYou child, grandma, that's good for you. Since grandma was discharged from the hospital last time, she seems to be in a bad mood,Not only do you not understand your grandmother, how can you still find her annoying"I didn't, Mom

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Mingming, do you think Grandma has been a bit strange lately? Has she said anything to you that she shouldn't say normally
No, Mom,Grandma still cares about me as much as before, still nagging, I'm tired of listening
You child, grandma, that's good for you. Since grandma was discharged from the hospital last time, she seems to be in a bad mood,Not only do you not understand your grandmother, how can you still find her annoying

"I didn't, Mom. I just roast."
Mingming, can I tell you that Grandma is getting older and spending less time with us? You need to make Grandma happy and make her feel better, okay
Birth, aging, illness, and death are human nature, and everyone will eventually die.

And when everyone faces aging and disease invasion, they will show it in terms of mood or body,Elderly people, due to their age and lower physical fitness than young people, should pay special attention.

So, how can we judge the psychological and physical condition of the elderly and make correct judgments about their physical health?

Elderly people should pay attention to these situations!

Everyone can't escape life, aging, illness, and death,Enjoying old age is the ideal state that people want to achieve as they age and gradually lose their physical health.

As we age, we need to maintain healthy lifestyle habits in order to maintain our health and prolong our lifespan,At the same time, elderly people should also maintain a good mentality and not blindly pursue longevity.
Elderly people are prone to sudden physical problems and ultimately lose their lives without treatment.

So as people around the elderly, we should pay more attention to them and pay more attention to their physical condition when these symptoms appear.

1. Decreased ability to take care of oneself in daily life

As we age,The bones of the elderly will gradually age, and their cognitive abilities will also decrease, which will affect their physical activities,It can cause the elderly to move slowly.

There may even be situations where daily activities cannot be taken care of on their own, such as simple eating and dressing that require the help of others.

We should pay more attention to the physical condition of the elderly and take timely measures when there are problems with their self-care ability,Satisfy the basic living needs of the elderly.

At the same time, it is also important to pay attention to the psychological state of the elderly. After their ability to live decreases, they may experience psychological problems, find it difficult to meet their needs, and feel like a burden to their children.

At this time, as children, it is necessary to provide more companionship to the elderly, so that their respect and various needs can be met.

2. Various physical conditions occur

Elderly people who are about to die will experience various physical and psychological problems.For example, some elderly people may become particularly alert before passing away.

He can foresee that he is about to die, and at this time he will explain his future affairs to his descendants, bid farewell to them, and wait for the end of his life with peace of mind until he dies.

Some elderly people may become unconscious and speak nonsense before passing away,He couldn't tell whether he was in the real world or had already arrived in another world.

Due to physical exhaustion, the elderly's language function may decrease and their minds may not be clear enough to logically express what they want to say,So when the elderly encounter situations of explaining things behind them or talking nonsense, they should pay attention.
Elderly people who are about to die may experience breathing difficulties. Normal people's breathing is regular, and the pulse is strong.

People who are about to die will breathe more and more slowly,This is all because the signs of life are gradually weakening and life is passing. At this time, children should pay more attention and accompany the elderly more.

3. Reflection
Although the phenomenon of returning light may seem superstitious, it is also a true occurrence.

This phenomenon is mainly due to the fact that a person should have been in a state of physical weakness and unclear willpower before their death,But suddenly becoming energetic, conscious, able to eat, and able to communicate clearly with children often makes people feel that the elderly's illness has improved,But the next day, the elderly person's condition may suddenly turn negative, and the previous improvement may not last long. This is the phenomenon of a rebound.

When elderly people experience such phenomena, family members should be mentally prepared and accompany them more.

What are common geriatric diseases?

As the elderly enter their later years, paying attention to health has become very important,The elderly population is prone to various chronic diseases, which have varying degrees of impact on their physical health,Next, let's learn about these diseases and pay more attention to the physical health of the elderly.
1. Hypertension
Hypertension is a persistent condition of elevated blood pressure that can lead to heart disease and stroke,Controlling blood pressure, balanced diet, and moderate exercise are key to preventing and managing hypertension.

Hypertension is closely related to genetic, mental, environmental factors, lifestyle habits, age, and other factors,
Hypertension has no obvious symptoms in the early stages, so it is easily overlooked.

Once symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and palpitations occur, it is important to pay attention to whether you have high blood pressure,When high blood pressure is severe, it may cause confusion, seizures, and even more severe cases may cause cerebral infarction.
So although hypertension is a common disease, we also need to pay attention to it,Once there are signs of hypertension, it is necessary to go to the hospital for treatment and comprehensive treatment to intervene and improve the condition of hypertension.

2. diabetes

Diabetes is caused by the body's inability to use and produce enough insulin, which may lead to elevated blood sugar levels,Therefore, diabetes should regularly measure blood sugar, control diet and take medication.

Once the elderly get diabetes, the probability of hypoglycemia will also increase, and it is easy to have unconscious hypoglycemia, serious hypoglycemia, etc., which will eventually lead to adverse consequences.

And elderly people are already in poor physical condition and physical fitness,After getting diabetes, most of them coexist with other diseases, and there will be other complications.

And the elderly have a higher mortality rate from diabetes,Therefore, elderly people must control sugar reasonably and not have serious consequences due to temporary mouth movements.

When there are physical problems, one should not avoid illness and avoid medical treatment,Timely examination is necessary to understand one's physical condition, follow the doctor's advice, and receive timely treatment.

3. Coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease is a type of angina or myocardial infarction, mainly caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart caused by narrowing of the coronary artery.

These patients need to improve their lifestyle, control cholesterol and blood pressure, and regularly undergo heart health tests to prevent coronary heart disease.

The elderly need us to accompany them attentively in their later years!

As the elderly age, they are more likely to feel lonely. They are increasingly dependent on their children and need their companionship.

For parents and elderly people, the best filial piety is not delivering things to home every day, nor chatting through mobile phone videos,It's about the solid companionship of children by their side, which cannot be replaced by any material means.

But the cost of companionship is also very high,Most young people have their own work and life, and their work cannot keep them company with their parents at all times.

Parents often report good news instead of bad news in order to make their children feel at ease. They can only keep their thoughts deep in their hearts, but in fact, they have a great desire for face-to-face communication with their children.

So as children, how can we accompany the elderly and bring them a sense of joy in life?

1. Pay attention to the health of the elderly

The health status of the elderly requires constant attention from their children,So we can help the elderly at home develop healthy eating plans and exercise schedules, and regularly undergo health checks and treatment.

We need to take the elderly to the hospital for regular physical examinations and keep an eye on their health.

In addition, it is necessary to pay more attention to the psychological problems of the elderly,When the elderly feel lonely, lost, and anxious, we should communicate with them more.

Understand their inner world, alleviate the psychological problems of the elderly, help them relieve stress, adjust their mindset, and improve the quality of life for the elderly.

2. Expand the life circle of the elderly
When children are busy with work and cannot always accompany the elderly,Elderly people can participate in community organized activities with their elderly friends to spend their old age.

The social circle of elderly people is often narrow, and we can collaborate with the community to regularly carry out elderly communication activities and carry out more projects suitable for the elderly.

Elderly people with similar interests can increase communication and become friends, increasing opportunities for social activities.

But at the same time, attention should also be paid to safety measures to ensure the safety of the elderly and ensure that all activities are carried out in a safe and secure environment.

We must start from the needs of the elderly, enrich their elderly lives, fill their psychological world, and create a warm, comfortable, and safe elderly living environment for them.
When people reach old age, their bodies are prone to various problems, such as a decrease in their ability to take care of themselves, obvious physical conditions, and a resurgence of light,Future generations must pay more attention to the physical health of the elderly.

As children of the elderly, we need to have knowledge of how to take care of them and understand the diseases that people are prone to as they age,Common diseases of the elderly, such as hypertension and diabetes, should be paid more attention in life, and diet adjustment can improve and avoid them.

As children, we need to change the old habit of elderly people avoiding diseases and medical treatment, and unwilling to spend money on medical treatment,Provide regular physical examinations for the elderly, promptly detect and receive treatment for any physical problems.
Elderly people are prone to feeling lonely in their hearts. We should provide more companionship to the elderly and bring warmth and joy to their hearts.

Having more heart-to-heart conversations and exchanges with the elderly can bring happiness to their hearts, which will improve their psychological state and physical fitness.
Do you now know what signs the old man had before he passed away? How do you accompany an elderly person as a child? Any other questions can be found in the comments section

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