Welcome to Henan Institute of Education

Domain: www.haie.edu.cn

Site Name: Welcome to Henan Institute of Education

Site Description: Henan University of Education is the only provincial-level adult undergraduate normal university in the province that mainly trains primary and secondary school teachers and educational administrative cadres. Its predecessor was Henan Provincial Education Administrative Cadre School established in 1955, and it was officially established as Henan University of Education in 1978. The college is located in Zhengzhou, one of the "Eight Ancient Capitals of China", with a superior geographical location, convenient transportation information, and an elegant environmental atmosphere. It is an ideal place for young students to study and study. For a long time, the college has adhered to the principles of basic education, serving the grassroots, following the path of connotative development and distinctive education, gradually forming a school structure that emphasizes both academic and non academic education, combines general and adult education, and integrates pre service and post service education.

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Category: Education and training >> Education/Research

Index date: 2009-11-20 09:54:00

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